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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Les scènes du son

    Le dossier thématique vise à réunir des études qui s’intéressent à des questions comme l’expérience d’écoute et de production sonore dans les arts de la scène sous le prisme des artistes, techniciens, spectateurs ou de l’espace lui-même. Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre des articles sur ce thème depuis diverses perspectives théoriques et méthodologiques, en tenant compte d’aspects technologiques et techniques, historiques, dramaturgiques ou poétiques. La revue ne demande pas de frais de soumission ou de publication et utilise le système d’évaluation anonyme par les pairs (double aveugle). Le texte peut être envoyé en portugais, espagnol, anglais ou français et sera publié en deux langues. La revue assure la traduction des articles de la section thématique « Les scènes du son » ou de ceux sur d’autres thèmes proposés par des auteurs non-lusophones.

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  • Lisbonne

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Époque contemporaine

    Dissertação de mestrado sobre o pintor Júlio Pomar - Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Licenciado

    Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de 1 bolsa de investigação (BI) para licenciado/a com o objetivo de realizar uma dissertação de mestrado sobre o pintor Júlio Pomar, proporcionada ao abrigo de apoio mecenático a título individual. Esta bolsa resulta de uma parceria entre Tereza Martha, o Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar/EGEAC, e a Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa através do IHA – Instituto de História de Arte.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Théâtre de marionnettes et formes animées

    Sinais de Cena III, 2 - Revista de Estudos de Teatro e Artes Performativas

    Le prochain dossier thématique de la revue Sinais de Cena sera consacré au théâtre de marionnettes et aux formes animées. Les organisateurs du volume invitent étudiants, chercheurs et professionnels des arts de la scène à présenter des contributions susceptibles d’approfondir les connaissances sur cette forme de théâtre.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Urban Images in African Contexts

    In this special section, we seek to reimagine imagetic and urban practices and representations of the African continent, articulating two main fields, the visual and the urban. Here we want to reunite research that discouses discourses, imaginaries, representations, figurations, and politics about different African cities. Here we understand "images" in a broad sense, encompassing not only production and reproduction technologies, like photography and film but also virtual and digital, visual arts, and museum expositions. The purpose is not only to extend the debate over the field of the visual in different cities from an anthropological perspective. In this special section, we want to punctuate the implications of the imagens in a diversity of urban processes in the continent, emphasizing the plasticity of its forms and contents, its changes, its ambivalence, and opacity; beyond the debates about gender, agency, power, and resistance.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le livre dans son temps : lieux, matériaux, formes et techniques

    « Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal », Numéro 20

    Le livre est un phénomène où la fascination exercée par ses manifestations dans le passé se noue avec les débats et pratiques actuelles qui annoncent des chemins et des dilemmes futurs. Dans cet appel à contribution, nous proposons un exercice qui récupère les procédures et techniques mises en place pour accueillir une autre invention, celle de l’écriture, où  s’incluent l’histoire des copistes, des imprimeurs et des typographes qui ont circulé entre villes et pays en quête d'affaires, celle de leur émergence dans les monastères, les tribunaux, les universités, celle des relieurs et des imprimeries, celles des marchands ambulants et des circuits de production et de commercialisation.

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  • Evora

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    São Bento de Cástris na diáspora cisterciense. Desafios actuais e futuros

    Xª Residência Cisterciense São Bento de Cástris

    The Cistercian Residence proposed for the monastery of São Bento de Cástris aims first and foremost to reinvent in contemporary times the historical density of the Cistercian discourse, integrating the geography of this monastery in Évora into a wider geography of the Cistercian Order. Inspired by the questions of Cistercian History, Art, Heritage and Landscape, the Residence, governed by the daily rhythm of the Benedictine Rule, will focus on the experience of the monastery's spaces and on the debate of current issues related to monastic spaces and their future, focusing on the original character of the initiative.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    VII International Congress of the Romanceiro

    the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition of the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (UNL) and the Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal are organizing, within the scope of their research lines dedicated to the Romanceiro, the next meeting that will honor Giuseppe Di Stefano for his fundamental work in this field.

