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  • Lugano

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Savoir - pouvoir - agir

    Congrès de la Société Suisse de Philosophie

    La relation entre « savoir », « pouvoir » et « agir » concerne de nombreux domaines de la vie sociale et de l’existence individuelle, ainsi que diverses disciplines. Pensons, par exemple, aux contextes politique, sanitaire et éducatif : Quels savoirs sont au service du pouvoir ? Quel est le point de rencontre, dans la pratique clinique, entre le « devoir de faire savoir » et le « droit de ne pas vouloir savoir » ? Comment enseigner à « agir » et à « être capable d’agir » ? Dans tous ces domaines, la philosophie peut accompagner une réflexion précise sur le concept de « savoir » sous ses différentes formes (connaissance théorique et connaissance pratique, connaissance universelle et connaissance du particulier, connaissance rationnelle et connaissance sensible), sur le concept de « pouvoir » comme capacité d’agir et de produire des effets ou comme autorité et domination, sur le concept d’« action » dans ses multiples implications, en premier lieu celle de la responsabilité envers soi-même et envers autrui.


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  • Vilnius

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Theatrum Libri: The Press, Reading and Dissemination in Early Modern Europe

    The conference is dedicated to 15-19th century printed books and manuscripts.We invite scholars from various disciplines to reflect on and share their new research, methods and applications, including the application of digital humanities and open data in research of the book: the 15-19th century book as an archival phenomenon (accumulation of knowledge and books) in Lithuania and Europe; the role of knowledge accumulators and book collectors, systematizers and sorters in forming a personal or institutional archive; the materiality of the book and its various elements (book marks, structure, parts, details, a title page, covers, inscriptions, typography, illustrations, vignettes, decorative elements, etc.) as a means of generating ideas, tool for creating a narrative or result of historical circumstances; book economics: market and business strategies (prices, book fairs, catalogs, advertising, and reviews); applying digital technology and interactive, unique tools for data storage and use.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Heritage Conservation in the Interwar period (1919-1939)

    The present year marks the 90th anniversary of the Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments (1931). The Patrimonium research group at ARTIS - Institute of Art History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon intends to celebrate the date by publishing a special issue of the ARTis ON journal. On the present issue of the ARTis ON journal we intend to analyse, on an international scale, the context in which the Athens Charter was formulated, in the wider context of the role of the League of Nations in defending and valuing historic, artistic and archaeological heritage, both movable and immovable.

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  • Berlin

    Colloque - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Data for History 2021: Modelling Time, Places, Agents

    Annual conference of the Data for History consortium, an international community aiming to establish a common method for modelling, curating and managing data in historical research. The objective of this year's virtual conference is to gain a better understanding of current ideas and practices in modelling time, space and agents as historical data and to assess the implications of these choices on the process of historical research and analysis. Throughout all of this, the focus is on exchange and building up a community.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Imago, Actus et Verbum. Challenges and Questions in Medieval Studies

    A crossdisciplinary dialogue between philology, philosophy, history, art and literature

    On the outset of the 21st century, cross-disciplinary studies on the Middle Ages seem to be in need of a careful reconsideration of their nature, scope and aims. This is specially so after the series of "turns" undergone by historiography in the last four decades. Despite their differences, philosophy, history, philology , literary studies and art are also bound through their work on texts; and all are currently faced with both methodological and substantive issues raised by important shifts in contemporary society. This congress is devoted to a global assessment of the current state of affairs in medieval studies, but also the upcoming challenges.


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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Photo Albums’ Twisted Meanings: Between nostalgia and trauma

    We kindly ask those interested to send their proposals for the workshop Photo Albums’ Twisted Meanings: Between nostalgia and trauma, which will take place in Prague on 25-26 November 2021. Questions may include: How can this kind of “twisted” material be interpreted? How to interpret these albums without the “oral scaffolding”? How to interpret them from the position of a person with an affiliative, indirect or very loose connection to the past? How to approach albums with this kind of “twisted meaning” from the position of the current owner, curator, scholar or artist? How to approach this kind of material without identifying with it in any way? How to deal with it without merely being charmed by it or, on the contrary, completely paralysed by it?

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  • Dublin

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Terra universalis. New perspectives on Early-Modern first globalization.

    2021 The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting

    For several years, the new concept of space that emerged between the end of the 15th and during the 16th century has been the object of study by several disciplines. Besides well-known works by historians of science, contributions by epistemologists and historians of geography analysed the genesis of both the concept of universal Earth – i.e. the representation and conception of the word as a unity – and new perspectives on art and science.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Ancient mosques in their spatial context

    Mosques are one of the physical representations of Islam and of Muslim communities in the archaeological record. The workshop will present a number of archaeological case studies in the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, and Spain between the seventh and the thirteenth centuries. Mosques will be introduced in relation to water systems and burials, to earlier and later structures, and to specific types of settlements. In particular, the workshop will treat the question of Islamization, the definitions of the term, and its validity. The event will also include launching a database for excavated mosques until the 9th century in and discuss methods and approaches for open data in archaeology.

