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  • Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Public Diplomacy in Context

    Past and Present of National Image Management among the Small Nations of Northern Europe

    Two-day conference in Helsinki and Turku (Finland) in April 2013. The theme of the conference is the History of "National Image Management" efforts (Public diplomacy, Propaganda, Nation-Branding) in the countries of Northern Europe. Deadline for abstracts is the end of November 2012.

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  • Appel à contribution - Information

    E-learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education

    This book will aim to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in the area. It will be written for professionals and academics who want to improve their understanding of the strategic role of E-learning at different levels of the information and knowledge society, that is, E-learning at the level of the global economy, of networks and organizations, of teams and work groups, of information systems and, finally, E-learning at the level of individuals as actors in the networked environments.

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  • Rome

    Colloque - Information

    Tracking Innovation through Grey Literature

    Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature

    Innovation is a process manifested in and through grey literature. Both have their origins in knowledge generation and both demonstrate value for government, academics, business and industry through their uses and applications. In a way, innovation and grey literature are two sides of the same coinage. Innovation is the catalyst for positive change and grey literature is the measure of benchmarks in the further process of research and development. The goal of the Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature seeks to track the process of innovation by tracing the research life cycle and observing its convergence in the field of grey literature.

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  • Oxford

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Climat et temps : la science comme culture publique

    Communication scientifique et son histoire - III

    Climate and weather provide a particularly rich and challenging case study to complete the conference series. The climate sciences are characterised by complexity: in their professional networks; their conceptual models; and the logistics of their large-scale data and computing needs. Yet few modern scientific disciplines attract the same level of public engagement, in both everyday life and passionate debate on the future of the planet. Moreover, their status at the intersection of policy, scientific controversy and the public sphere is not a recent development: the same issues and fault lines ran through meteorology from the 18th-century onwards.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    La création littéraire contemporaine dans la péninsule Arabique

    Depuis la fin du XXe siècle, la production littérature de la Péninsule s’est affirmée sur la scène littéraire arabe comme un acteur incontournable du devenir de la littérature arabe, à la fois par ses écrivains, ses structures de légitimation et l’évolution du lectorat présent dans cette région. La contribution de certains pays comme l’Arabie saoudite et le Yémen est notable. Elle a parfois fait oublier l’activité littéraire d’autres pays de la Péninsule et les publications prévues porteront sur l'ensemble de la production des pays de la péninsule Arabique.

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Pensée

    Screen media and memory

    The 2012 NECS conference “Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory” will take place in Lisbon. It aims to address this general question, and to tackle the different issues connected with time in relation to our screen-dominated media culture. In this way, the conference will draw upon and add to the rich and scholarly discussion of diverse media practices and their connection with the concepts of memory, history, and the temporalities of everyday life.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    La police, entre fiction et non-fiction. Circulation, représentation et communication (XXe-XXIe siècles)

    L’efficacité policière est devenue un enjeu politique et électoral majeur dans les démocraties en proie à l’inquiétude sécuritaire. Placées sous l’œil attentif des médias, les autorités policière et politique, soucieuses de faire la preuve de leur capacité à assurer le maintien de l’ordre, se retrouvent au cœur d’une logique d’image et d’enjeux de communication permanents. L’objectif de ce colloque est de contribuer à renouveler la réflexion sur les relations entre les sphères policière et médiatique.

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    La nostalgie dans les musiques populaires

    Revue Volume !

    Volume ! la revue de recherche pluridisciplinaire à comité de lecture dédiée à l’analyse des musiques populaires lance un nouvel appel à contributions pour un numéro consacré à la nostalgie dans les musiques populaires, dans une variété de contextes nationaux, internationaux et transnationaux. Ce numéro, dirigé par Hugh Dauncey (Newcastle University) et Christopher Tinker (Heriot-Watt University) explorera les façons dont la nostalgie liée aux musiques populaires est produite, représentée, médiatisée et consommée.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Le papyrus et l'hypertexte. Athénée dans la cuisine du savoir

    Cette journée d'étude a pour objectif de faire dialoguer des antiquisants et des spécialistes des humanités numériques, au sujet des « Deipnosophistes » d'Athénée / This one-day conference aims at fostering a dialogue about Athenaeus' "Deipnosophists" between classicists and digital humanists.

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  • Cagliari

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Moving Boundaries in Mobilities Research

    This conference, funded by the University of Cagliari and organized in collaboration with the Cosmobilities network, aims at discussing new directions in mobilities research, showcasing the state of the art in the field, and providing a unique opportunity to create lasting links among researchers, especially in the north and the south of Europe. The language of this event will be English but the range of papers presented will be a reflection of the diversity of concerns, approaches and methodologies informing mobilities research in Europe and beyond. Young and experienced researchers are invited to submit abstracts for paper presentations. High quality abstracts on any aspect of mobilities are welcomed.

