

  • Evora

    Séminaire - Moyen Âge

    Local powers toward central authorities: Decision-making process in medieval urban societies

    2nd Lectures on social contract

     The scientific summit is dedicated to bringing together different specialists who analyse the discursivities of decision-making developed in medieval towns and other local instances of political governance. The goal of this seminar is centred in exploring the dynamics between the local and the central spheres of power, following an understanding on how those dynamics build their communication strategies from communal institutions side to interact with —or, even though, resist to— their so-called sovereign authorities. These communication channels often operated networks of semantic change between the local spheres, where political decisions were performed, and the higher spheres with jurisdictional power over them.

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  • Cergy | Aix-en-Provence | Amiens

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Circulations politiques, culturelles et intellectuelles Sud-Nord dans la période post-Bandung : vers une histoire connectée du Commonwealth

    Ce séminaire se consacre à l’étude des circulations des Suds vers les Nords dans l’optique de déconstruire « l’Empire britannique » comme catégorie homogène de pensée pour écrire et penser les histoires intellectuelles, artistiques et politiques des personnes qui circulent au sein de cet espace politique que l’on appelle le Commonwealth des Nations dans la période post-Bandung. Dans la lignée de travaux antérieurs portant les réseaux, échanges et transferts entre artistes, intellectuel·les et activistes politiques issu·es des Suds globaux au sein de cet espace, nous cherchons à interroger la nature contre-hégémonique des savoirs, théories et pratiques artistiques produits depuis Bandung. Nous souhaitons donc, à travers ce séminaire, analyser les circulations et transferts d’idées politiques et culturelles, mais aussi les trajectoires intellectuelles d’individu·es, de collectifs et d’institutions.

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  • Lisbonne

    Séminaire - Europe

    The Colonization of Portugal

    Todos os anos, investigadores do Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHAC, NOVA FCSH) e da Universidade de Drexel reúnem-se para pensar em conjunto novas formas de escrever a história de Portugal. O workshop de 2023, com o título “The colonization of Portugal”, tem como objetivo olhar para as dinâmicas coloniais na construção do Portugal metropolitano.

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  • Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Urban MetaMapping Seminar Series, 2023/24

    The UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium warmly invites you the third edition of our online, midday academic talks on issues connected to our research interests on mapping man-made and natural catastrophes, heritage, urban planning, and digital tools used for researching these.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Digital Humanities meet Artificial Intelligence Seminar Series

    DHAI Seminar Summary : Fostered by the creation of new algorithms, computation power and the development of deep learning techniques, Artificial Intelligence needs constantly to confront new issues and data sets in order to deepen its methodologies and increase its range of scientific applications. Digital humanities, developing digital science methodologies in the study of humanities and using the critical approaches of humanities in the analysis of the contemporary “digital revolutions,” are constantly in search of new tools to explore more and more complex and diversified data sets. The ambition of this seminar is to be one of the places where this coupling is shaped, fostered and analyzed. It intends to offer a forum where both communities, understood in a very inclusive way, exchange around emerging issues, ongoing projects, and past experiences in order to build a common language, a shared space, and to encourage innovative cooperation on the long run.

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  • Bruxelles

    Séminaire - Histoire

    International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association (ISHWRA) Seminar Series 2022-2023

    The principal output of International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association (ISHWRA) is a monthly research seminar and a biennial workshop. All seminars are hosted virtually to allow for global participation, but some take place in a hybrid form through an in-person and online format. These particular events are hosted by the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University (UK). The rationale behind the seminar series is that it allows for the tracking of major international research themes, which include the history of female religious in relation to matters of education, faith and spirituality, gender, politics, race, and social care. The seminar series invites contributions from scholars from a broad array of disciplinary backgrounds.

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  • Oxford

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Channels of Digital Scholarship Seminar

    New tools and old questions in the analysis of textual corpora

    The aim of this first Channels of Digital Scholarship seminar series is to reflect upon new avenues for the analysis and use of textual corpora. Textual corpora and their uses represent several challenges in the development and validation of digital tools for analysis, the dialogue between disciplines, and the institutional structures that support the wide range of projects that are being developed. In this series of four seminars, the Maison Française d'Oxford and Digital Scholarship @ Oxford, with the help of leaders of digital humanities initiatives in the CIVIS network, propose to explore these challenges from Franco-British and international perspectives.

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  • Séminaire - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Styles and Method in the Early-Modern and the Modern Period

    This seminar explores the hypothesis that a distinctive link between style and ways of thinking was formed between the early modern and the modern periods – one that not only played a specific role in the emergence of philology as a model for knowledge but also in discussions of scientific method.

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  • Durham

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Réseau de recherche sur l’histoire des femmes religieuses

    Le nouveau réseau International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association (ISHWRA) organise un séminaire mensuel en 2022, afin d’offrir une plateforme pour les recherches et activités sur l’histoire des femmes religieuses avec une portée explicitement globale et transpériode.

