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  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Picturing Tomorrow: Future-directed Imagination in American Art

    Comment comprenons-nous le concept d’avenir ? Est-il inévitable et formé par une longue séquence d’événements et occurrences accidentelles interconnectées ? Ou le concevons-nous comme quelque chose déterminé par nos actions et nos décisions présentes ? Est-il une pure potentialité, la promesse d’un monde radicalement différent et tout à la fois inimaginable ? Ou est-il considéré comme à jamais inaccessible, définissant notre expérience du présent comme un état perpétuel du sursis et de l’éphémère ?

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  • Mestre

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    History is a common good

    4th National Conference of the Italian Association of Public History

    In line with the Italian Public History Manifesto, approved after our association’s meeting in Pisa in June 2018, AIPH intends to contribute to the affirmation of a greater awareness of the value of historical knowledge, an essential resource for understanding the present, planning of the future and exercising full citizenship. The 4th AIPH National Conference of Venice-Mestre will create new opportunities for discussion and reflection between those who work with the past. The conference will examine ways in which history is present in society today, from universities to public places, in schools and learning institutions, in high and in popular culture and, finally, in the daily life of our communities.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Succession d'artistes

    Préservation, Étude, Dissémination, Institutionnalisation

    S’occuper de la succession d’un artiste dans les différents domaines dont cette action relève, constitue une grande responsabilité, partagée entre les différentes parties impliquées dans la gestion du patrimoine qui découle de cette succession. Tout d’abord les artistes, puis leurs héritiers ou représentants légaux, les galeries, les musées, les fondations ou les institutions académiques, sont les principaux moteurs du travail de préservation, d’étude, diffusion et gestion des fonds artistiques et documentaires qui permettent d’établir de façon systématique le parcours et la carrière d’un artiste.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Identités désirées

    Métamorphoses et nouvelles technologies au Japon

    Au Japon le phénomène estampillé kyara-ka – « se transformer en personnage » – donne maintenant naissance à ce que Nozawa Shunsuke (2013) nomme « un art émergent de l’auto-modélisation ». Basé sur des techniques de déguisement élaborées, le phénomène kyara-ka recouvre une grande variété de stratégies et de pratiques liées à la présentation de soi : cosplay, kigurumi, V-tubing, banques de voix synthétiques, utilisation de filtres vocaux-graphiques pour mettre en ligne des vidéos où les humains ressemblent à des personnages… En explorant les différentes manifestations de ce processus social de « chosification de l’humain », le colloque entend questionner les raisons pour lesquelles un nombre croissant de personnes se customisent en personnages. L’objectif du colloque est de traiter dans leur complexité les questions que soulèvent ces actes volontaires, et peut-être ironiques, d’oblitération. Quel est le profil de ces hommes et ces femmes qui se métamorphosent en créatures produites par infographie ? Comment vivent-ils le fait d’être aimés non pas pour eux-mêmes mais pour leur alter-ego numérique ? Quels récits, petits ou grands, accompagnent la production de ces doubles fictifs ? Est-il toujours pertinent d’analyser le phénomène en termes d’authenticity (original) ou d’artificialité (copie) ? Quelles négociations, quels refus sous-tendent l’usage des personnages comme masques sociaux ?

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  • Naples

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Historiography of the Perception of Islam through Manuscripts, Korans and their Displacement

    The aim of this workshop is to approach the question of the relationship between Christianity and Islam through the study of the production, circulation and uses of Arabic manuscripts, and mainly Korans, in the late medieval and early modern Mediterranean Europe. Our assumption is that the Balkans, Italy and the Iberian Peninsula form an axis of circulation which is especially significant for our understanding of the Mediterranean Sea as a comprehensive space of cultural, political and religious contact.


