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  • Marseille

    Colloque - Information

    International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub 2019)

    Academic publishing and digital bibliodiversity

    The 23rd edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub) will celebrate the cultural diversity in all aspects of the transmission and perception of the written, spoken and illustrated word! In 2019, ElPub will expand your horizons and perceptions. Taking as an inspirational starting point the concept of bibliodiversity, the forum will revisit its definition and explore what it means today. Being organised five years after the adoption of the International Declaration of Independent Publishers to Promote and Strengthen Bibliodiversity Together, supported in 2014 by 400 publishers from 45 countries, the conference aims to bring together the enquiring academic, professional and publishing industry minds keen to explore the ever evolving nature of the knowledge transmission within human societies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Information

    Information management and digital information

    The journal Open Information Science is seeking papers for a special issue on Information Management and Digital Information to be published in December 2019.

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  • Appel à contribution - Information

    Information studies, race and racism

    On behalf of independent academic publisher De Gruyter, the open access journal Open Information Science we are announcing a call for papers for topical issue: Information studies, race and racism.

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  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Working on Digital Scholarly Editions and Research Software Development in Berlin

    Full-time position (Digital Humanities) at Centro Humboldt – Center for Digital Cultural Heritage Research

    For the launch of an international digitization and digital edition project, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of sciences and humanities (BBAW) invites applications for the position of a Research Assistant (male/female/divers) in the field of Digital Humanities (Digital Scholarly Editions and Research Software Development).The position is based in Berlin, Germany, but includes regular work assignments and team meetings in Havana. The focus of the project is on cultural and scientific historical sources of the 18th and 19th centuries in the context of Alexander von Humboldt's American journey.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    L'adjectif en anglais

    Lexis 15

    The e-journal LexisJournal in English Lexicology – will publish its 15th issue in 2020. It will be guest-edited by Vincent Hugou (Université de Tours) and Vincent Renner(Université Lumière Lyon 2) and will deal with “adjectives in English”, a lexical class known for its heterogeneity and instability.

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  • Appel à contribution - Information

    Access to information: freedom and censorship

    Open Information Science Journal

    Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Nonetheless, access to information is frequently challenged and curtailed, through government, private, or individual actions; many of these acts may be considered censorship (depending upon one’s definition of censorship). Censorship, freedom of speech, and access to information have long been central concerns of library and information science.

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  • Bacău

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The construction of reality in the post-truth age

    We invite papers for the 25th issue of the intersdiciplinary academic journal Interstudia, based at the Faculty of Letters, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania. The proposed topic for this issue is "The construction of reality in the post-truth age". We will accept articles written in English, French, Italian and Spanish whose main points of interest will be related to ideas deriving from these following themes for reflection: the role of language in the construction of post-truth, the manipulation of emotion in the media, ethics and post-truth, the role of humanities in the preservation of human values, truth versus opinion in the post-truth society, the relation among data, information and knowledge, ICT and post-truth, the role of numerical devices in the propagation of post-truth attitudes. These are only suggested topics, and should not be considered exhaustive. authors should be free in choosing their topic of research within the frame offered by the general title. 

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  • Berlin Mitte

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Amériques

    Full-time Research Assistant (digital scholarly editions, project coordinator) at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

    For the launch of an international digitization and digital edition project, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) invites applications for the position of a Research Assistant (male/female/divers) in the field of Digital Scholarly Editions and Project Coordination. 100% full-time position for an initial duration of 36 months. The position should ideally begin as soon as possible.

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  • Lyon

    Journée d'étude - Langage

    Metaphor and Manipulation

    Since Metaphors We Live By by Lakoff and Johnson was published [1980], studies adopting a cognitive approach to metaphor have proliferated and it is now generally acknowledged that metaphors have a cognitive function; they not only structure our language and discourse, but also our thought system, as they allow us to conceptualize a target domain thanks to a source domain. Cognitive linguistics, however, was frequently criticized for not considering the ornamental and rhetorical functions of metaphor. Other approaches were thus developed to take these functions into account, including Critical Metaphor Theory (Charteris-Black [2004]), which largely relies on Critical Discourse Analysis. Nevertheless, Charteris-Black based his studies on large corpora of political, religious, or journalistic texts and found that metaphor, because of its cognitive and affective appeal, remained the ultimate rhetorical tool in some genres.

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  • Göttingen

    Appel à contribution - Information

    International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), 2019

    The 2019 International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Conference will be held in the week of the 24th to 28th of June in Göttingen, hosted by the University of Göttingen / Göttingen State and University Library. The Conference is intended for a wide range of participants and interested parties, including digital image repository managers, content curators, software developers, scholars, and administrators at libraries, museums, cultural heritage institutions, software firms, and other organizations working with digital images and audio/visual materials.

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  • Londres

    Colloque - Histoire

    Tele(visualising) health: TV, public health, its enthusiasts and its publics

    Televisions began to appear in the homes of large numbers of the public in Europe and North America after World War II. This coincided with a period in which ideas about the public’s health, the problems that it faced and the solutions that could be offered, were changing. The threat posed by infectious diseases was receding, to be replaced by chronic conditions linked to lifestyle and individual behaviour. Public health professionals were enthusiastic about how this new technology. TV offered a way to reach large numbers of people with public health messages; it symbolised the post war optimism about new directions in public health. But it could also act as a contributory factor to those new public health problems.

