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AccueilCatégoriesSociétésÉtudes urbaines

  • Strasbourg

    Journée d'étude - Géographie

    Géoarchéologie et archéologie de la ville de Cadix, Espagne

    This workshop-seminar organised in Strasbourg will be focusing on the archaeology and geoarchaeology of Cádiz. New sedimentary cores drilled in a marine palaeochannel crossing the city in Antiquity will be discussed. Researchers from the University of Cádiz, the CNRS, the ENGEES, and the University of Strasbourg will be present.

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  • Clermont-Ferrand

    Colloque - Europe

    Paradigms, models, scenarios and practices in terms of strong sustainability

    Bien que la notion de durabilité continue d'être associée au rapport Brundtland (1987) et au concept de développement durable, une communauté de chercheurs et de praticiens de la durabilité cherche de plus en plus à émanciper le concept pour être en accord avec les connaissances et les aspirations du moment. L'enthousiasme et les attentes à l'égard d'une plus grande durabilité vont au-delà des simples questions environnementales. Ils abordent également des questions sociales cruciales. Les communications du symposium visent à remettre en question les paradigmes, les modèles, les scénarios et les pratiques qui incarnent la durabilité. On peut se demander quel sens donner à l'idée même de durabilité et aux représentations qu'elle véhicule.

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  • Esch-sur-Alzette

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Urban development of financial centres in the second half of the twentieth century

    Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of social and economic history (M/F)

    The PhD student will be a member of the Center for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) at the University of Luxembourg. He/she will work under supervision of Ass-Prof. Dr. Benoît Majerus.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Enlightened Nightscape (1700-1830)

    The objective of The Enlightened Nightscape 1700-1830 is to present a cross-disciplinary discussion on the thinking about the concept of night through examples from the global and long eighteenth century.  This edited collection seeks to bring together case studies that address how the night became visible in the eighteenth century through different mediums and in different geographical contexts.  The proposed study of the representation, treatment, and meaning of the night in the long and global eighteenth century also contributes to an on-going exercise that questions the accepted definitions of the Enlightenment.  By bringing Eighteenth-Century Studies into dialogue with Night Studies, The Enlightened Nightscape 1700-1830 enriches the critical conversation on both lines of research

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Cinema and the City

    Interdisciplinary perspectives

    The conference aims to explore the relationships established between cinema and urban areas. We want to stress the connections woven between cities and cinema, films, fiction and documentaries – important unconventional sources for the understanding of social and cultural contexts. We intend to focus on the modalities used in films to tell stories – through images and speech – concerning cities, territories, and places, residents’ lives in relation to spaces, to buildings, to landscapes, as well as to its urban culture as a whole. The perspective we have chosen for this conference is interdisciplinary and cinema will be considered as a medium to be understood and interpreted in several, possibly comparative, ways.

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  • Hammamet

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Urban and architectural identities in Mediterranean cities

    Identités urbaines et architecturales dans les villes méditerranéennes

    La diversité architecturale et urbanistique caractérisant les villes méditerranéennes est indissociable de leur identité. Il semble évident que cette diversité et cette multiplicité d'indentités sont à considérer comme une des plus grandes valeurs culturelles et humaines. La cohabitation des formes dans le temps et dans l'espace, les mélanges entre les cultures urbaines et architecturales, les influences et les contaminations voire même les contrastes et les contradictions identitaires qui se révèlent sur le territoire urbain méditerranéen traduisent traduisent la stratification de la ville dans ses implications pragmatiques et ses significations identitaires. Aujourd'hui, dans un contexet de mise en concurrence et d'attractivité des territoires, plusieurs villes méditerranéennes connaissent de profondes mutations. Face à ces transformations, la  référence à des "territoires identitaires" (Troin, 2004) et la capacité de la ville à se construire une identité et à la diffuser sont remises en question. 

