

  • Séminaire - Études urbaines

    Urban MetaMapping Seminar Series, 2023/24

    The UrbanMetaMapping Research Consortium warmly invites you the third edition of our online, midday academic talks on issues connected to our research interests on mapping man-made and natural catastrophes, heritage, urban planning, and digital tools used for researching these.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Asie

    Current Research on East Asia (2023-2024)

    As part of the Université Paris Cité’s commitment to global engagement, creativity and critical knowledge and research, the Paris Graduate School of East Asian Studies is organizing a series of lectures by international scholars for the 2023-2024 academic year. The series highlights the wide-ranging intellectual interests and innovations of prominent scholars in the humanities and social sciences, with a focus on the East Asia and flows of ideas, people, institutions, and texts across linguistic and national borders.

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  • Cergy | Aix-en-Provence | Amiens

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Circulations politiques, culturelles et intellectuelles Sud-Nord dans la période post-Bandung : vers une histoire connectée du Commonwealth

    Ce séminaire se consacre à l’étude des circulations des Suds vers les Nords dans l’optique de déconstruire « l’Empire britannique » comme catégorie homogène de pensée pour écrire et penser les histoires intellectuelles, artistiques et politiques des personnes qui circulent au sein de cet espace politique que l’on appelle le Commonwealth des Nations dans la période post-Bandung. Dans la lignée de travaux antérieurs portant les réseaux, échanges et transferts entre artistes, intellectuel·les et activistes politiques issu·es des Suds globaux au sein de cet espace, nous cherchons à interroger la nature contre-hégémonique des savoirs, théories et pratiques artistiques produits depuis Bandung. Nous souhaitons donc, à travers ce séminaire, analyser les circulations et transferts d’idées politiques et culturelles, mais aussi les trajectoires intellectuelles d’individu·es, de collectifs et d’institutions.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    (Digital) Retrospectives on Historiography from Africa: Decolonization, the African press, and the uses of knowledge (open)

    This special issue of Práticas da História, a co-edition of IHC and CHAM (NOVA FCSH), reflects on contemporary epistemological possibilities and constraints in the writing of history. Therefore, it welcomes both contributions that dwell on African journals (scholarly, literary, artistic and ephemeral periodicals) from the 1950s to 1980s, and on the histories behind said periodicals. We look forward to contributions that explore different and contested visions of decolonization and future-making for the African continent and its diaspora.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Personnes trans, queer et « troisième genre » en pays musulmans

    Revue « Anthropology of the Middle East » n° 20.1, 2025

    Aujourd’hui, malgré certains interdits, de plus en plus de personnes trans et queer affichent leur identité de genre dans les sociétés musulmanes. Historiquement, au-delà de l’importance de la binarité des genres et de leur séparation spatiale dans les pays musulmans, il existe contre toute attente dans cette région du monde de nombreuses figures de « troisième genre », selon le terme employé par l’anthropologue Gilbert Herdt. Par « troisième genre » dans le monde musulman, on pense en général à l’eunuque des harems ottomans, mais bien d’autres figures existent en contexte islamique, variables selon les pays (Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc, Mauritanie, Égypte, Liban, Émirats Arabes Unis, Oman, Turquie, Iran, Asie Centrale, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonésie, Albanie…) et les époques. Le vocabulaire et les réalités étant plurielles selon les pays et les périodes, les spécificités de ces figures et les noms qui les désignent seront analysés ainsi que les manières propres à ces groupes ou à ces individus de s’autodésigner. Ce numéro examinera ces figures de façon collective en tant que groupe (hijra, trans, queer…), en précisant leur rôle et leur statut social, mais il s’attachera également à ces figures en tant qu’individus.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Scandals and Politicization of (Anti)Corruption.