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  • Louvain

    Colloque - Religions

    La Bible vernaculaire et les réformes religieuses

    Colloque international

    Dans les développements religieux en Europe du nord-ouest, la Bible était souvent instrumentalisée, comme étalon, source de conflit ou tout simplement pour son intérêt propre. Ce fut le cas avec la Devotio Moderna, l’humanisme biblique, la Réformation et la Contre-Réforme catholique. La mise à disposition des Écritures Saintes en langue vernaculaire représente le trait d’union entre ces mouvements de réforme dans leurs rapports respectifs avec la Bible. Bien que la Bible ait influencé de plus en plus en profondeur tous les aspects de la culture et de la société en Europe du nord-ouest, son étude scientifique a mené à la désacralisation du livre dès les dernières décennies du seizième siècle, et s’est ensuite inscrite en Europe dans les tendances de sécularisation. Au moyen des pamphlets notamment, la discussion s’est disséminée sur une plus grande échelle. L'objet de ce colloque est de dégager la signification et l’influence mutuelle des traductions de la Bible en langue vernaculaire et des réformes religieuses.

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  • Informations diverses - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Recensement de la communauté des « Digital Humanities »

    Welcome to the Digital Humanities Survey. By responding to this survey, you will help the Digital Humanities community discover its extent and diversity, as well as its geographical and linguistic composition. We hope you will be willing to participate in this survey and thus improve the understanding of our community. This questionnaire, which is an initiative of the Centre for Open Publishing (Cleo) and, is a contribution to the Humanistica Project: towards a European association for the Digital Humanities, building on the ideas expressed in the Digital Humanities Manifesto, based on a multilingual approach, and democratic principles (one person, one vote). If you agree with the principles of the Digital Humanities, you can sign it ( Thank you for your contribution!

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    Modalités de la communication scientifique et technique II

    Du XVe siècle à nos jours

    Colloque organisé par la Maison française d'Oxford, les 9 et 10 mars 2012.

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  • Paris

    Informations diverses - Droit

    Complexity, Networks and Internet Regulation

    Séminaire du projet ANR ADAM sur les architectures distribuées

    Why is the Internet so difficult to regulate? In large part, its complexity and size have proved challenging, but there seems to be a lot of ignorance about how it really works. Large interconnected systems such as the Internet display a number of inherent architectural characteristics deeming them well-suited to the study of complex dynamic networks. The starting point of this talk is that it is perfectly possible to use various network science-based tools to explore the contentious issue of Internet regulation. Specifically, the Internet as a dynamic distributed system requires new challenges that rely on that same distributed nature in order to tackle them.

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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Tracking Innovation through Grey Literature

    Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature

    Innovation is a process manifested in and through grey literature. Both have their origins in knowledge generation and both demonstrate value for government, academics, business and industry through their uses and applications. In a way, innovation and grey literature are two sides of the same coinage. Innovation is the catalyst for positive change and grey literature is the measure of benchmarks in the further process of research and development.

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  • Lausanne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    De l’(id)entité textuelle au cours du Moyen Âge tardif (XIIIe-XVe siècle)

    Dans le cadre du projet de recherche OPVS ("Old Pious Vernacular Successes), financé par le conseil européen de la recherche de novembre 2010 à octobre 2015 (, un colloque est organisé au sujet des identités textuelles au cours du Moyen Âge tardif. Celui-ci se tiendra à Lausanne en février 2013.

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  • Trente

    Colloque - Histoire

    Raconter la guerre

    Paroles et images de guerre, des chanteurs de rue à internet

    One of the most significant aspects of recent historiographical work on war has been the attention paid to the cultural representations of conflict: the visual representation of war and its memory, language and rhetoric. This historiographical approach towards the subject of war has brought new attention to ways of representing war and the languages used to recount it. The First World War is usually seen as marking a new era; the unusual nature of the violence of this conflict, with the “disappearance of battle” and the mechanization of death, signalling the end of war as a place for generating men’s honour. But other moments in the history of western culture have seen the paradigm of war change in the accounts and narratives of contemporaries. Among these, the period of the Italian Wars of the sixteenth century, when the image of war transformed from a theatre of conflict between chivalric heroes to the anonymous encounters of armies.

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  • Mulhouse

    Colloque - Époque moderne

    Voix / voies radicales : dire et diffuser le radicalisme dans les îles britanniques, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle

    « Voix / voies radicales : dire et diffuser le radicalisme dans les îles britanniques (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles) ». Colloque international interdisciplinaire, Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse (France) – 11-13 avril 2013, organisé avec le soutien d’ILLE (Institut de recherche en langues et littératures européennes, EA 4363).

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Flashbacks. Nostalgic media and mediated forms of nostalgia

    Can media really be nostalgic? Which specific forms of nostalgia appear in contemporary society and why? Can people be nostalgic if they did not experience the past they pretend being nostalgic of? What kind of politics of nostalgia exist? What is the impact of nostalgia on the media market and its influence on economy? Finally, given the arbitrary (?) use of the past in all its imaginable variations and cultural systems, is it still possible to use the word nostalgia or should there be a neologism describing the transformation of the past in(to) the digital era? Could it even be possible to be simply nostalgic of nostalgia; finally describing the eternal research for (lost) identity? This international conference aims to explore nostalgia as a (mass) media phenomena and also seeks for contributions that treat any other mediated forms of nostalgia.

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  • Lyon

    Colloque - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Web and Philosophy: why and what for?

    PhiloWeb 2012

    The advent of the Web is one of the defining technological events of the twentieth-first century, yet its impact on the fundamental questions of philosophy has not yet been widely explored, much less systematized. We hope to provoke the properly philosophical question of whether there is a consistent new branch or practice of philosophy that can weave these changes to technology and society into a coherent whole and have a real social impact.

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