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  • Ponta Delgada

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Pedro da Silveira – the faces of a cultural polyhedron

    Commemoration conference on the centennial of Pedro Da Silveira's birth

    On the centennial year of Pedro da Silveira (born in September, 5, 1922), the University of the Azores joins the celebration activities organised by several institutions in Portugal and abroad with the commemoration conference entitled Pedro da Silveira – the faces of a cultural polyhedron, which aims at reflecting on the many facets of this writer. Born on Flores Island, in the Azores, Pedro da Silveira spent a great part of his life in mainland Portugal, but never broke the attachment to his home archipelago. His work encompasses a variety of interests, including literary writing and literary criticism, historical research, philological edition, translation and anthology. It is the purpose of the conference to highlight all these fields and to encourage further inquiry on his work, still insufficiently explored.

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  • Séminaire - Histoire


    III Edition of the International Seminar UNIVERSities: networks and identities

    We are pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the Research Seminar Universities. Networks and identities, dedicated to the theme Reforms. The four sessions of this year’s edition will take place between April and December, according to the following programme.

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  • Coimbra

    Séminaire - Histoire

    Communautés et populations

    Universités, réseaux et identités

    Ce séminaire se veut être un forum de discussion et problématisation sur les universités dans une perspective glocale (globale et locale), en s’ouvrant à la discussion des thèmes suivants : les interconnexions entre les différentes institutions d’enseignement de l’Europe ; le rôle des universités dans la construction des identités et dans la réflexion sur les Autres ; et l’importance qu’elles ont eu comme berceau des courants culturels et des mouvements intellectuels, en s’imposant comme véhicules de création et de diffusion de la culture et en tant que sources de diffusion du savoir dans d’autres géographies du vieux et du Nouveau Monde. Ces matières ont été déjà affleurées par l’historiographie, cependant elles exigent encore de nouvelles études et de nouvelles recherches. Pour ce faire, nous privilégieront la participation de chercheurs internationaux présentant des approches plus larges de l’histoire connectée et comparée.

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  • Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Local Communities and Way of St. James. Alliances and threats

    A partir da década de 80 do século passado, os Caminhos de Santiago experimentam uma nova visibilidade internacional de causalidade multifacetada. O interesse das entidades públicas da Galiza por promover o turismo e a imagem do território, a redinamização da construção europeia ou, ainda no quadro da Guerra Fria, a ativa intervenção de promoção da Igreja católica, fizeram com que os Caminhos de Santiago passaram a se converter numa realidade muito presente em numerosos territórios peninsulares e europeus atravessados pelos diferentes itinerários. No Congresso Internacional Comunidades Locais e Caminhos de Santiago. Ameaças e alianças pretende-se colocar a debate e avançar no conhecimento acerca das relações que se estabelecem entre as comunidades locais e o fenómeno jacobeu, assunto porventura menos estudado.

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  • Cycle de conférences - Représentations

    P'arte da conversa #3: Short Circuit Actions in the public space

    Artists, collectives and local communities experimenting and interrogating collective daily life

    P’arte da conversa: meetings in the form of a conversation and a show (microexhibition, screening or performance) with artists and actors of contemporary artistic and cultural life, both Portuguese and international. Short Circuit Actions in the public space, with the collaboration of artists, collectives and local communities, to experiment, cross, interrupt and interrogate collective daily life.


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  • Evora

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Private Life

    4th International Congress for Young Researchers in Middle Ages

    ICYRMA (International Congress for Young Researchers in Middle Ages​) is destinated to students at master, doctoral and postdoctoral level and/or to those who have obtained their academic degrees in the last five years. It aims to be an interdisciplinary space for dissemination, discussion and contact among young researchers who study the Middle Ages from various perspectives: history, archeology, art history, literature, philosophy, philology, anthropology, ethnology, sociology, geography, methodology, among other areas.