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  • École thématique - Histoire

    Audiovisuals and internet archives: Histories of healthy bodies in the 21st century

    The Audiovisuals and internet archives: Histories of healthy bodies in the 21st century spring school invites young researchers to engage in four days of intensive discussion and hands-on activities on the relation between the history of the healthy body, body politics, and the Internet at the turn of the twenty-first century (roughly 1990s-2010). The spring school will take a transnational perspective and focus on developments in Germany, France and Great Britain. In building the historical foundation of the Internet era in the BodyCapital perspective, we will encounter new modes of representations and practices of the body that the Internet favored: webcam uses, first artist creations, reuse of traditional contents (photographs and films), amongst others.

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  • Weimar

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Schalten und walten. Towards Operative Ontologies

    IKKM Biennial Conference 2019

    The conference will conclude the IKKM six-year research program on ‘Operative Ontologies’. A term seeming contradictory at first, it assumes that everything that exists is not simply present or given but has been called into being through media and their operations in the most general sense: The ruling (das Walten) of nature as well as the ruling of the social reside under the command of technology, which as increasingly digitized technology is based on switching operations (das Schalten) — e.g. the achievements of bioengineering or the computational models of planet Earth. When embodied operations establish ontological orders and the difference between the ontic and the ontological thus re-enters the ontic, this demands a radical remodeling of ontology. The IKKM Biennial Conference 2019 therefore investigates the given with regard to the procedures through which it has been made possible, produced, set up, brought into the world and called into being — “switched on” — in the first place.

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  • Journée d'étude - Langage

    Metaphor and Manipulation

    The Linguistics Research Center (CEL - EA 1663) will host a Conference in English on "Metaphor and Manipulation" at University Jean Moulin (Lyon 3), on Friday, May 17th 2019.

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  • Ivry-sur-Seine

    Journée d'étude - Afrique

    Études éthiopiennes et humanités numériques : outils et projets

    Beta maṣāḥəft, Ethiopian Manuscript Archives, EthioMap

    L’objectif de cet atelier est de créer les conditions d’émergence d’une communauté scientifique utilisant les outils collaboratifs numériques au sein des études éthiopiennes. Il n’est pas besoin de rappeler le contexte scientifique et technologique qui est le nôtre pour comprendre l’importance et les enjeux de cette révolution méthodologique. De nombreuses initiatives ont  vu le jour depuis deux décennies, aussi bien en ce qui concerne la mise à disposition de documentation numérisée que d’outils permettant d’utiliser cette documentation. Après les premières expérimentations, l’interopérabilité et la mutualisation sont devenues les maîtres mots, et les études éthiopiennes se doivent de répondre à ces bonnes pratiques. 

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  • École thématique - Information

    The technologization of cultural techniques. What happens when practices become algorithmic technologies?

    Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies 2019

    The 2019 session of the Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies will be devoted to the question what happens to concepts derived from cultural techniques – like writing, erasure, image, number, not to mention the concept of culture itself – when implemented by algorithmic routines that run on computers or mobile media and thus effectively become digitized cultural technologies.The 2019 Princeton-Weimar Summer School for Media Studies will attempt to map out approaches to media as networks of cultural technologies. We invite applications from outstanding doctoral students throughout the world in media studies and related fields such as film studies, literary studies, philosophy, art history, architecture, sociology, politics, the history of science and visual culture.

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  • Limoges

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    36th Annual Conference of the Sport Literature Association

    Submissions should address treatments of sport in texts or textual media (print, film, performance, digital or other media). We invite essays on sport literature (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, or film) or on the rhetoric of sport.

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  • Washington

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Représentations

    Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize

    SAAM invites submissions for the 2019 Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize. The prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. citizen in the field of historical American art (pre-1980).

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Pensée

    Adventures of Identity: From the Double to the Avatar

    Recent developments in image-making techniques have resulted in a blurring of the threshold between the image world and the real world. Immersive and interactive virtual environments elicit in the perceiver a strong feeling of being incorporated into an autonomous world. Such incorporation can be conveyed by the “avatar”, a digital proxy through which the subject interacts with synthetic objects or other avatars. By convening scholars from different disciplines, the colloquium aims to critically address these multifarious issues, discussing the problematic and controversial status of the avatar, which is in urgent need of definition.

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  • Milan

    Séminaire - Représentations

    Thresholds III – “Avatar”

    Seminar of philosophy of image

    Recent evolutions in the contemporary iconoscape have enabled the production of pictures that elicit in the perceiver a strong feeling of “being there”, namely of being incorporated into new and autonomous environments. Subjects relating to such environments are no longer visual observers in front of images isolated from the real world by a framing device; they are experiencers living in quasi-worlds that offer multisensory stimuli and allow interactive sensorimotor affordances. In relation to such quasi-worlds, a key role is played by the avatar, a digital proxy through which subjects interact with synthetic objects or other avatars. The notion and the uses of the avatar are becoming crucial in a variety of disciplines, ranging from philosophy to visual culture studies, anthropology, sociology, cognitive psychology, and neurosciences. Also, they are raising relevant issues in the fields of ethics and politics.

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