    From Loyal Subjects to Mass Politics (14th - 20th Centuries)

    This international workshop aims to consider the politicizing potential of scandals. Here, politicization is understood broadly as all the notions and ideas that make people have political awareness and help them define the sphere of the political. They foster public outrage, but proposalsand solutions can be alternative and even antagonistic. Considering scandals throughout different national and chronological frames, from the admonitionsfound in the mirrors for princes (specula principum) to mass demonstrations in the interwar years, by way of the causes célèbres of the Ancien Régime, the aim is to encourage historiographical debate on the capacity of political scandals to mobilize all social classes, revise social values and influence individuals’ ideologies.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Histoires de photographies à partir des luttes d’indépendances : pratiques, circulations et esthétiques

    Constat connu : l’histoire de la photographie comme discipline s'est majoritairement construite comme étant celle de la photographie « occidentale », plus précisément celle de l’Europe et des États-Unis. Entre l’introduction de photographes que l’on a pu qualifier d’« extra-occidentaux » sur le marché de l’art contemporain depuis les années 1990 et les nombreux travaux sur les histoires du médium pendant les périodes coloniales, il persiste un manque sur les histoires de la photographie à partir des luttes de libération et des indépendances dans une perspective globale et transnationale, toutes zones géographiques confondues. L’objectif de ce colloque est de valoriser des histoires de la photographie engendrées pendant les processus de décolonisations tout en repensant les approches méthodologiques et esthétiques du médium encore trop occidentalo-centrées. 

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  • Evora

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    International Conference "Europe and the changing Mediterranean: policies and research agendas for culture, heritage, and sustainability"

    This scientific meeting aims to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue focused on Mediterranean heritage(ies), Euro-Mediterranean agendas and policies for their safeguarding and enhancement, as a way of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

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  • Louvain

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Drivers of Change, Labour migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey and social transformation in Western Europe, 1960-1990

    Labour migrants were a transformative power in Western Europe, provoking intended and unintended, large and small societal changes. It nevertheless remains challenging to fully integrate migrants’ pivotal roles into our fundamental comprehension of social, cultural, and political change in Western Europe. This workshop aims to merge subfields at the intersection of migration history to integrate the history of post-war labour migration into a larger narrative.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Remembering Communism in South and Central-Eastern Europe

    Politics and Cultures of Memory After 1989

    Examining both the countries of the former Soviet bloc ‒ Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, the former Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic ‒ and the area of the former Yugoslavia and Albania, where communist regimes but not aligned with the USSR were established, the monographic issue of Qualestoria aims to investigate how, in the course of the now thirty-five years that have passed since 1989, the cultures of memory and the official memory policies promoted by the institutions have changed, questioning also the public use of the history of communism. The issue invites potential contributors to submit essay proposals that develop both analyses of individual country cases and comparative approaches.

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  • Genève

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La longue vie des imprimés éphémères

    Du 8 au 9 mai 2025 se tiendra à Genève le deuxième congrès international « La longue vie des imprimés éphémères ». Genève, ville importante pour l’histoire de l’imprimerie européenne, est également le lieu de conservation de plusieurs collections de feuillets francophones et anglophones, de pliegos de cordel espagnols et d’imprimés brésiliens. Ce congrès se propose de faire connaître la richesse de ces fonds, de faire le point sur la recherche actuellement menée en Europe occidentale et d’aborder cette production sous un angle transnational avec un spectre chronologique large.

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  • Castelo de Vide

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Urban societies in medieval Europe

    IX International Conference on the Middle Ages

    The study of medieval urban societies continues to be important and necessary to understand their composition, inequalities and complexity, as well as their role in the construction and experience of urban space. It also makes it possible to observe the different stages of life (childhood, youth, maturity and old age) of its inhabitants, their emotions and the relationships they established between themselves and with the outside world, and therefore the management and resolution of conflicts. These elements fuelled representations of urban society, both in discourses and practices and in material testimonies, which it is important to continue to understand and deepen. With a focus on Christian, Islamic and Jewish Europe, researchers from any scientific discipline (History, Archaeology, History of the Art, Literature, among others) are invited to present proposals for sessions and/or individual presentations.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies” - varia

    # 10 (2024)

    The editors of Hamsa: Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies are pleased to announce that the journal is now accepting proposals for its 10th issue. For this volume, we welcome proposals offering original analysis on the broad subject of Judaic and Islamic studies.

