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  • Guadalajara

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    La politesse, la discourtoisie et la communication interpersonnelle

    Revue Verbum et Lingua

    Verbum et Lingua lance un appel à contribution pour son vingt deuxième numéro spécial sur la politesse, la discourtoisie et la communication interpersonnelle. Les articles peuvent couvrir n'importe quel aspect de ces pratiques sociales et les sujets possibles peuvent inclure, sans s'y limiter, la gestion des relations, l'atténuation, les commérages et les banalités. Il serait particulièrement intéressant de se concentrer sur les pratiques de politesse en espagnol. Les propositions relatives à la politesse et à l'impolitesse dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères seraient également particulièrement bienvenues. 

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  • Providence

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Conversations corporelles

    Les œuvres d’art s’interpellent entre elles, invitant des conversations qui dépassent les frontières et transcendent les époques. De la circulation d’œuvres écrites dans le contexte de salons littéraires au pouvoir qu’ont les images de capturer un mouvement, comment comprendre nos interactions avec nous-même, les autres et les médias sous formes de conversations qui soient à la fois centrées sur le(s) corp(s) et facilitées par ce(s) dernier(s) ? Nous encourageons les communications à traiter des sujets suivants : la construction d’un corpus, la relation entre texte et critique, les questions de voix, les corps qui parlent pour et par eux-mêmes, la lisibilité d’un corps racisé, sexué et/ou handicapé, la postérité d’œuvres d’art, l’héritage de traditions créatives, la construction d’archives, et les textes en tant que documents vivants. Enfin, comment comprendre nos propres interventions en tant que conversations corporelles à part entière ?

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    The Role of Philosophy in Ethics Education

    One of the characteristics of the development of the movement of philosophy for children has been the variety of perspectives and practices that have grown from it over the decade. The aim of this symposium is to tackle this diversity of perspectives and practices in philosophy for children in its relationship to ethics education. In sum, how these different perspectives permit or limit ethics education of children and teenagers? The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) calls for papers that explore how various theoretical and practical perspective on the practice of philosophy in schools fosters students’ ethics learning. We invite to submit papers using a philosophical, theoretical or empirical lens. Accepted papers will be presented at the IAPC special symposium of the 2023 American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Annual Meeting.

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  • New York

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Clio Reflects. XXI Historical Fiction by Women and about Women

    We invite authors and researchers working in various academic disciplines to submit chapter proposals that look at post-2000 historical fiction, whether literary, visual and performing art, e.g., film and television series, or in games, and explore questions such as: what do women look for and, more importantly, find in the past? For what purposes and with what effects do female authors intersect historical fiction and reality? How does female historical fiction situate itself with regard to history? What insights does female historical fiction contribute to our current state of knowledge?

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  • Chicago

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    European and global responses to the concept of “literary engagement” between 1945 and 1968

    ACLA 2020 panel

    The question of “engagement” (or commitment) became one of the defining elements of post-WWII literature and was, for a long period, at the center of the discussions about the relationship between aesthetics and politics in several European countries. Commonly associated with the name of Jean-Paul Sartre, the success of the notion of “committed literature,” however, went well beyond the French national space. This panel focuses on the transnational circulation of the concept of “committed literature” and, more broadly, on the circulation of related notions, such as writers’ “responsibility,” as well as on any type of counter-discourse or counter-theory targeting “committed literature.”  We would like to explore the different degrees of transnational propagation and dissemination of these debates both in regions that absorbed the intellectual debates taking place in France and in the case of countries which remained more impermeable to them. 

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  • Tucson

    Colloque - Langage

    Arizona Graduate Conference in French

    Le Département de français et d'italien à l'université d'Arizona est ravi d'organiser ce colloque auquel tous les mastérants et doctorants en français sont invités à participer afin d'avoir l'opportunité de : présenter leur recherche lors d'une communication orale avec le format traditionnel de 20 minutes pour la communication suivie de 10 minutes pour les questions et commentaires, en français ou en anglais ; ou présenter leur recherche en cours dans une table ronde qui permettra une communication de 15 minutes suivie d'un véritable échange et retour d'information, en français ou en anglais ; s'inscrire à des ateliers ludiques de recherche sur deux thèmes différents (voir Ateliers ci-dessous) ; rencontrer d'autres étudiants et des professeurs ; assister à deux sessions plénières de chercheurs éminents portant sur des thématiques différentes ; assister à un film francophone pour l'ouverture du colloque le 23 février.