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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Études du politique

    How "European values" unite and divide. Rule of law, identity and morality politics in the European Union

    Final Conference of the ValEUR research project

    The conference addresses the role, effects and meanings of values at the crossroads of politics, culture, market and law. It documents the circulation and shaping of values between the different spheres of the European multi-level governance (local, national, supranational, transnational). It investigates the EU as a container of values politics as well as its interactions with external entities (Council of Europe, UN, rest of the world). A secondary purpose is to map the research using values as an exploratory framework of wider transformations of politics, policies and polities in Europe. Leaders of scientific projects having developed such agendas in recent years figure among the contributors.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Televising the socialist body

    Projections of health and welfare on the socialist and post-socialist screen

    Bodies and health on television have not been extensively researched, in particular in the socialist and transition to market-economy contexts.The conference seeks to analyse how television and its evolving formats –contemporary, similar and yet differing in national broadcast contexts– expressed and staged bodies and health from local, regional, national and international perspectives. The conference seeks to better understand the role that TV, as a modern visual mass media, has played in what may be cast as the transition from a national bio-political public health paradigm at the beginning of the twentieth century, to alternative societal forms of the late twentieth century when (supposedly) “better” and “healthier” lives were increasingly shaped by market forces.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Beyond Trianon

    The exit from war in Danubian Europe: a new era? (1918-1924)

    Using the Hungarian case as a springboard, and broadening the perspective to the whole of Danubian Europe, the conference seeks to address the following questions: the new social bonds emerging from the transformation brought about by the Paris Peace Conference; social, intellectual and (or) regional impact of changes, conflicts and international confrontations between 1918 and 1924. The conference aims to rise to the challenge of writing comparative social histories of this historical moment.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Traduire la littérature numérique ?

    Colloque international (16-17 janvier 2020, Université Paris 8, France)

    La traduction en tant que processus constituera le point focal de ce colloque. En effet, dès lors que l’on aborde la traduction comme un processus plutôt que comme un produit, il convient de considérer les œuvres traduites comme appartenant à un ou plusieurs réseaux, contextes et cultures traductologiques. La traduction est un concept qui permet de proposer un nouvel éclairage sur les échanges et les différences spécifiques à la culture littéraire numérique contemporaine. La culture littéraire numérique mobilise plusieurs types d’opérations : elle présuppose la traduction interlinguistique, mais aussi des échanges qui ressortissent à des problématiques traductologiques au sens large : échanges entre interfaces, médias, codes, institutions, perspectives culturelles, pratiques artistiques et archives. En outre, les textualités numériques partagent un certain nombre de caractéristiques au sein d’environnements omniprésents. De fait, les processus de traduction conduisent à considérer des pratiques créatives qui se situent au-delà du champ strictement littéraire. 

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  • La Haye

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Thinking in the box: The benefits of artistic tradition in the Nineteenth Century

    This conference invites papers that consider artistic tradition not as the nemesis of creation but in its own right. It aims to examine the potential artistic, commercial and even political benefits of thinking in the box—of continuing artistic tradition(s), working within them or reverting to them during the (long) nineteenth century. What could tradition yield for artists and the way they understood their art that innovation could not? What could it do for audiences and what they might have sought in artworks? What could it achieve for patrons, with their various social, political and aesthetic agendas? We invite papers that deal with the “problem” of tradition in nineteenth-century art, but which do not address the phenomenon itself as a problem. We especially welcome proposals that explore or develop new theoretical paradigms to study the relationship between nineteenth-century art and artistic tradition.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The Enlightened Nightscape (1700-1830)

    The objective of The Enlightened Nightscape 1700-1830 is to present a cross-disciplinary discussion on the thinking about the concept of night through examples from the global and long eighteenth century.  This edited collection seeks to bring together case studies that address how the night became visible in the eighteenth century through different mediums and in different geographical contexts.  The proposed study of the representation, treatment, and meaning of the night in the long and global eighteenth century also contributes to an on-going exercise that questions the accepted definitions of the Enlightenment.  By bringing Eighteenth-Century Studies into dialogue with Night Studies, The Enlightened Nightscape 1700-1830 enriches the critical conversation on both lines of research

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Maternal Sacrifice in Jewish Culture

    Rethinking Sacrifice from a Maternal Perspective in Religion, Art, and Culture

    Rethinking Nancy Jay’s opposition between sacrifice and childbirth in what she defines a “remedy for having been born of woman”, the conference aims to explore new approaches to the maternal sacrifice as a ritual, as a narrative, and as a metaphor in the context of Jewish culture.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Cinema and the City

    Interdisciplinary perspectives

    The conference aims to explore the relationships established between cinema and urban areas. We want to stress the connections woven between cities and cinema, films, fiction and documentaries – important unconventional sources for the understanding of social and cultural contexts. We intend to focus on the modalities used in films to tell stories – through images and speech – concerning cities, territories, and places, residents’ lives in relation to spaces, to buildings, to landscapes, as well as to its urban culture as a whole. The perspective we have chosen for this conference is interdisciplinary and cinema will be considered as a medium to be understood and interpreted in several, possibly comparative, ways.

