AccueilCatégoriesEsprit et Langage

AccueilCatégoriesEsprit et Langage

  • Montpellier

    Journée d'étude - Langage

    Language change and variation in English: Methods and frameworks

    Au cours de cette journée d’études, nous explorerons l’évolution (récente) de la langue anglaise en général, et de plusieurs de ses variétés. Il y sera donc question de variation ainsi que de changement linguistiques, et de ce qu’on appelle les « New Englishes ». La langue sera étudiée dans le cadre de diverses aires géographiques (Singapour, le sud des États-Unis, l’Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande).

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  • Vienne

    Journée d'étude - Pensée

    Europe and the USSR. Literature in the face of the persecution and extermination of the Jews

    La journée d’études se propose d’interroger les réactions littéraires et artistiques à la montée de l’antisémitisme dans les années 1930 qui aboutit à la persécution et l’extermination systématiques des Juifs d’Europe. Le regard sera porté sur les années d’avant-guerre, mais aussi sur l’après-guerre. Cela nous permettra de réfléchir d’une part sur l’aptitude de projection que peut avoir la littérature (et avec elle d’autres médias) à représenter un après comme conséquence des événements en cours, mais aussi sur un après tel qu’il fut ressenti au fil des ans qui ont suivi la Shoah. 

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  • Genève

    Journée d'étude - Études des sciences

    Heritage and human remains

    The challenges of historical and biomedical research in medical collections and biobanks

    In the context of the Neverending infectious diseases project, we have been confronted with the challenges of using a historical medical collection for biomedical research. Historical collections have a rich potential for current and future research, but their use is far from straightforward. This is a relatively unexplored topic and as such, this workshop proposes to take concrete situations into account in order to consider the status of historical medical collections and consider them from medical, historical and social science perspectives.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Journée d'étude - Économie

    Accountability in Islamic Economy

    Transforming Religiosity and Religious Experience in Muslim Societies

    This international workshop will discuss the current situation of the halal economy from the perspective of the concept of ‘accountability’. It, therefore, considers the development of accountability of Islamic economy from the case studies of halal tourism and industry in Muslim societies.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Études du politique

    Social Movements and Citizenship

    “Anthropology and social movements” - European Association of Social Anthropologists Network Workshop

    European Association of Social Anthropologists ''Anthropology and Social Movement'' network workshop is organised in cooperation with the LAP – Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Politique(EHESS- CNRS) at l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. This two-days workshop’s theme will be “Social Movements and Citizenship”, and will have a panel discussion devoted to “E. Isin and Political Anthropology”.

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  • Journée d'étude - Europe

    Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship

    Through the practice of editing culturally and historically relevant documents, textual scholars are regularly faced with legal restrictions to their scholarly endeavours – including both copyright and non-copyright restrictions such as the privacy and moral rights of authors. In practice, these added difficulties and legal uncertainties cause funding agencies, libraries, and archives to prioritise the digitisation and publication of less legally problematic materials – which threatens to cause a bias in our output as a research field. In an effort to move forward as a research community, the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS) is organising an online symposium on Legal Issues in Textual Scholarship to address these obstacles, and reflect on the legal restrictions that may affect textual scholarship in the analog and digital paradigms.

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Journée d'étude - Asie

    Beyond Digital Humanities

    How computational methods are reshaping scholarly research

    In the last decade the Digital Humanities (DH) movement has swept the academic landscape in the United States, Europe and China, DH has become a new mantra. However, we argue that the real transformative power transcends the broad DH label, rooted in the depth and specificity of computational methodologies. By critically examining examples drawn from disciplines like history, literature, and sociology, we highlight how computational methods offer both macroscopic and microscopic insights, reshaping the very essence of research.

