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HomeSubjectsMind and languageLanguage

  • Call for papers - America

    From limits to margins. Periphery(s) in stories and imaginarie Latin American contemporaries

    « Amerika », numéro 28

    This number attempts to define what the margins and peripheries are today in the imaginaries, stories, human sciences and cultural fields of the Americas. If the twentieth century saw, in most countries of Latin America, as it was about defining a cultural norm (which or not took over from the colonial period, whether or not integrating elements of pre-Hispanic history), also appeared increasingly affirmed countercultures and peripheral cultures. With digitalization, which occurred at the beginning of our century, a strong acceleration of the movement was noted. It is then worth asking what a peripheral/marginal culture may be, as well as looking for a way to define it. Another primary issue is knowing how (and by whom) these currents can be represented. In a somewhat binary conception of social, geographic and creative space, one would obviously have to oppose the notions of normativity and centrality to the margins.


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  • Lisbon

    Call for papers - Middle Ages

    Romance Languages in Medieval Latin Documentation

    Following recent discussions on the presence of Romance elements in medieval Latin documents, we propose this meeting, which aims at offering a new opportunity to reflect on all forms of manifestation of Romance languages in the mentioned texts, as well as to present the latest scientific advances made in their study in the wider European context. Thus, issues related to how, both morphologically and syntactically, the diplomas show the transition from Latin to Romance languages, the mechanisms for Latinizing Romance elements, or the presence of borrowings from other languages that were assumed by Romance languages, may be subject to analysis. Similarly, contributions will be welcome regarding the role that medieval Latin lexicography plays in relation to Romance language and how dictionaries and lexical databases contribute to their study.

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  • Limoges

    Call for papers - Language

    La forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains

    La Société française des hispanistes et ibéro-américanistes célèbrera son XLI congrès du 5 au 8 juin 2024 à l’université de Limoges. Il aura pour thématique « la forêt dans les mondes ibériques et ibéro-américains ». S’adressant prioritairement aux spécialistes de l’aire ibérique et ibéro-américaine, ce congrès se veut pourtant aussi résolument ouvert à d’autres approches autour de la thématique. Ainsi, si les études littéraires et artistiques, linguistiques et historiennes semblent s’imposer, les approches sociologiques, géographiques, anthropologiques, philosophiques seront également les bienvenues dès lors qu’elles portent sur le thème et l’aire culturelle ibérique et ibéro-américaine.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    Mapping the Other

    In Western space, mapping the Other is not a prescriptive notion to assign ossified identities. Rather, it is about questioning the link between these intersectional identities of otherness and the specificities of the various Western spaces. In other words, it invites a reconsideration of how the Others autonomously define themselves in the dominant and marginal spaces of the “normative order” of hegemonic societies, and how they integrate them to make them theirs—therefore challenging the systems of oppression implemented.

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  • Concepción del Uruguay

    Call for papers - Language

    Afro Literature Conference

    Cuando decidimos abordar el estudio de la “literatura africana”, nos enfrentamos a una serie de problemas, en tanto campo complejo de tensiones, de núcleos constitutivos, de perspectivas, inherentes a toda etiqueta formada por la palabra literatura y un gentilicio. Una dificultad no menor la encontramos en los planes de estudios de las carreras de Letras en Argentina cuyo “patrón cognitivo” (Quijano 2017) aún persiste dentro de los rasgos de un patrón de poder fundado en la colonialidad: el centro no ha sido del todo desplazado, para decirlo con wa Thiong’o (2014).  El eurocentrismo académico en nuestro país perdura en el escaso interés que el pensamiento africano y afrodiaspórico ocupa en las carreras de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, con destacadas excepciones siempre individuales o colectivas pero rara vez institucionale.

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  • Nanterre

    Call for papers - America

    Écritures de la fluidité dans la littérature latino-américaine contemporaine

    Nous aborderons dans ce numéro de Crisol le concept de fluidité dans les littératures latino-américaines récentes écrites en espagnol, en portugais et en langues autochtones. Les termes renvoyant à la fluidité seront entendus dans leur matérialité, renvoyant aux études éco-critiques mais aussi aussi au corps humain. On s’interrogera également sur les implications stylistiques d’une telle notion, pour interroger ce qu’est (ou n'est pas) une écriture fluide, une lecture fluide. Enfin, la notion de fluidité sera interrogée dans ses liens avec la post-modernité, en particulier en ce qui concerne l’approche du genre.

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  • Call for papers - Language

    Littérature et cinéma : allers-retours

    La recherche concernant les relations entre le cinéma et la littérature s’est longtemps concentrée sur la question de l’adaptation de la littérature au cinéma, une pratique relativement constante dans l’histoire de l’adaptation et sur laquelle se sont édifiées les Adaptation Studies. Ce colloque vise à prolonger la réflexion menée ces dernières années, pour mieux comprendre l’évolution des relations entre cinéma et littérature, au sein d’un champ de plus en plus complexe, où coexistent et se concurrencent une profusion de moyens de communication inter/transmédiaux et de supports pour les dispositifs artistiques et les systèmes de diffusion culturelle, au-delà de l’édition ou du cinéma.

