

  • Aubervilliers

    École thématique - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Mapping violences

    EHESS Summer School 2023

    By crossing different disciplinary, thematic and cultural approaches, the aim is to endeavor to map violence, to study practices, situations, experiences of violence and their arrangement in topographic, social and mental spaces. The objective is to favour the dialogue between different perspectives of research on violence and more particularly on extreme violence. Be it political violence, state violence, wars, guerrilla wars, revolutions, oppression, massacres, and domestic violence, since it is often -in these contexts- amplified, will also be broached. How are we to observe, define and analyse these violent phenomena? What are the methodological, epistemological and ethical questions specific to these particularly sensitive and fluid objects?

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  • Paris

    École thématique - Époque contemporaine

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Climate and Biodiversity Crises

    Historical evolutions, current realities, and future pathways for socio-ecological transformation

    Over the past centuries, the industrialisation of Western societies gradually impacted nature, and environmental problems increased with globalisation during the last decades. As a consequence, we are now experiencing major crises which are linked with each other: biodiversity is disappearing faster and faster, and global warming is escalating, not only causing unprecedented damage to the Earth, but also unequally and unfairly affecting different parts of the world. In this context, our summer school proposes to bring together an interdisciplinary range of researchers interested in the various implications and interconnections of the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis.

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  • Paris

    École thématique - Droit

    Rule of Law and Human Rights in Europe and the World in Times of Contestation

    The last two decades have seen the emergence of numerous sites of resistance to the EU. The Greek opposition to austerity measures, the massive and EU-wide contestation of Covid-prevention measures, the gilets jaunes protest, not to mention the 2016 British referendum, are just a few examples of the increasing contestation of the EU integration, of - some of - its policies, and of their - perceived - impact on citizens’ rights. The Summer school lectures will take seriously the different expressions of contestation the European Union is facing. Contestation will be broadly defined, as the social practice of merely objecting to norms by rejecting them or by refusing to implement them. It is also a mode of critique through critical engagement in a discourse about these principles, rules, and values. The Summer School will thus address different but related topics. It will first ask what is the object of contestation: what the EU does or what the EU is? Is there enough space, in EU law, to institutionalize contestation?

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  • Luxembourg

    École thématique - Histoire

    Oral History Meets European Integration Studies

    Testing new tools and methods in digital history

    The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) announces a Summer School co-organised with the European University Institute (Florence) and the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt), to be held at the Maison Robert Schuman in Luxembourg City from 22nd to 26th June 2020. This Summer School invites to test digital tools and methods for oral history and stresses how digital oral sources contribute to narratives in European Integration History.

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