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  • Séminaire - Époque contemporaine

    Lire et traduire

    « Le deuxième sexe » à l'échelle globale

    The International Simone de Beauvoir Society provides a forum for researchers interested in the works of Simone de Beauvoir.

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  • Bruxelles

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Archaeology of migration

    Moving beyond historical paradigms

    This seminar series examines different types of ancient and modern migration through a materiallens. It aims to explore a variety of theoretical paradigms, perspectives, and methodologiesfor visualizing the movement and settling of migrants. To that end, scholars were invited topresent archaeological or ethnographic case studies on a broad geographical, chronological, and thematic range of topics related to migration and mobility.

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  • Budapest

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Epidemics and Nation-Building in Interwar East Central Europe

    The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic prompted a quest for historical parallels that help us contextualize this traumatic event. The voices of historians, sociologists, and philosophers of science are vital in this debate. The event, consisting of an expert panel and a seminar, focuses on the experience of interwar East Central Europe to explore these historical parallels.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Les musulmans : une histoire de l’Europe, XVIe-XXIe siècle

    Le séminaire d’histoire de l’Europe du Centre d’histoire de sciences po (CHSP) est pour la deuxième année consécutive dédié à l’étude des musulmans dans les sociétés européennes aux époques moderne et contemporaine. Il s’organise autour du projet ESLAM (European Societies in the Light of Apolitical Muslims) et s’adresse aux chercheurs confirmés, aux jeunes chercheurs et aux étudiants en master en histoire et en sciences sociales.

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  • Esch-sur-Alzette

    Séminaire - Histoire

    “Finlux” seminar on the History of the Luxembourg Financial Centre

    Winter Semester 2019-2020

    The monthly FinLux seminar is a place for scholars to discuss ongoing research projects in banking and financial history in a broad sense. The unifying theme of the seminars is a joint reflection on which topics, actors, sources, and methods can be used to write the history of the Luxembourg financial centre.

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  • Séminaire - Asie

    21st edition of the International Association Youth Indian Studies (AJEI) Workshop

    The AJEI (Association Youth South Asia Studies) is pleased to open the call for the organization of the 21st edition of the International AJEI Workshop. The Workshop has to be held in South Asia, with a local institution (university or research center) and must be organized by a team of PhD students and/or Post doctoral candidates. The workshop will take place during the spring 2019.

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  • Esch-sur-Alzette

    Séminaire - Histoire

    “Finlux”. Seminar of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH)

    Schedule for autumn term of 2018

    “FinLux” is a series of seminars held on a monthly basis and focusing on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre. The fundamental theme of the seminars is a reflection on which topics, actors, sources, and methods can be used to write the history of the Luxembourg financial centre. From its inception, the C²DH has decided to make the history of the Luxembourg financial centre one of its main research priorities. 'Finlux' is a place for researchers to discuss ongoing research projects in banking and financial history in a broad sense.

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  • Oxford

    Séminaire - Représentations

    Towards a Social History of Photoliterature and the Photobook

    (Séminaire, Maison Française d'Oxford, 2017-2018)

    This international seminar brings together researchers working on photography and the book with interdisciplinary approaches, connecting the aesthetic and material dimensions of the photobook with social, economic and political perspectives.

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  • Oxford

    Séminaire - Représentations

    Towards a social history of photoliterature and the photobook

    This international seminar brings together researchers working on photography and the book with interdisciplinary approaches, connecting the aesthetic and material dimensions of the photobook with social, economic and political perspectives.

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  • Osijek

    Séminaire - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Digitization of Heritage Librarian Funds: Our Necessity and Obligation

    Digitalizacija baštinskih knjižničarskih fondova: naša nužnost i obveza

    A collaboration with the Institute for the Culture of Vojvodina Croats and the Saint Michael’s Franciscan Monastery in Subotica during the months of July and August of 2015 has resulted in a practicum for the senior students of the University Interdisciplinary Graduate Study Program in Librarianship. The students have opened a gateway to one of the richest heritage librarian funds, and the four weeks of their life with the books and socialization in a multicultural and multiethnic city, which is twinned with their hometown of Osijek, have produced valuable experiences, as well as a successfully initiated and professional processing of library materials. Established are the possibilities for an acquaintance with the valuable (monumental) library collections and the acquisition of a hands-on librarian habituation subsequent to a theoretical universitarian instruction, whereby a pathway has been paved for the next generations to become a part of this unique cultural initiative. By virtue of the prospective assets allocated by this international project, it could be possible to devise a follow-up to this endeavor. Thus, in addition to an academic knowledge, the students would repeatedly have an opportunity to be practically involved in the conservation, processing, and valorization of the heritage librarian funds.

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  • Berlin

    Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Refugees in the City

    The Urban Studies Seminar is a joint activity of the Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) and 'Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe' (EUME), a research program at the Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin. It is part of the EUME research field, «Cities Compared». The seminar aims at presenting and discussing ongoing research of scholars working on cities in regions with Muslim societies with an emphasis on Urban Studies in a comparative perspective.

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