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Página inicialCategoriasSociedadeEstudos das CiênciasSociologia das ciências

  • Paris

    Chamada de trabalhos - Linguagem

    La circulation des savoirs linguistiques et philologiques entre l'Allemagne et le monde (XVIe-XXe siècle)

    By all measures, Germany played an overwhelming role in the development of philology and linguistics during the 19th century. This ascendancy rests on the transmission to other national academies of theoretical constructs and views, methods and institutional practices. On the other hand, German philological and linguistic ideas, methods and institutions were not constituted in isolation from the rest of the world : Transfers to the German-speaking world must also be taken into account.

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  • Luxemburgo

    Chamada de trabalhos - Estudos das Ciências

    Vieillissement(s) : entre sciences et politiques

    Colloque international et pluridisciplinaire FRAMAG

    Depuis la moitié du XXe siècle, dans les pays industrialisés, le vieillissement des populations est progressivement devenu une question cruciale, soutenue par l’évolution des pyramides des âges, une « démographie alarmiste » (Katz, 1992) et l’inquiétude d’un « déclin » des populations. Ces questions représentent aujourd’hui des enjeux majeurs tant d’un point de vue politique que scientifique. Historiens, politistes, juristes, sociologues, psychologues, gérontologues, anthropologues, géographes ou autres disciplines participant des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, sont conviés à développer des approches locales aussi bien qu’internationales et comparatives sur les questions liées au vieillissement.

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  • Berna

    Chamada de trabalhos - História

    L'expertise médicale aux XXe et XXIe siècles

    Medical expertise in the 20th and 21st century / Medizinische Expertise im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert / L'expertise médicale aux XXe et XXIe siècles. Annual conference of the Swiss Society for the History of Medicine and Sciences, September 5 – 7, 2013, Bern, Switzerland. The conference would like to address the issue from various perspectives and ask e.g. the following questions: To which levels of medical knowledge and activity (skill, professional knowledge, experience, relationship with patients) did and does the claim of expertise refer to? Which strategies, rhetorics and kinds of self-fashioning were and are used in order to achieve, retain or reject the status of expertise? Which was and is the relationship between expertise, profession(nalism), institutionalization and specialization? In what respect is there a difference between a physician's claim of expertise and that of other health professionals?

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  • Sociologia das ciências

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