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Night and City

    3rd Urban Audiovisual Festival

    Scientific audio-visual production, not very considered by many disciplines, finds in the UAF a privileged scenario, both for the presentation of works and for the evaluation of the audio-visual methods applied to the study of the urban. Likewise, the UAF invites its screens to unconventional productions, made with mobile devices or exploring other forms of production of moving images. The use of new techniques is another of the main objectives of the UAF, as it aims to make known the innovations made and their multiple applications to the study of contemporary cities. The UAF is an invitation to watch the cities. To join to a debate far beyond the screens.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Arctic Week 2019

    The “Arctic Week” is a one-week international conference that provides transdisciplinary approaches to climate and environmental changes in the Arctic. This second edition is placed under the High Patronage of the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, chaired by Ségolène Royal, Ambassador for the Poles and coordinated by Dr. Alexandra Lavrillier, Cearc – UVSQ. The Call for Proposals is open. Human and Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences, as well as Indigenous and Transdisciplinarity approaches are welcome. 

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Body, culture and identity in Lavapies, Madrid

    From the individual to the collective

    The objective of this Seminar is to stress the importance of a collaborative and participative way to understand through our senses. We want to explore connections between thinking and action in everyday city experiences, developing “in situ” actions. We consider that the knowledge of the space need space experiences. We aim to develop a collective, community exploration of the vital flow of the Lavapiés area in Madrid altering the classical relationship between artist, landscape and inhabitants. This exploration will allow the construction of an intangible map of audiovisual fragments, photo, phonographs, video art, performative actions. The direct experimentation of space helps us understand it, as well as "to perform it"; it helps us understand the aesthetic and emotional relationships we have with it. In order to get our objectives, urban artists, soundscape experts, theater groups, architects, philosopher, civil and social associations, citizens…will be invited.

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  • Madrid

    Journée d'étude - Représentations

    Body, Culture and Identity in Lavapies, Madrid

    From the individual to the collective

    The objective of this Seminar is to stress the importance of a collaborative and participative way to understand through our senses. We want to explore connections between thinking and action in everyday city experiences, developing “in situ” actions. We consider that the knowledge of the space need space experiences. We aim to develop a collective, community exploration of the vital flow of the Lavapiés area in Madrid altering the classical relationship between artist, landscape and inhabitants. This exploration will allow the construction of an intangible map of audiovisual fragments, photo, phonographs, video art, performative actions. The direct experimentation of space helps us understand it, as well as "to perform it"; it helps us understand the aesthetic and emotional relationships we have with it. In order to get our objectives, urban artists, soundscape experts, theater groups, architects, philosopher, civil and social associations, citizens…will be invited.

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  • Caen

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Régions et régionalisme au Canada : construire et gérer l'espace politique, social et culturel

    Comment in fine appréhender la construction du territoire dans le contexte canadien ? Quels outils conceptuels pour penser l’ensemble des dimensions sociales, culturelles, politiques qui se cristallisent sur des échelles de référence spatiales ? Comment des notions spatiales de territoire, de région, de nations, etc., issues historiquement des contextes européens, ont-elles (ou doivent-elles être) reconstruites dans les contextes canadiens, notamment au prisme des appartenances (communautés, nations, etc.) ? Comment s’articulent les échelles de référence et notamment la région en fonction des provinces, de leur place dans le système canadien et des projets qui construisent le territoire (place du Québec, revendications autochtones) ?

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    PhD in Anthropology of youth and public space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam

    EASt, centre for East Asian Studies, invites applications for 1 PhD in Anthropology of Youth and Public Space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam - deadline: 27 June 2019. EASt is a research unit within the Maison des sciences humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

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  • Shanghai

    École thématique - Études du politique

    La gouvernance des systèmes socio-écologiques

    À la découverte du continuum terre-océan : zones côtières, deltas, îles et zones humides

    East China Normal University is hosting a Summer School on the Governance of Socio-Ecological Systems (SES), which is a rapidly emerging issue in many environment related disciplines and especially sustainability science. The GOSES Summer School is organized together with the University of Reims and SENSE (Netherlands Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment).