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  • Washington

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Franciscans in Mexico

    Five Centuries of Cultural Influence

    Generations of scholars have studied the multi-faceted experiences of the Franciscans in Mexico and the ways in which the Franciscan order shaped New Spain and the early Mexican republic. This conference examines the range of Franciscan influence and analyzes new scholarship that focuses on the multiple discourses with which friars engaged native peoples, creole populations, the vice-regal authorities, and other actors throughout the Spanish empire.  The conference brings together junior and senior scholars to study the long Franciscan experience in Mexico on the eve of the commemoration of the quincentenary of the Spanish — and thus the Franciscan— presence in Mexico.

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  • Los Angeles

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The Poetic Nuance in Literary Translation

    American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, panel

    This panel is part of the ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) annual convention and invites innovative reflection on the status of the literary translator, the emergence of new paradigms and shifting viewpoints with regard to the translation of poetry and prose, the interchange between theory and practice, and the contribution of literary translation to the wider rapport between cultures.

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  • Montréal

    École thématique - Études des sciences

    Futurs planétaires

    In the face of the current ecological crisis, how shall we rethink concepts and practices of environment, ecology, difference, and technology to envision and create a more just, sustainable, and diverse planet? The combined histories of colonialism, extraction industries, energy, as well as innovation in design, architecture, literature and technology offer a lens by which to examine how contemporary techno-scientific societies envision planetary futures. Site visits exploring resource extraction, colonialism in urban policy and planning, and speculative architectural design will be accompanied by an analysis of science fiction, science technology, speculative design and ethnography, as well as life and earth sciences.

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  • Baltimore

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Utopia in a Post-secular Society: at the Cross-sections of Literature and Philosophy

    48th Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

    An element that seems to characterize the 20th century reflection on utopia is its secular nature. Through a re-thinking of the place and roles of religion in society, the post-secular turn we are witnessing in recent theory (Habermas, Taylor, Asad, Mahmood) may provide a critical point of departure for questioning this specific aspect of utopian tradition. In this panel, we invite papers that reflect on the relationship between utopia and religion, as it is worked out in 20th century literature and philosophy: How does the place of the utopian tradition change in the context of the “return of the religion” in a post-secular society?

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  • New York

    Colloque - Histoire

    Futures of Intellectual History

    The Remarque Institute at New York University invites graduate students to submit proposals for the Futures of Intellectual History graduate student conference to take place at New York University on October 23-24th, 2015.

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  • New York

    Colloque - Amériques

    Alexandre Koyré: Transatlantic perspectives

    This symposium commemorates the 50th anniversary of Koyré's death by focusing on his legacy in the United States. In the 1950s and 1960s, pioneers of the history of science such as Thomas S. Kuhn, I. B. Cohen, Marshall Clagett, Gérald Holton or Charles Gillispie have all admitted his influence on the discipline. The participants will discuss Koyré's impact on the American intellectual landscape and the reception of his ideas among the historians and philosophers who sought to professionalize the teaching of the history of science in the United States.

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    1st International Symposium: Hope, Betrayal and Trust

    Part of the Research Program on: Lost Virtues, Found Vices

    This trans-disciplinary research project is interested in exploring the complex and fluid relationships between hope and trust, and how might betrayal play a productive role in this bond. As concepts, ideas or simple notions, hope and trust seem to have simultaneously lost contemporary currency while being ever more necessary in our every day lives. We seem resigned to a kind of hopelessness, seem unwilling to trust others and are ready and willing to betray whomever we might need to in order to advance our own careers or personal agendas. Yet new technologies require us to place personal information online, to communicate with strangers, and to hold onto the promise of happiness. How are our maintenance of hope, our need to trust and our willingness to betray intertwined? How are these concepts evolving? 

