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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Violence of War

    Experiences and Images of Conflict

    Although historians dealing with war will inevitably be called to concentrate their attention on violence, often the understanding of how violence itself was perceived, understood, imagined and experienced by combatants and civilians is neglected. Much still needs to be said about how war was shaped by and, in turn, influenced, modern perceptions of violence. Considering war, as John Keegan has put it, first and foremost as ‘a cultural act’, this conference calls attention to the ways in which warfare violence was imagined and understood during the modern era, focusing on the distance between expectations and experiences of war; on the distance between – or coincidence of – ‘imagined’ and the ‘real’ wars. The period considered ranges from the Crimean War to the Second World War and its aftermath.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    European network for the philosophy of the social sciences

    Third conference

    The European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) invites contributions to its 3rd Conference to be held in Madrid in September of 2014, and organised by UNED. Contributions from all areas within the philosophy of the social sciences are encouraged. Moreover, contributions from both philosophers and social scientists are welcome. Only one contribution per person will be considered

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  • Tübingen

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    How much agreement does the society need?

    Observations on the interaction of consent and dissent in society's cultural evolution

    Section of the 14th Congress of the German Society of Semiotics at the University of Tübingen, 24th to 27th September 2014.

    For the 14th International Congress of the German Society of Semiotics, we are looking for speakers on the issue of social consent and dissent for our sociologically – and culturally – oriented section: How much agreement does a society need? It is concerned with a semiotic discussion about conflict-laden forms of communication, i.e. about the positioned dimension of signs of consent and dissent in the process of socialization within a society or between societies of different cultures.

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    1st International Symposium: Hope, Betrayal and Trust

    Part of the Research Program on: Lost Virtues, Found Vices

    This trans-disciplinary research project is interested in exploring the complex and fluid relationships between hope and trust, and how might betrayal play a productive role in this bond. As concepts, ideas or simple notions, hope and trust seem to have simultaneously lost contemporary currency while being ever more necessary in our every day lives. We seem resigned to a kind of hopelessness, seem unwilling to trust others and are ready and willing to betray whomever we might need to in order to advance our own careers or personal agendas. Yet new technologies require us to place personal information online, to communicate with strangers, and to hold onto the promise of happiness. How are our maintenance of hope, our need to trust and our willingness to betray intertwined? How are these concepts evolving? 

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Reinventing Citizenship

    Part of the Research Program on: Protest, Justice and Deliberative Power

    The International Network for Alternative Academia invites you to participate to the 7th International Symposium: Reinventing Citizenship, to be held on Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th of May, 2014 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This trans-disciplinary project seeks to identify central problems of the experience of being a citizen today and evaluate to what degree is citizenship a good vehicle for democratic agency in contemporary societies and democracies the world over.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Biopolitics, gouvernementality and (security) dispositifs

    Concepts for the study of the “International”?

    International conference co-organized by the CERI-Sciences Po, Paris, France and the Association pour le Centre Michel Foucault, Paris, France, with the support of IRI/PUC-Rio, Brazil, le Centre d'études sur les conflits, Paris, France, et le Centre des Amériques de Sciences Po, Paris, France.

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe


    Special issue of the South African Journal of Philosophy

    What is happiness and how do we know when we have achieved it? Why do we desire happiness, and should we desire it? Is happiness a mental state or a prudential value, a subjective experience or the fulfilment of objective criteria, the satisfaction of desire or a measure of overall well-being? Is happiness culturally determined? What is the relationship between happiness and the good? What can the history of philosophy teach us about the idea of happiness? This special issue of the South African Journal of Philosophy invites contributions on these and other philosophical questions related to happiness.

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  • Anvers

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    À la frontière de la pensée de Paul Ricoeur

    Paul Ricoeur est bien connu comme philosophe du dialogue. L’originalité de sa pensée consistait non pas à rechercher l’impossible ou à faire communiquer les extrêmes, mais bien plutôt à rendre possible une médiation dans l’opposition conflictuelle entre les penseurs ou entre les systèmes de pensée. Là où les autres parlent de rupture ou de dichotomie, Ricoeur essaie d’établir un rapport. C’est pourquoi il est possible de qualifier sa pensée de dialectique. Or, cette approche dialectique ne risque-t-elle pas d’aboutir à une harmonisation des points de vue irréductibles ? Cette conférence veut questionner l’approche herméneutique de Ricoeur tout en la confrontant avec ses limites. À cet effet, elle veut engager le point de vue de Ricoeur sur des questions philosophiques, sociopolitiques et religieuses de première importance à l’heure actuelle dans un échange avec d’autres penseurs plus « radicaux ».

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  • Beyrouth

    Informations diverses - Époque moderne

    Language, Science and Aesthetics

    Articulations of Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Modern Middle East, North Africa, South and Southeast Asia

    International Summer Academy, 11-19 September 2014 at the Orient-Institut Beirut. This Summer Academy offers early-career scholars an opportunity to follow up on the debates about modernity, its preconditions and its aftermath by focusing on the multifarious processes in which societies outside Europe have adopted, translated, rejected or produced the global, the modern and tradition since the seventeenth century. It places a specific focus on the notions of subjectivity and objectivity as discursive practices which are intrinsically linked to each other.