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  • École thématique - Histoire

    Intersectionality: Challenges and Opportunities for European History?

    Summer School in History

    This online summer school explores the potentials and pitfalls of the application of an intersectional lens to the study of early modern and modern European history in a global context, including its colonial aspects. It does so by asking: How can the focus on experiences that have long been marginalized help us to diversify and rethink our understanding of European history?

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  • Saint-Martin-d'Hères

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    International Excellence in the Humanities Programme - Post-doctoral fellowships 2024-2026

    The Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation (MaCI), UGA’s International Center for the Humanities, is launching its annual Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme funded by the France 2030 ANR project GATES (Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS). We offer 3 two-year post-doctoral fellowships in the arts, humanities and social sciences. The postdoctoral felowships can start anytime between 15 September 2024 and 1 December 2024. Post-doctoral candidates from all disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences and from all countries can apply. 

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  • Genève

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Sigerist prize 2024

    History of medicine prize

    The Swiss Society for the History of Medicine and Science invites applications for the Henry-E.-Sigerist-Prize for the promotion of early career scholars in the history of medicine and science.

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  • Evora

    Séminaire - Moyen Âge

    Local powers toward central authorities: Decision-making process in medieval urban societies

    2nd Lectures on social contract

     The scientific summit is dedicated to bringing together different specialists who analyse the discursivities of decision-making developed in medieval towns and other local instances of political governance. The goal of this seminar is centred in exploring the dynamics between the local and the central spheres of power, following an understanding on how those dynamics build their communication strategies from communal institutions side to interact with —or, even though, resist to— their so-called sovereign authorities. These communication channels often operated networks of semantic change between the local spheres, where political decisions were performed, and the higher spheres with jurisdictional power over them.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Narratives and the Social Sciences

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    Storytelling is a human practice that characterizes existence as a whole, responding to educational, social and cultural needs: from memory-making to establishing of relationships, from sharing experiences to forming a self-image, from learning to entertaining. If culture is our toolbox, then storytelling characterizes our way of using these tools to give shape and meaning to the disorder of experiences, and to present our actions as individual and social actors. In everyday life, we are all storytellers and make use of implicit narratives in one way or another. The perspective adopted for this International  conference aims to highlight every possible side of this topic. Anthropologists, sociologists, literary and film critics, semiologists, linguists, economists, aesthetics and image scholars, cultural studies experts and geographers are invited to present their work.

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  • Anvers

    École thématique - Histoire

    Performing Media Histories

    Arts & Media Archaeology summer school 2024

    In a world where media are omnipresent, this summer school offers a unique opportunity to explore histories of media performance. The programme will focus on the interplay between media developments and performative culture from the late eighteenth century to the present day, focusing on how cultural change, new forms of knowledge, and visual culture were turned into modern spectacles and experiences. From early modern optical tools in Wunderkammers, devices of wonder and philosophical toys to contemporary interactive digital media and VR, we will explore the world of performative media that has fascinated, informed, and shaped our perceptions. 

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  • Lisbonne | Rio de Janeiro

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World

    5th International Congress on Ambiances

    This conference gathers scientific contributions from academics, practitioners, artists, and doctoral students engaged in the study of architectural and urban atmospheres. Together, they illuminate the diversity of themes and issues within this field, presenting the latest research, projects, and methodological approaches. This Congress on Ambiances explores current concerns, debates, theories, policy issues, and cultural practices, drawing on multidisciplinary expertise from areas such as anthropology, architecture, landscape, computer science, cultural studies, design, engineering, geography, musicology, psychology, sociology, urban studies, and more.

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