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  • Barcelona

    Colóquio - História

    Jorge Semprún, Buchenwald, l'Europe et le fascisme aujourd'hui

    En l’honneur du centenaire de naissance de l’écrivain espagnol Jorge Semprún (1923-2011), un symposium international en espagnol et en français réunira des militants d’associations, des universitaires et des personnalités ayant connu l’auteur ou familières de son histoire. Cet événement a pour objectif d’explorer l’œuvre littéraire et l’héritage politique de celui qui fut déporté au camp de Buchenwald à l’âge de vingt ans ainsi que son engagement antifasciste et proeuropéen.

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  • Limoges

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    A floresta nos mundos iberos e ibero-americanos

    La Société française des hispanistes et ibéro-américanistes célèbrera son XLI congrès du 5 au 8 juin 2024 à l’université de Limoges. Il aura pour thématique « la forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains ». S’adressant prioritairement aux spécialistes de l’aire ibérique et ibéro-américaine, ce congrès se veut pourtant aussi résolument ouvert à d’autres approches autour de la thématique. Ainsi, si les études littéraires et artistiques, linguistiques et historiennes semblent s’imposer, les approches sociologiques, géographiques, anthropologiques, philosophiques seront également les bienvenues dès lors qu’elles portent sur le thème et l’aire culturelle ibérique et ibéro-américaine.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Antropologia

    To the rescue of minority groups. Gender, migration and racism in heritage and museums

    The gradual transformation experienced by museums in the last few years has fostered the incorporation into exhibition spaces of social minorities hitherto barred from them due to their social invisibility, exclusion and marginalisation. Occidentalism and European-centred perspectives gave rise to decontextualised, distorted and racial exhibition criteria constructed from a biased view of otherness.

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  • Chamada de trabalhos - Américas

    Envisioning Latin America: Power and Representation in audiovisual (re)productions

    Forma Revista d'Estudis Comparatius. Art, Literatura, Pensament

    This issue seeks to critically address power structures in audiovisual (re)productions in and from Latin America and discuss how these play a role in the societal construction and representation of individual and collective identities, the ‘us’ and the ‘other’. By doing so, it aims at understanding how these representations – and broader discourses associated therewith – can be critically examined through media productions (cinema, television, radio, photography etc.) and their use as historical sources.

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  • Barcelona

    Chamada de trabalhos - Época Contemporânea

    The Transatlantic Embrace: Spanish Civil War in America’s Intimate Distance

    "Forma" Revista d'estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament

    Spanish Civil War has been studied under its multiple angles. This can also be said about the literature concerning this topic: novels, poems, and all literary forms generated by this armed conflict (both by Spanish and foreign intellectuals) have been commented by academic criticism from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. However, fewer approaches have set the axis of their critical focus on the importance of the Spanish conflict in America and its decisive relevance as a part of a phenomenon that is also American. This special number of the FORMA journal sets out to give a voice to all types of contributions able to shed a new light on this fundamental aspect of the war, whose causes and consequences are clearly rooted in Spain, but whose horizon overflows the peninsular and continental borders and requires an inevitably transatlantic point of view.

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