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AccueilCatégoriesEsprit et LangagePenséeHistoire intellectuelle

  • Genève

    Colloque - Religions

    The Many Faces of Paul

    Pauline Exegesis in Pre-modern Times

    The conference on the Many Faces of Paul is the opening workshop of the research project “Exegesis of Paul in the 16th Century”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Other than the project itself which will mainly focus on Reformation theology, our interest for this conference is to focus on other intellectual traditions, be they late antique, medieval, or early modern, that will help us later to contextualize Protestant perspectives. We are therefore deliberately interested in presentations on a broad spectrum of possible figures and sources, and we welcome contributions on the whole corpus that was historically associated with the Apostle, including the Epistle to the Hebrews and apocryphal material such as the Acta Pauli.

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  • Marseille

    Colloque - Pensée

    The Thinking of the Image

    Interdisciplinary approaches to imagery and imagination

    What shall we call an “image”? Is it that from which knowledge proceeds or that which anticipates knowledge? Is image something only able to be recognised as object of thinking or it shows per se, in its polysemy and equivocal constitution, a deep, still unexplored generative form of thinking? From the point of view of the understanding of the digital age, where we entered in, to a strong consideration of the new frontiers of science, knowledge, and philosophy and from here up to societal and cultural dimensions, the thinking of the image still remain an enigma.The aim of the international conference is, perhaps for the first time, to study and to explore in a genuine interdisciplinary approach the multiversal horizon of human imagery and, in particular its constructive, generative capacity of building a world-meaning.

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Many Faces of Paul

    Pauline Exegesis in Pre-modern Times

    The conference on the Many Faces of Paul is the opening workshop of the research project “Exegesis of Paul in the 16th Century”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Other than the project itself which will mainly focus on Reformation theology, our interest for this conference is to focus on other intellectual traditions, be they late antique, medieval, or early modern, that will help us later to contextualize Protestant perspectives. We are therefore deliberately interested in presentations on a broad spectrum of possible figures and sources, and we welcome contributions on the whole corpus that was historically associated with the Apostle, including the Epistle to the Hebrews and apocryphal material such as the Acta Pauli.

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Histoire

    Éditer, traduire et interpréter les Pères grecs dans l’espace francophone européen (1450-1650)

    This Conference is dedicated to editing, translating and interpreting the Greek Fathers in the French-Speaking Regions of Europe (1450-1650).

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  • Liège

    Colloque - Droit

    L’idée de constitution économique en Europe : généalogie et état des lieux

    La notion de « Constitution économique » est devenue un concept cardinal non seulement en droit, mais aussi dans d’autres sciences sociales (économie, philosophie politique, etc.). Les septièmes journées internationales David-Constant se proposent donc de retracer l’histoire, parfois mouvementée, du concept et d’en étudier l’actualité au sein des divers ordres juridiques, étatiques et supranational, qui composent l’espace européen. À l’occasion de la sortie (en open access) de l’ouvrage collectif The Idea of Economic Constitution in Europe. Genealogy and Overview (Brill), ce colloque interdisciplinaire (tenu en français et en anglais avec traduction simultanée) réunira la trentaine de contributeurs ayant participé à la rédaction du livre, afin de prolonger les discussions qui y sont amorcées. Au-delà de l’aperçu global des enjeux en droit positif et comparé, les intervenants questionneront également les cadres théoriques et conceptuels qui structurent les débats actuels entre droit, économie et politique. 

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Histoire

    Centenary of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation

    The centenary of the creation of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC) is an opportunity for historians to step back and examine the achievements but also the limitations of this enterprise, its lack of diversity and cultural representativeness. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in this field of research, in parallel with a renewed interest in the League of Nations as a whole, in a context of doubts about the capacity of multilateral institutions. Without attempting to cover all the areas that remain to be studied in relation to intellectual cooperation and soft power diplomacy in the interwar period, such an event therefore seems to be a useful place of exchange at the crossroads between the archives, teaching and research communities.