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  • Lausanne

    Journée d'étude - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Constellations of Images: “The Grande Conversion” in Cultural Archives

    The digital era has witnessed a significant transformation in the accessibility and availability of cultural content in various formats, encompassing a wide range of art forms such as visual arts, cinema, literature, music, photography, and architecture. This shift from analogue to digital, referred to as the “grande conversion” by Milad Doueihi, continues to have a profound impact on our engagement with these creative expressions. Spinning off the new book Les Devenirs numériques des patrimoines (The Digital Futures of Heritage), this event carefully curated a series of talks drawing on a variety of disciplinary perspectives and examples, showcasing the progress and advantages of working with the ever-changing technologies. 

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  • Liège

    Journée d'étude - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Giving research feedback to children: beyond ready-made recipes and asymmetric relationships

    Bringing together social scientists who do fieldwork with children or young people and wish to renew the methodology and the sense of their feedback of research results, we aim at working in a collaborative and innovative way by cross-cutting fields and disciplines. Methodological publications usually include ready-made tools. While they make it possible to avoid the worst, they often do not consider the overall social and cultural context in which children live; they may also be adults-centered and based on stereotypical representations of childhood. During a day and a half, participants will exchange in order to help each other to elaborate a visual or performance-based feedback of their research grounded in the daily life of children and youth, their communication codes and potential expectations.

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  • Paris 04 Hôtel-de-Ville

    Journée d'étude - Psychisme

    Memory, Place, and Material Culture

    Si la mémoire et la sensibilité, la conception et la prise de décision sont des processus liés à l’espace et au corps, alors la cognition peut avoir des composantes matérielles et écologiques. Nos vies mentales peuvent être en partie constituées par des lieux - paysages, environnements bâtis, quartiers - et par des artefacts. Cet atelier examine les relations entre la mémoire, le lieu et la culture matérielle. Les thèmes abordés comprennent les cartes et la cognition spatiale, les outils et dispositifs d’orientation et de mémoire, la santé mentale et la ville, les lieux difficiles et le patrimoine historiquement chargé, ainsi que les perturbations spatiales de la mémoire. Les intervenants s’appuient sur des données issues de l’archéologie, de l’architecture, de l’art, des neurosciences, de la performance, de la philosophie et de la sociologie, et posent de nouvelles questions sur la nature de la perception corporelle et affective lorsque les gens naviguent ensemble dans des lieux et dans le passé.

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  • Vilnius

    Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Move as a child

    Motion, enactivism and meta cognition

    The conference “Move as a child: motion, enactivism and meta cognition” is a scientific project initiated by Vytautas Magnus University to explore the “mobility turns” various extensions in cultural research. This online conference emphasizes mediation between the environment, bodies, and institutions to produce social, cultural, and material effects through the terms of enactivism and meta cognition. 


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  • La Plaine-Saint-Denis

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Magnats, entremetteurs et contrebandiers : les distributeurs de films et leurs réseaux au XXe siècle

    This workshop aims at revisiting the history of film importers/exporters and distributors throughout the 20th century by examining the social inscription of their trade. Moguls, go-betweens and/or smugglers, film traders were main actors in determining the value of films, building film markets, bringing out audiences by giving them (or not) access to the films. Yet, the history of cinema has long ignored the figure of the distributor, too bland to obscure the ethereal figure of the author, too close to the limelight to interest those, less numerous, researching “those wonderful people out there in the dark,” the audience.

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  • Constance

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Emerging Historical Perspectives on Christian-Muslim Interactions in and around the Mediterranean (c. 630–1614)

    By exploring the complex and much-studied topic of Christian-Muslim relations through the changing lens of methodologies, this conference aims to foster an interdisciplinary debate that, through comparison and collaboration between scholars from different fields, bridges rigid geographical and temporal frameworks.

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  • Bruxelles

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Artists, Agents and Patrons from the Low Countries in the Iberian World

    The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) is organising a study day which aim is to further clarify our understanding of the artistic exchanges and influences that took place between the Low Countries and the Iberian world during the period 1400-1715. The study day will bring together international researchers from academic and scientific institutions in France, Poland, Spain and Belgium. The meeting will complement and nuance the traditional accounts of the artistic relations between the two territories, highlighting the complexity of the global interactions and exchanges that linked the Iberian world and the Low Countries to each other, but also to Europe and the rest of the world.