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  • Tours

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Climate change and Water (2022) : extreme events

    Pour cette troisième édition de Climate Change Water, la sécheresse extrême sera mise en avant. Par ailleurs, dans la mesure où cette culture est particulièrement importante dans le Val de Loire, un focus sur la production viticole est proposé. Ces choix n'excluent pas des communications sur d'autres extrêmes ou sur d'autres environnements.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    The Presence of America in Madrid

    Art, Images and Material Culture in Transit

    As is well known, during the Early Modern period, hundreds of objects, artworks, painted and illustrated documents and manuscripts were sent from the Spanish viceroyalties in America to Iberian Spain. This circulation has been the object of renewed academic interest in recent years. In response to this trend, it seems necessary to better understand the particular place that Madrid, as both city (villa) and court (corte), occupied within this broader phenomenon. We invite proposals based on original research that can contribute to advancing the current state of knowledge and explore new questions and theoretical frameworks for our better understanding of these unique objects and works of art.

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Nothingness, regrets and omissions in biographies

    The Biographical Echoes Conference 2nd Edition

    The Biographical Echoes project research team has the pleasure to invite you to the second edition of the Biographical Echoes Conference entitled Nothingness, regrets and omissions in biographies.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Religion in higher educational institutions in Africa and beyond

    (Re)Conversion, Power, and Authority from a comparative perspective

    Religious diversity is a feature of contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa and the outcome of many dynamic socio-historical processes. Over the past centuries, Christianity and Islam in particular, claimed a significant influence on social, political and even economic interactions across the continent. While trade, missions, migrations, and demographic growth imposed new forms of religious cohabitation, being religious and displaying it has become prevalent in many parts of the continent. This has affected the status of religiosity in private and public domains, has shaped modes of belonging, power relations, and ultimately how people interact, especially in multi-religious settings.


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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Touched: Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    Inauguration of the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects)

    This seminar proposes to explore the elusive experience of being touched from a transdisciplinary perspective. It will serve as the launch for the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects).

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  • Tivoli

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The garden of the gods

    The paradigm of antiquity in the arts at the Villa

    The establishment of humanistic culture in Italy led to one of the richest seasons in Villa architecture and a profound process of transformation of the idea and the function of the garden, in which antiquity was the absolute protagonist. The roots of this development date back to the second half of the fifteenth century, as is clearly demonstrated by Leon Battista Alberti, in the preface to his De re aedificatoria: "Our Ancestors have left us many and various Arts tending to the Pleasure and Conveniency of Life".

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  • Tivoli

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Nero and Hadrian

    The arts in power

    Nero and Hadrian: two emperors united by a passion for the arts; both reformers in the artistic and also, in particular, in the architectural and administrative spheres. Two characters, the first much discussed, the second much less. Recent critics have portrayed them in an innovative and pioneering light, at least from a purely cultural point of view. 

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  • Paris | Marseille | Nantes | Montpellier

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Pensée

    French Institutes for Advanced Study (FIAS) fellowship programme, 2022/2023

    The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the five Institutes of Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier and Nantes. It welcomes applications from high-level international scholars and scientists primarily in the fields of the social sciences and the humanities (SSH).


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  • Viterbe

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Weightlessness and Thought in the Modern and Contemporary Arts

    International Conference “Whims of the Wind”

    Due to the anthropic causes of the present-day climatic changes, and moving from the debated idea of an ecological crisis connected to a crisis of sensibility, linked to the raising of Eco-criticism and Eco-poetics, the attention on atmospheric elements and hints in literary texts, arts and history, as well as in the esthetical debate, is growing more and more. The International Conference aims to promote a plural discourse on narration and representation of wind as a cross-knot between different disciplines, proceeding by glitches and associative jumps, intertextuality, intermediality, and moving on a new exploration of the theme through multiple examples in modern and contemporary literature and in visual and performing arts.

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  • Timişoara

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Humankind and Fat. Attraction, Repulsion, Health and Politics

    12th International Symposium of CORPUS

    Fat that our bodies accumulate, fat we consume, our representations of fatty foods and bodies… The relationships between humankind and fat are a fascinating topic for social and medical scientists. They are highly variable according to the places and the times and, often, much more nuanced and complex that the dominant discourse suggests. Not very so long ago, European peasants valued fat. Today, their urbanised descendants have panic attacks if they have to move a hole in the belt! However, even if they are lipophobic, they are still linking some traditional fatty foods with festival meals. Western canons of beauty radically changed since the time when Romanian sayings went that a beautiful woman had to be fat or that a fat man was healthy. Entertainment media teach us that perfect people are thin. Nevertheless, the apparent triumph of this ideal of the body beautiful does not mean that fatter bodies totally lost their sex appeal or their power of fascination. Out of Europe, the relationships between humankind and fat can obviously differ, even in our globalized world.

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  • Zadar

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Digital Humanities and Heritage

    This event is intended to provide a bridge between scientists and experts in the humanities, especially digital humanities, and professionals in the fields of library and information science, archival studies and museum cultural resource management. Its purpose is to promote the use of digital technology within heritage and humanities research as both a methodology and a tool in all domains of Humanities and Heritage sciences. In the frame of this event topics such are Digital Humanities and Open Science, Cultural Heritage in Digital Humanities, Digital Methods and Tools, Information Organization for the Digital Humanities as well as Digital Infrastructures will be discussed. 

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  • Pessac

    Colloque - Europe

    Contentious Science, Tricky Politics : Experts and Scientists in Controversial Policy Debates in Europe and North America

    This conference, conceived and organized before the events of this last year, seeks to interrogate the uncomfortable, confusing, and consequential intersection of experts and politics of which the Covid-19 crisis is only the latest dramatic example.

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