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  • Martinique

    Call for papers - Language

    Afro-Diasporic Imaginaries in 20th and 21st–Century Latin American and Caribbean Literature and Visual Arts

    In this volume, we would like to analyze in depth the paths taken by the 20th and 21st century Latin American and Caribbean letters in relation to the experience of the black diaspora in dialogue with the visual arts, as well as in relation to the main themes, forms and techniques used by artist, playwrights, poets, storytellers and writers. In a context of increasing violence and intolerance towards minorities in Latin America, we will welcome analyses that focus on the relationship between literature and the resistance of the cultures created by the black diaspora.

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  • Lisbon

    Call for papers - History

    Deciphering censorship

    From regulation to the production of invisibilities, from the archive to the Internet: an interdisciplinary approach

    We invite all parties interested in the theme of censorship to participate in the conference across any of the four axes detailed below. Nevertheless, there is an openness to other proposals that set out new paths and, hence, the framework below is in no way exhaustive: Analytical models and methodologies; Framework for the factor of international circulation; Meta-analysis; Implications of censorship.

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  • Rennes

    Call for papers - America

    Fictions of terror in the Southern Cone and Brazil: recent representations

    Amerika n°26

    This issue of Amerika will explore Southern Cone’s and Brazil’s horrific and terrific recent literature. In Latin America, violence is ubiquitous producing fear and anguish, and these emotions can be contagious. Fear and anguish are intrinsically related to terror, and they can take place both at a collective level and at an individual level. Many authors use terror to deal with subjects such as politics, family, violence, poverty, public security, social radicalization, the body and the feminine condition.

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  • Buenos Aires

    Call for papers - Thought

    Rhythm and Art

    Rhythm is a central element in the creation of meaning in art, and its configuration is such that it requires a multi, inter and transdisciplinary approach. The difference of materials, procedures and events masks the resemblance of rhythmic phenomena that are similar in different arts and hides their identity or their homology. In the work of some scholars, the concepts do not seem to belong to a particular artistic discipline, being rather characteristic of the rhythmic phenomenon. The objective of this conference is to provide an instance for exchanging knowledge, concerns and aspirations for those who have been devoting themselves to the study of rhythm and artistic creation on the subject.

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  • Lorient

    Call for papers - Language

    Le panhispanisme : tensions, écarts, rencontres

    Société des hispanistes français

    Le mot panhispanisme a toujours fait référence, surtout, à la langue en ce qu’elle constitue le dénominateur commun d’un ensemble de territoires dans lesquels on utilise l’espagnol de façon plus ou moins prépondérante. Le but du prochain colloque international de la Société des hispanistes français (SHF) est de s’interroger, de débattre et d’échanger, depuis des approches et des perspectives variées, sur la notion et la réalité du panhispanisme. L’hispanisme, le lusitanisme, le galéguisme, le catalanisme et l’américanisme sont concernés par cette thématique qui se déclinera en plusieurs disciplines : lexicographie, dialectologie, traductologie, didactique de la langue, analyse du discours, glottopolitique, sociolinguistique, civilisation, études culturelles, études postcoloniales, études cinématographiques et histoire en général. 

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  • Call for papers - America

    The world of sports in the Americas and their political, cultural and social representations

    Amerika Journal n°25

    Sporting events mark the center of interest in the social life for many countries in the world. However, if we focus on the Americas, this importance is even more obvious. Sport becomes a reason for encounter, community, and connection. It brings out levels of interest and reinforces local, regional or beyond that, the game that is often unparalleled. Few people escape the passion that surrounds a country in the face of success in global competitions. This phenomenon, based on collective pride, pushes boundaries and includes even the most critical viewers. Can we consider this contradiction one of the keys to success?

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Call for papers - Language

    Sédimentation : vers une archéologie du texte et de l'image

    XIIIe congrès international de l’« International association of word and image studies » (IAWIS) / Association international pour l’étude des rapports entre texte et image (AIERTI)

    The 13th International Conference of the International Word and Image Association (IAWIS) will take place between 28 August and 01 September 2023 in hybrid mode at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Next year's conference will focus on the concept of sedimentation in word-image studies. The term, in its literal and metaphorical sense, will allow us to examine historical, theoretical and thematic issues that cross cultural, literary and artistic productions, and to consider the tensions, articulations, oscillations that intertwine the word and the image.