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  • Oxford

    Colloque - Histoire

    Pierre Bourdieu et l’histoire

    Influences, inspirations, interactions

    Le sociologue français Pierre Bourdieu est décédé en 2002. Son œuvre continue d’être très influente, comme en témoignent une activité éditoriale continue et la diffusion internationale de ses écrits. Si Bourdieu a marqué de nombreux domaines intellectuels par l’ampleur de ses théories, il a établi un dialogue privilégié avec l’histoire en tant que discipline. Vingt ans après, cette conférence vise à éclairer davantage les liens entre l’histoire, les historiens et l’héritage scientifique de Bourdieu.

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  • Prague

    Colloque - Histoire

    Biopolitics and Mass Gymnastics in the Modern History of East Central Europe

    The international conference deals with the links between mass gymnastics and biopolitics in the modern history of East Central Europe. The conference aims to bring new insights on the history of biopolitics and eugenics in East Central Europe. It explores the role of associations, in general, and of mass gymnastics, in particular, in the production and circulation of biopolitical knowledge in this part of the world. The presentations investigate how biopolitics informed the practices of mass gymnastics, and how these practices, in turn, shaped the discourses such as eugenics, biotypology, and race science.

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  • Aubervilliers

    Colloque - Asie

    Texts surrounding texts

    The workshop will feature discussions on and around paratexts in South Asian manuscripts, as well as presentations on collections and collectors of manuscripts.

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  • Colloque - Histoire

    Eighty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society

    From its founding, the American Musicological Society has held annual meetings, either solely or jointly, to explore and share the work of its members and constituents. The American Musicological Society was founded in 1934 as a non-profit organization to advance “research in the various fields of music as a branch of learning and scholarship,” a mission that has since evolved to include teaching and learning about music in addition to research.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Touched: Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    Inauguration of the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects)

    This seminar proposes to explore the elusive experience of being touched from a transdisciplinary perspective. It will serve as the launch for the TACT network (Touch, Arts, Affects).

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  • Louvain

    Colloque - Histoire

    Language in the Global History of Knowledge

    This workshop discusses various ways in which language and the study of language figured in the global history of knowledge, from the 16th to the early 20th century. In the expanding network of mercantile, missionary, and colonial relations, language was both a vessel and a barrier for the transmission of knowledge. Moreover, languages became an object of knowledge and theory-formation in themselves, in ways that diverged from how their speakers knew their language and their world. Our aim is to address the interrelations between these different kinds of knowledge. The emergence of the language sciences has to be understood both in relation to traditions of textual scholarship within different cultures, and to developments in other fields of science (broadly understood).

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  • Durham

    Colloque - Pensée

    Time at the Turn of the Twentieth Century in American-British Philosophy

    Around the turn of the twentieth century, time became a major focus of American-British philosophy. Against a broadly Kantian-Hegelian backdrop, philosophers began developing new questions and theories about time. Shadworth Hodgson argued humans perceive a ‘specious present’, a short duration rather than an infinitesimally small one; this view was further developed by Mary Calkins and William James. J. M. E. McTaggart advanced a new argument for the unreality of time. A. N. Whitehead made time the foundation of his process philosophy. This event brings together philosophers from Europe and North America exploring this period that was to become defining for the contours of twentieth-century English-speaking philosophy of time. The event will deliberately be scheduled to be compatible with European and North American time zones.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Représentations

    Contemporary American Fiction in the Face of Technical Innovation

    Cette conférence se propose d'interroger les relations de la fiction américaine aux innovations qui ont marqué les premières décennies du XXIe siècle : internet, médias sociaux, objets et environnements intelligents, intelligence artificielle, nanotechnologies, ingénierie génétique et autres biotechnologies, transhumanisme. Ces innovations techniques redéfinissent la manière dont nous habitons notre monde, interagissons les uns avec les autres et appréhendons l'humain dans son rapport de plus en plus étroit à la machine, non plus, comme autrefois, soigné ou réparé, mais désormais augmenté ou remplacé. Qu'en est-il alors de nos pratiques artistiques et culturelles ? Ces avancées récentes modifient-ils la langue et la littérature ?