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  • Düsseldorf

    Colloque - Pensée

    You were not expected to do this

    On the Dynamics of Production (Distraction/Interference – Resistance/Accident)

    The interdisciplinary and international conference "You were not expected to do this". On the Dynamics of Production focuses on the production processes and the interplay between notions of distraction and interference as well as their traces in different media objects. The conference program includes presentations on various topics connected to the research subject, including discussions on the role of distraction in the artistic production processes, the resistance of the material and the difficulties of tracing the dynamics of production in general.  The conference is organized by members of the Post Graduate Program "Materiality and Production" (RTG 1678) of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Common Experiences, Common Desires ? Tracing an Intellectual History between China and Africa

    Conférence ANR Espaces de la culture chinoise en Afrique (EsCA)

    In his 1954 presentation to dignitaries from across Asia and Africa, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai acknowledged the differences between the two cultural spheres; nevertheless, Zhou stressed, a more important factor in all future relations should be the “common experiences and desires” of people from across the two continents to create a new world from the ashes of war and colonialism. Building on Zhou’s insight into commonalities of experience, this presentation will trace the cultural intersections that have existed between China and African since the 1920s.

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  • Pantin

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    The conscious Body III: spectating and intersubjectivity

    Interdiscplinary perspectives on dance, perfromance and cognition

    In this third edition of The Conscious Body meetings, we invite academics and dance / performance  makers  to explore together the inter-subjective space occupied by the performer and spectator. This one day event will also mark the end of the first phase of the labodanse project ( with Myriam Gourfink. Pour cette troisième édition des rencontres Conscious Body, nous invitons chercheurs et danseurs / performeurs à explorer ensemble l’espace inter-subjectif qu’occupent le performeur et le spectateur. Cette journée marquera également la fin de la première phase du projet Labodanse ( avec Myriam Gourfink.

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  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq

    Journée d'étude - Pensée

    Objets en tous genres

    The concept of object is one of the most general concepts in philosophy. On the one hand, we may be interested in the general question of what it is to be an object. On the other hand, we face the problem of delineating the criteria of objecthood in connection with specialized topics, giving rise to specific questions on what it is to be an object of a certain kind (such as concrete, abstract, indeterminate, mathematical, etc.) Accepting or refusing things of a certain kind as legitimate objects (of that particular kind) when developing a scientific theory or a philosophical position is likely to have important general repercussions. In our workshop we wish to investigate the notion of object, both generally and in relation to particular fields of research. The emphasis is on the grounds and consequences of specific views on objects.

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  • Canberra

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Ideas and ways of heritage: Scientific thought, praxeology and social knowledge in patrimonialisation

    Critical heritage studies have been popularized by way of various disciplines, and several recent studies have emphasized “the infinite specificity of heritage and patrimonialisation”, and at other times, the differentiated paradigms of heritagization, patrimonialisation, heritageification, etc During the session "Ideas and ways of heritage: Scientific thought, praxeology and social knowledge in patrimonialisation"  we will explore conceptions used in heritage-making, as they appear or are particularized in the scientific literature, local expertise and the collective intelligence in various regions of the world.

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  • Leyde

    Colloque - Langage

    Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Philological Encounters

    The conference brings together scholars from various regions and disciplines (including Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Sanskrit, as well as European languages) to explore the personal (and especially self-reflective) dimensions of academic knowledge production by studying scholars (i.e., producers) and their contexts (i.e., institutions and societies) in relation to their objects of study. The conference outlines an avenue of research dedicated to the study of tensions, antagonisms and polemics - as well as fascination, cooperation, appropriation and friendship - that transpired as a consequence of the meetings of different scholars and their dissimilar modes of textual scholarship, made possible through international cooperation in the form of conferences, journals, academic associations and student exchange.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    Michel Foucault : arts & humanities in the 21st Century

    Art and architectural history, visual culture, literary studies, media and film studies and aesthetics have all “partaken” of Foucauldian theories, but a comparative exploration of Foucault’s significance has been lacking.  If the reception of Foucault has focused on single disciplines and discrete areas of thought, it has also differed across specific linguistic and/or geo-political lines. This colloquium seeks to map the philosophy of Foucault as it impacts the future of the arts and humanities across cultures, institutions and practices.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque moderne

    How do we globalize the long eighteenth century?

    Quelle globalisation pour le long XVIIIe siècle ?

    Every student of the 17th or 18th century encounters in his or her own way the global historical dimensions of the more or less ‘domestic’ (provincial, national) subject being addressed. For decades, perhaps, many of us ignored these ramifications, which among other things were hard to treat because we are generally hardpressed to bring to such subjects the kind of specialized knowledge we are used to. (There are of course exceptions, involving colleagues who consciously adopt a global approach, e.g. Atlantic studies, though even these are no doubt truncated in different ways.) In all, the global was not an ‘aporia’ of our studies, so much as something more or less difficult to draw into the discussion and, in that sense, an ‘impensé’. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Europe by Design

    Rethinking Projects and Policies

    This panel/mini symposium sheds light on the ways in which projects concerning Europe have been shaped and how have been implemented from the beginning of the integration process to present day. From a theoretical, social and historical perspective, it considers a variety of actors operating in complex decision making processes; as well as the processes and the architectures affecting the design of the EU.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Alice Munro, Dance of the Happy Shades

    Revue Études Canadiennes / Canadian Studies, n°77, February 2015

    The Revue Études Canadiennes / Canadian Studies seeks contributions in English dealing with Alice Munro’s short fiction writing (particularly Dance of the Happy Shades).

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  • Lucerne

    Appel à contribution - Droit

    Accès aux biens matériels et immatériels

    Relations entre propriété intellectuelle et son expression physique

    Le but de ce colloque est de réfléchir aux défis de la propriété intellectuelle, dans sa relation entre son sens et son application, en se concentrant tout particulièrement sur les questions d'accès aux ressources qui peuvent se cristalliser. Le format retenu est celui de panels de trois communications, proposées par des chercheurs établis et par de jeunes chercheurs. C'est principalement à eux que s'adresse le présent appel à contribution. Les contributions peuvent venir de tous les champs disciplinaires.

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