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  • Belo Horizonte

    Call for papers - Representation

    Le remploi, l’appropriation, la répétition : transferts entre la littérature, le théâtre et le cinéma

    Reutilização, apropriação, repetição: transferências entre a literatura, o teatro e cinema

    Les déplacements, les appropriations et les hybridations, enfin, les recyclages et les remplois, constituent des traits distinctifs d’une partie importante des productions culturelles, au moins dès le début du XXIe siècle. Dans la littérature comme dans le cinéma, on perçoit des pratiques et procédés qui visent à réélaborer, remployer, modifier, transcrire, arranger par la répétition. Nous invitons les chercheuses et chercheurs à proposer des communications en privilégiant la répétition comme axe de réflexion autour des pratiques médiatiques entre littérature, cinéma et théâtre.

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  • Scholarship, prize and job offer - Language

    Values Across Space and Time (VAST) - Research Grant for Master student

    A call for tender is open for one Research Grant for Master student under the VAST: Values Across Space and Time project, of which IELT – NOVA FCSH is a partner, financed by European funds through the European Commission (H2020), in the scientific area of Literature. The aim of the project is to study the transformation of moral values in space and time and their communication and perception by different audiences, capturing, digitizing, preserving and analyzing the stories and experiences of those exposed to these values.

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  • Bologna

    Call for papers - Language

    Les projets de recherche en terminologie : dynamiques et résultats

    La XVIIIe journée scientifique de REALITER (Réseau panlatin de terminologie) et le XXXIIe colloque Ass.I.Term (Italian Association for Terminology) se proposent de pouvoir présenter aux collègues, aux doctorant·e·s, aux étudiant·e·s et à la communauté des langues romanes la dynamique de la recherche terminologique actuelle bénéficiant de financements, dont les travaux sont en cours, récemment conclus ou dans l’attente des résultats d’évaluation. Ils veulent en outre réunir les réflexions les plus percutantes et les plus pointues sur les recherches actuelles en cours dans le domaine de la terminologie théorique et appliquée.

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  • Call for papers - Language

    João Ubaldo Ribeiro, a ficção e a história

    III Congresso Internacional de Literatura Brasileira

    João Ubaldo Ribeiro nasceu na Bahia, em 23 de janeiro de 1941. Depois de viver em Portugal, Alemanha e Estados Unidos, na década de 1990 se mudou para o Rio de Janeiro. Tudo isso permitiu que o escritor ampliasse o horizonte do seu olhar. Comprometida política e socialmente com os desfavorecidos, a literatura de João Ubaldo traça a história do Brasil e acrisola as distintas culturas que configuraram a idiossincrasia desse grande país, a portuguesa e a africana, passando por numerosas manifestações nativas. Por isso, a sua obra possui uma pluralidade complexa de sotaques e uma notável variedade de tipos, unida a um profundo olhar histórico, e inegável compromisso com a ficção, da qual se serve na crítica, na ironia e no sentido de humor. Amante e defensor da língua portuguesa, da qual se considerava um servidor, João Ubaldo Ribeiro fez o idioma brilhar em seus trabalhos, que lhe proporcionaram grandes prêmios e um amplo número de leitores. O Colibra convida a todos os especialistas e leitores da obra de João Ubaldo Ribeiro, assim como da Literatura brasileira em geral, a participarem desta nova edição (como nas edições anteriores, também serão admitidos trabalhos que versem sobre literatura brasileira em general).

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  • Call for papers - Language

    Cordel Literature: new perspectives, new approaches

    Jangada Journal #20

    Due to its thematic, poetic, and expressive diversity, the cordel witnessed, narrated, and recorded several national history moments. Even though only men mastered the art of composing and singing in verse initially, little by little, women also took the stage. Nowadays, poets adjust national and international interest themes to their meter, rhyme, and clause. They denounce the system’s falsities and contradictions; they question decisions and mock hypocrisy without, however, losing that aura of playfulness and wonder that has consecrated the cordel among us. Originally handwritten and later in printed versions, cordel has maintained a strong connection with the voice and culture of fairs and squares, the fey and laughter of rogue heroes, and the feeling of indignation of the less favored and the exaltation of legendary braves since the end of the 19th century. More recent researchers drew attention to the relationship between cordel and its singers’ orality and body performance while singing poetry and African griots. In this thematic issue, we propose to host papers concerning the most varied studies on cordel literature and its cultural practices.

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  • Aveiro

    Call for papers - Language

    Didactique(s), plurilinguisme(s), mondialisation(s)

    La didactique des langues est un domaine pluriel, où se côtoient des recherches diversement situées, qui interrogent des situations variées, des thématiques distinctes, voisines ou complémentaires, selon des approches qui privilégient différentes orientations et démarches liées à l’appropriation d’une ou de plusieurs langues par des apprenants et/ou aux rôles joués par différents acteurs dans l’appropriation langagière. Cette année, les organisateurs ont choisi d’interroger plus spécifiquement la notion de mondialisation comme angle d’analyse des situations didactiques. 

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