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    Questionner la durabilité des villes intelligentes indiennes

    Critically assessing the projects and politics underpinning the Smart City Mission

    Following on a first meeting devoted to India’s Smart City Mission held in September 2018, the specific aim of this international workshop is to focus on issues of social and environmental sustainability. On the basis of field-based investigations, the presenters will critically assess the smart city experiments as they unfold. Among the questions to be discussed are the following: How does India’s engagement with smart cities compare with other international cases? To what extent do projects in India draw on cutting-edge technologies? How can we characterize the governance and politics of India’s engagement with ‘smart urbanism’?

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  • Journée d'étude - Études urbaines

    How sustainable are India’s Smart Cities?

    Critically assessing the projects and politics underpinning the Smart City Mission

    Following on a first meeting devoted to India’s Smart City Mission held in September 2018, the specific aim of this international workshop is to focus on issues of social and environmental sustainability. On the basis of field-based investigations, the presenters will critically assess the smart city experiments as they unfold. Among the questions to be discussed are the following: How does India’s engagement with smart cities compare with other international cases? To what extent do projects in India draw on cutting-edge technologies? How can we characterize the governance and politics of India’s engagement with ‘smart urbanism’?

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Fields of collaboration in contemporary art practices

    Can all art be considered collaborative? What has motivated so many artists, in recent decades, to organize in collectives and participate in collaborative projects? Does collaboration in the arts play a major role in redefining the art world and in the production of new subjectivities? How do collaborative art practices challenge the myths of creative genius and artistic individuality?

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  • Dublin

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Identities and Identifications: Politicized Uses of Collective Identities (8th Edition)

    Identity is one of the crown jewelries in the kingdom of ‘contested concepts’. Few concepts are so integral to social assumptions, beliefs and claims of belonging while simultaneously escaping a clear definition or even a minimal consensus. The idea of identity is conceived to provide some unity and recognition while it also exists by separation and differentiation. From personal to group and collective identities, multiple layers of identifications juxtapose conflict or exclude. Few concepts were used as much as identity for contradictory purposes. From the fragile individual identities as self-solidifying frameworks, to layered in-group identifications in families, orders, organizations, religions, ethnic groups, regions, nation-states, supra-national entities or any other social entities, the idea of identity always shows up in the core of debates and makes everything either too dangerously simple or too complicated. Constructivist and de-constructivist strategies have led to the same result: the eternal return of the topic. Some say we should drop the concept, some say we should keep it and refine it, some say we should look at it in a dynamic fashion while some say it’s the reason for resistance to change. In the meantime, identities are programmatically asserted and promoted to generate cohesion and demand recognition while the process of identification excludes and creates boundaries and alterity making practices.

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  • Constance

    École thématique - Époque contemporaine

    Urban change and memory: New perspectives on Europe and beyond

    Cities are crucial spaces for the negotiation of a contested past. This summer seminar explores the making of memory in European cities. It aims to: discuss perspectives and methods of memory studies and urban studies; examine some of the main threads of urban change in Europe and beyond, delve into the heart of memorial controversies by focusing on dynamics in specific urban situations; highlight practices of invited curators, artists, and other professionals. Lectures and discussions will be conducted in English.

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Colloque - Géographie

    The Epoch of Space. State and new perspectives

    The next 8th, 9th and 10th of April it will take place at the University of Santiago de Compostela the international conference "The Epoch of Space. State and New Perspectives", where researchers from around the world will meet to discuss the spatial turn of humanities. This interdisciplinary event will bring together geographers, philologists, historians, philosophers, and other interested disciplines to review the current state of spatial humanities, share different approaches, research methods and discuss their future.

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  • Turnhout

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Reclaim the suburbs

    Which capacities for participatory approaches?

    The point of departure of this CAPA.CITY autumnschool is that we need a new movement Reclaim the Suburbs that supports residents to organize themselves and initiate own retrofitting projects; projects that do reduce the societal costs of their mode of living, but also fit within their housing dream: garage-box entrepreneurs, multigenerational villa-collectives, eco-garden networks, crowdfunded community services or renewable energy cooperatives. The CAPA.CITY autumnschool will collect and discuss ongoing Reclaim the Suburb initiatives, with a focus on the capacities that collectives need to develop, in order to initiate, run and sustain such initiatives.

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