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  • Paris | Nanterre

    Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Par-delà les premiers temps : persistance du cinéma itinérant au XXe siècle 

    Cet atelier entend explorer les pratiques du cinéma itinérant à l’échelle globale dans leur diversité historique, matérielle et culturelle et examiner la manière dont elles interfèrent avec les identités communautaires des publics. Comment les communautés — entendues comme des ensembles linguistiques, ethniques, religieux non figés, traversés par différentes dynamiques sociales et culturelles — ont-elles structuré les publics du cinéma itinérant et inversement, comment les lieux de projection itinérante ont-ils créé, renforcé ou perturbé les identités communautaires ? Les bornes chronologiques retenues sont fluctuantes, allant des années 1920 jusqu’à la fin du XXe siècle. Notre champ d’appréhension s’arrête au moment où la télévision investit les pratiques spectatorielles quotidiennes et où se développe le magnétoscope (un moment qui diffère selon les histoires locales des médias).

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  • Aubervilliers

    Journée d'étude - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Regards critiques sur le développement

    Les journées doctorales « Regards critiques sur le développement » visent à promouvoir les synergies entre les jeunes chercheur·euse·s (jeunes docteur·e·s, doctorant·e·s et masterant·e·s) en sciences sociales contribuant à la recherche critique sur le développement, à l’étude des politiques et des institutions qui prétendent l’incarner et le mettre en pratique, ainsi que leurs fondements idéologiques, dans les Nords comme dans les Suds. Ces deux journées seront par ailleurs l’occasion d’ouvrir la discussion et de favoriser les échanges entre membres de diverses unités présentes sur le site Condorcet. De cette manière, les journées doctorales seront de riches moments didactiques pour les jeunes chercheur·euse·s, quel que soit l’état d’avancement de leurs travaux.

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  • Boulogne

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Judas the Galilean: the Man and his Significance

    In 6 CE, while Quirinius was taking the census of Judea, the first Jewish opposition aroused against Roman presence in the region, led by a man known as Judas the Galilean (or the Gaulanite). According to Josephus, all subsequent troubles were the fact of this man. But who was Judas? Was he so important in the history? Was he even challenging Roman authorities? As usual in similar cases, the scholarly debates are endless about the man and his significance. This conference aims to survey all of the many faces of Judas in recent historiography and to discuss each evidence in order to estimate the true place of Judas in history.

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  • Journée d'étude - Représentations

    The “Map of the Absentees”: Cartography, Memory, History of post-revolutionary Iran

    Maps are like icons showing, on a small scale, how space is organized and shared inside the urban frame. If they are always involved in the processes of power, and they are the tool of the dominant group and symbolically strengthens its authority, they are also the tool of representation of space. They provide a visual material base to the narratives and to the discourses related to the space. Therefore maps allow artists to intervene, which means, to investigate differently on space, to represent and to bear witness to the unseen which can then get a precarious visibility.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Époque moderne

    Meta, Matrix, Mater. Renaissance Metaphors of the Matrix

    The female sex has become the core of an increasing number of early modern studies since the rise of a gender-sensitive feminist viewpoint in art history. Many have dealt with images of a hairless and polished vulva, sometimes ostensibly eroticized. Pending this approach, the 2022 CHAR Workshop, Meta, Matrix, Mater. Renaissance Metaphors of the Matrix, wishes to re-explore the imaginary of the female sex from within and focus on the metaphors of the matrix in images and material culture in the Renaissance.

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  • Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Rethinking Participatory Processes Through Music

    This third and last study day on the theme of music and democracy aims to explore the potential of music to contribute to this rethinking of participatory processes.

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