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  • Appel à contribution - Langage

    José Saramago : personnage et figuration

    Revista de Estudos Literários journal

    Cet appel à contribution pour le numéro 12 (2022) de la Revista de Estudos Literários (revue d’études littéraires) porte sur le thème « José Saramago : personnage et figuration », organisé par Carlos Reis, Ana Paula Arnaut et Sara Grünhagen. La Revista de Estudos Literários est une publication annuelle du Centre de littérature portugaise de l’université de Coimbra.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    History and polemics: historiographical debates and the public space

    Ever since history became an academic knowledge, historiographical debates have been exceptional moments of construction, condensation and dissensus, often resulting in historiographical turns. Controversies around specific themes have divided entire fields of knowledge production, bringing into light different, often contrasting conceptions, methodologies and practices of historical knowledge. Such debates were, at the same time, moments in which the description and interpretation of the past represented a public intervention in the present, in which the defense of a certain way of making sense of history was also a way of taking of sides in a specific contemporary political discussion. Historiographical polemics were therefore moments in which historiographical knowledge had to confront in the public space other approaches to the past, thus making visible, and challenging, the paradigms that rule the historical discipline and public history.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Liberal Revolution and the Constitutional Monarchy (1820-1910)

    Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal Nº14

    This issue of Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal and the next, want to create an open and multidisciplinary space that can creatively accommodate original and unique authors and texts on the most diverse themes related to the period between the eve of the revolution and the end of the monarchical regime.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! DIY Cultures and Global Challenges

    KISMIF Conference 2020

    We are pleased to announce the fifth KISMIF International Conference ‘Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! DIY Cultures and Global Challenges’ (KISMIF Conference 2020) which will take place in Porto, Portugal, between 8 July and 11 July 2020. The submission of abstracts for this conference is open to academic researchers working in all areas of sociology, anthropology, history, cultural economics, cultural studies, geography, philosophy, urban planning, media, and cognate disciplines, such as design, illustration, popular music, cinema, visual and performing arts. This initiative follows the great success of the past four KISMIF Conferences (held in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018) and brings together an international community of researchers focusing on underground music scenes and do-it-yourself cultures.

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  • Sintra

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Knowing to protect, manage and planning sustainably

    2nd Ibero-American Congress in Landscape Studies

    Second Ibero-American congress that gathers researchers and technicians in sharing knowledge about the study of landspapes. 

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  • Guimarães

    École thématique - Europe

    Novas ferramentas para a atividade turística

    This course aims to provide participants with theoretical knowledge about Tourism 4.0 and technical knowledge of how to create interactive tourism activity using an Augmented Reality tool. It will also train participants with practical skills to explore different potentialities of Webmapping and Augmented Reality as new tools for tourism activity. This Summer School is intended for employees of the City Councils, Tourist Offices, and institutions and professionals who carry out activities linked to tourism. It is also open to the participation of the general public and university students.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Théories et pratiques artistiques dans le contexte académique : polarisations et contaminations

    La multiplication de cours de pós-graduação (Master, Doctorat et Post-doctorat) dans le champ de l’art au Brésil ces dernières dix années interroge davantage l’interaction entre théories et pratiques dans le contexte académique. La présence de disciplines dans lesquelles s’inscrivent une pratique artistique – arts visuels, musique, danse, théâtre, cinéma, littérature, entre autres – interpelle le binarisme entre art et science et propose des nouvelles formes de perceptions de l’objet d’étude, ainsi que des nouveaux critères d’argumentation et d’évaluation de recherche académique. Comment une pratique artistique peut devenir un objet de recherche académique ? Comment gérer la particularité de ces recherches e de ses résultats ? Quelles sont les stratégies utilisées pour outrepasser les binarismes imposés par les modèles scientifiques tout en emphatisant le pouvoir réflexif de l’art et l’imminente nécessité de créativité pour la formulation théorique ?

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