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  • Amman

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Puppets on screen

    In this symposium project, puppets are considered through their tangible links with a manipulator who could be visible, hidden by a classical stage device (curtain, base...) or acting off-camera, “between the frames” (stop motion). It excludes, at first glance, the 3D modeled figurines, even if they often are mentioned as “puppets”. These creatures, made of foam, wood, paper, and who can be realistic or abstract, are considered through a media existence (television, cinema, web) which has enriched the subgenres of post-war fiction, deals with subjects that could not be filmed in real capture, or offers the opportunity to experiment a great variety of tones and points of view in video practice, without geographical or temporal restrictions. Thus, the symposium will provide the opportunity to explore fields on the margins of research as well as to present the current knowledge on the topic, eventually opening new perspectives in the studies.

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  • Londres

    Colloque - Histoire

    Decentring the “Flâneur”: walking the early modern city

    Ideas about the origins and context for the flâneur have been tied to Paris, and viewed through the lens of Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project. While Benjaminian orthodoxy has increasingly been challenged, the association of the flâneur with modernity and European cities has continued to dominate studies of its variant forms. This conference aims to de-centre the concept and expand such critique by identifying and analysing forms of pedestrian observation in the early modern period taking note of the fact that strolling, seeing and being seen—and walking the city—emerged well before Europe and the 19th century in urban experiences in cities like Istanbul, Isfahan, Delhi and Beijing.

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  • Pessac

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Artistic activism and the globalization of the art scene

    Theory, practice, paradigm and circulation

    This conference explores the theory, practices, paradigms and circulation of artistic activism in international perspective. It aims at examining the resurgence and development of artistic productions which revive agitational practices. Artistic activism or "artivism" questions consensual discourses on the neutrality of art and aesthetics. Taking into account the need for a global approach to the phenomenon, and the exploration of its most diverse forms and concepts, this conference aims to contribute to the study of arts activism since the 1990s. 

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  • Londres

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Locating medical television

    The televisual spaces of medicine and health in the 20th Century

    Medical television programmes, across their history, have had specific relationships to places and spaces. On the one level, they have represented medical and health places: consulting rooms, hospitals, the home, community spaces, public health infrastructures and the rest. As television-producers have represented these places, there has been an interaction with the developing capabilities of television technologies and grammars. Moreover, producers have borrowed their imaginaries of medical and health places from other media (film, photographs, museum displays etc.) and integrated, adjusted and reformulated them into their work.

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  • Tempe

    Colloque - Époque moderne

    Gendered Species: Colette, Gender and Sexual Identities

    Espèces genrées : Colette, le genre et les identités sexuées

    Although French woman writer Colette was indifferent to and even critical of the feminist movement of the early 1900s, in the way she lived her life as in her fiction, she exemplified financial and social independence and shame-free sexuality, or what would be call today “gender fluidity”. This international conference will show how Colette represents a vibrant and radical expression of feminism in tune with the #MeToo spirit in today's society

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies – University of Maryland

    The Department of French and Italian in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC) at the University of Maryland (UMD) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor with a specialization in 19th-century French and Francophone literatures/cultures and expertise in Digital Humanities beginning August 2020.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Visual culture in the classical world

    8th international postgraduate conference Pecla 2019

    Cette année, la conférence a pour thème « Visual Culture in the Classical World » elle vise principalement les doctorants, qui en tant que participants peuvent présenter les résultats de leurs recherches devant un publique international. Les articles de cet événement peuvent être publiés dans le journal de notre faculté « Studia Hercynia » et qui se trouveront aussi dans la database générale ERIH+.  Nous sommes également très ravis de vous annoncer qu’un de nos principal discutant sera Francois Lissarrague, directeur d’études à l’EHESS émérite.

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