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  • Gand

    Colloque - Histoire

    Blasphemy and violence. Interdependencies since 1760

    Liberas (Ghent, Belgium), in conjunction with the School of History, Religion and Philosophy at Oxford Brookes University (Oxford, United Kingdom) and the Leibniz Institute of European History (Mainz, Germany), organises an international colloquium devoted to the interdependency between blasphemy and violence in modern history. Both young and established scholars will focus on specific incidents of blasphemy and sacrilege in Europe and the Arab world.The eve preceding the conference (4 March), internationally renowned expert Alain Cabantous will give a keynote lecture in French on blasphemy and sacrilege during the French Revolution.

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  • Cambridge

    Colloque - Pensée

    Reassessing Bergson

    The thought of Henri Bergson (1859-1941), one of the most influential theorists of time of the twentieth century, has primarily been confined to the so-called “continental” tradition of philosophy. In the past few years this has started to change; his work has begun to receive ingenious reassessment from philosophers outside the field of “continental” philosophy in general and within analytic philosophy in particular. The aim of this conference is to capture this moment and use it to provide new perspectives on Bergsonian philosophy, expanding and reassessing Bergson’s legacy and producing a major permutation in the philosophy of time.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Colloque - Asie

    Current Perspectives on Ibn ʿArabī and “Akbarī” Thought

    The aim of this meeting is to bring together confirmed and emerging specialists in order to gain some perspective on the current academic research on Ibn ʿArabī and “Akbarī” thought and to discuss research directions for the future. It will also bring to light questions arising from the reading and use of Ibn ʿArabī’s ideas today, taking into account the new approaches and better access to the texts provided by recent tools for textual analysis, and evaluating how our present-day situation shapes our understanding of his works, and conversely, what an informed reading can bring to current re-appropriations and (mis)use.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Pensée

    Emergence of Mind

    Patrick Haggard (résident 2016-2017 de l'IEA de Paris / UCL), Daniel Garber (résident 2017-2018 de l'IEA de Paris / Princeton) et Giandomenico Iannetti (résident 2017-2018 de l'IEA de Paris / UCL) organisent un colloque pluridisciplinaire consacré à l'évolution de notre conception de l'esprit et de la conscience : des origines historiques et philosophiques du concept à son acception neuroscientifique actuelle.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Représentations

    Femmes artistes à l’âge classique (arts du dessin, peinture, sculpture, gravure)

    Comment ces artistes sont-elles désignées, et de quelle manière préfèrent-elles se nommer ? Le siècle hésite à se saisir d’expressions pour les qualifier. Quelles sont les conditions de travail et de vie de ces artistes ? De quelles façons apprennent-elles leur art, où peuvent-elles l’exercer et l’exposer, avec qui à leurs côtés ? Quelle est la réception de leur art dans les Salons et les journaux de l’époque, en France et en Europe ? En quelle réputation – nationale et internationale, bonne ou mauvaise – sont-elles ?


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  • Tucson

    Colloque - Langage

    Arizona Graduate Conference in French

    Le Département de français et d'italien à l'université d'Arizona est ravi d'organiser ce colloque auquel tous les mastérants et doctorants en français sont invités à participer afin d'avoir l'opportunité de : présenter leur recherche lors d'une communication orale avec le format traditionnel de 20 minutes pour la communication suivie de 10 minutes pour les questions et commentaires, en français ou en anglais ; ou présenter leur recherche en cours dans une table ronde qui permettra une communication de 15 minutes suivie d'un véritable échange et retour d'information, en français ou en anglais ; s'inscrire à des ateliers ludiques de recherche sur deux thèmes différents (voir Ateliers ci-dessous) ; rencontrer d'autres étudiants et des professeurs ; assister à deux sessions plénières de chercheurs éminents portant sur des thématiques différentes ; assister à un film francophone pour l'ouverture du colloque le 23 février.

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