

  • Melbourne

    Beitragsaufruf - Darstellung

    Old Time Accomplices: Mentors and Mentees

    Mentoring in the arts, humanities, social sciences and the professional world

    Despite living in societies increasingly marked by individualism and selfishness, in the modern world we see an increase in mentoring programs. Mentoring is grounded on a mutual commitment towards professional and intellectual development and forges a bond between mentor and mentee. This pattern exists in the academic, professional and private sectors, where coaches of all kinds multiply. We wish to explore the mentor-mentee relationship in an interdisciplinary context. We invite papers which explore the theme and the practice of mentoring in literature, history, art, performing arts, social sciences, and in the professional world.

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  • Canberra

    Beitragsaufruf - Neuere und Zeitgeschichte

    Ideas and ways of heritage: Scientific thought, praxeology and social knowledge in patrimonialisation

    Critical heritage studies have been popularized by way of various disciplines, and several recent studies have emphasized “the infinite specificity of heritage and patrimonialisation”, and at other times, the differentiated paradigms of heritagization, patrimonialisation, heritageification, etc During the session "Ideas and ways of heritage: Scientific thought, praxeology and social knowledge in patrimonialisation"  we will explore conceptions used in heritage-making, as they appear or are particularized in the scientific literature, local expertise and the collective intelligence in various regions of the world.

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  • Dili

    Stipendien, Preise und Stellenangebote - Soziologie

    Programa para a seleção de docentes temporários

    Cursos de graduação na Universidade Nacional de Timor-Leste

    A Universidade Nacional de Timor-Leste (UNTL), com sede em Díli, torna público o objetivo de contratar para o ano letivo de 2012, em regime temporário, docentes lusófonos interessados em atuar como Professores de Educação Superior, em cursos de Bacharelado e Licenciatura.

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