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  • Toronto

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Reinventing Citizenship

    Part of the Research Program on: Protest, Justice and Deliberative Power

    The International Network for Alternative Academia invites you to participate to the 7th International Symposium: Reinventing Citizenship, to be held on Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th of May, 2014 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This trans-disciplinary project seeks to identify central problems of the experience of being a citizen today and evaluate to what degree is citizenship a good vehicle for democratic agency in contemporary societies and democracies the world over.

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  • Princeton

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Pratiques, procédures, récursivités : la réalité des médias ?

    Quatrième Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies

    The Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies – a collaboration between the Bauhaus- Universität Weimar (Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie, IKKM) and Princeton University (German Department) – returns to Princeton in 2014 for its fourth installment. The 2014 topic will be “Practices, Procedures, Recursions: The Reality of Media?”. The weeklong program will be hosted by Princeton’s German Department. It will be directed by Bernhard Siegert (Weimar) and Nikolaus Wegmann (Princeton). Besides the directors the faculty will include renowned film maker Harun Farocki as well as scholars of media and literature such as Petra McGillen (Dartmouth), Grant Wythoff (Columbia), and Harun Maye (Weimar).

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  • Kalamazoo

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    White, Empty, Silent in Medieval Artistic Creation

    Art-Hist sessions in Kalamazoo 2014

    In Spring 2014, Art-Hist will organize two sessions at Kalamazoo International Congress on Medieval Studies (8-11 May). Art-Hist sessions this year will deal with "White, Empty, Silent in Medieval Artistic Creation". The committee offered us two sessions: "I. Paleographical Aspects"; "II. From Sonorous White to Visual White: Silence and Its Representation". We are expecting proposals dealing with representation of silence in Medieval art and graphic practices. The deadline for the paper proposal is September 15th

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    [S’]Approprier la ville. Du patrimoine urbain aux paysages culturels

    Une ville peut-elle encore être plus scandinave, plus française, plus espagnole? Ou plus montréalaise, plus londonienne, plus parisienne ? Ce colloque international, [S’]Approprier la ville. Du patrimoine urbain aux paysages culturels, invite à discuter des instruments de la planification urbaine, des outils de la patrimonialisation et des autres moyens mis en œuvre afin de, par delà les faiseurs d’image, penser comment s’aménage le vivre et le devenir-ensemble dans un milieu de vie suffisamment intégrateur et représentatif pour susciter l’attachement et l’appropriation de ses citoyens d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Il s’agit, en d’autres mots, de réfléchir de concert au devenir-ensemble et à l’avenir du génie du lieu. On invite les chercheurs, les décideurs et les praticiens à soumettre une proposition de communication avant le 20 octobre 2011 à :

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  • Miami

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Les espaces de la relation

    Conference des jeunes chercheurs de l'universite de Miami

    En sociologie comme en linguistique, la différence est génératrice de sens. C'est pourquoi cette conférence interdisciplinaire se propose de découvrir et de discuter les différents espaces (physique, historique, virtuel, fictif, théorique, etc.) dans lesquels le concept de relation peut être envisage.

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  • Vancouver

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Institutions et travail

    Le développement de la notion de travail institutionnel constitue l'un des courants les plus prometteurs du néo institutionnalisme en théorie des organisations. Le but de cette conférence est de réunir un ensemble international de chercheurs venus d'horizons divers et désireux de contribuer à ce courant en s'intéressant aux relations entre institutions et travail et désireux d'échanger autour de ce thème.

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  • Ann Arbor

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The Turning Point: Crisis & Disaster

    The 17th Annual Charles F. Fraker Conference

    On behalf of the graduate students of the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures at the University of Michigan, we are pleased to announce The 17th Annual Charles F. Fraker Conference, entitled The Turning Point: Crisis & Disaster, to be held in Ann Arbor on March 25th, 26th and 27th, 2010. We would like to invite graduate students from your program to participate and would greatly appreciate it if you could post the attached Call for Papers in your department, as well as forward this email to any concerned/interested parties and listserves you may know of. The deadline for submission of abstracts is December 21st, 2009. We would also like to inform you that the department online journal Tiresias will publish some of the papers after the conference (the deadline for submission of your papers will follow ASAP)

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