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HomeSubjectsMind and languageRepresentation

  • Call for papers - Representation

    Partout et en tous temps ? Les lieux propices au harcèlement sexuel avant #metoo

    Le projet AVISA, démarré en 2020, a pour objet d’écrire l’histoire du harcèlement sexuel en Occident sur la longue période. Ses membres se sont, dans un premier temps, interrogé sur les termes utilisés pour rendre compte de cet impensé du droit jusque dans les années 1980. Après l’interrogation de la figure du harceleur au début de l’année 2024, et donc du « qui » harcèle, ce colloque se posera donc la question du « où » et du « quand ». Poursuivant les travaux précédents, les communications sont invitées à envisager l’ensemble des lieux propices à ce type de comportements et à en dresser une cartographie sur la base de dénonciations et témoignages privés (archives, correspondances…) et publics (livres de conduite, presse) mais également à travers l’analyse d’œuvres littéraires, artistiques et médiatiques.

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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Political Speeches in Film

    In 1970, Michel Foucault highlighted the links between discourse and power in his inaugural lecture at the Collège de France. This issue is also found in films. Even though Costa-Gavras has stated that “cinema is not a political discourse but a spectacle”, it seems that political discourse and movies are closely linked. This is demonstrated by the many films in which characters speak out in public to defend a cause, exploring the very nature of politics as the art of representation. This transdisciplinary conference aims to bring together scholars from all horizons to explore, in the words of Hannah Arendt, politics as “a space between people”, and its two-way relationship with movies through speeches.

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  • Turin

    Call for papers - Representation

    The Functions of Surrealism

    As part of the celebrations for the centenary of Breton’s first Manifesto of Surrealism (1924), the Conference will explore the functions of Surrealism in aesthetic, poetic, ethical, and political terms, examining the Movement’s impact on several fields of knowledge. Going beyond the divisive approach either praising or criticising the Movement, the conference intends to explore Surrealism with a pragmatic approach, focussing on the variety of its effects. The focus will thus be on Surrealism as a cultural object, in the perspective of tracing a history of the narratives of the Movement with the aim less of assessing their “truth” but rather of understanding their scopes and assumptions. The approach will allow to reconsider the several forms of reception of Surrealism with a novel and interdisciplinary methodology, thus suggesting new reconsideration of the legacy of the Movement.

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  • Call for papers - Language

    Fantasy flora

    “Fantasy Art and Studies” Journal

    Branchiflora, athelas, feainnewedd or rougeoyeur: these are the names of some of the imaginary plants that grow in fantasy worlds. Whether marvellous or not, invented from scratch or borrowed from our reality, flora plays a part in the world-building process. As a constituent element of the xeno-encyclopaedia of a work, it enriches a fictional world, giving it depth and enabling readers to better imagine the space in which they are immersed. The 17th issue of Fantasy Art and Studies aims to explore the flora in fantasy works.

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  • Caen

    Scholarship, prize and job offer - Representation

    Project manager for the project "The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550): how invented memories shaped the identity of European communities"

    ERC Advanced Grant 2020 AGRELITA

    Les études des premiers siècles de la réception de l’Antiquité grecque en Europe occidentale pré-moderne ont porté jusqu’ici quasi exclusivement sur la transmission des textes grecs antiques aux XVe et XVIe siècles, le renouveau de l’enseignement du grec, les éditions des textes grecs et les travaux latins des humanistes hellénistes. Néanmoins dans les siècles qui précèdent, malgré la perte quasi générale de la maîtrise du grec et de la majorité des œuvres grecques, la Grèce ancienne n’était pas méconnue ni ignorée. Des traductions arabo-latines de textes grecs ont vu le jour, mais aussi, pour des publics plus larges et à partir de sources diverses, de nombreuses œuvres vernaculaires ont élaboré de riches représentations de la Grèce ancienne. Or leur étude n’a jamais été menée. Se situant aux frontières des études littéraires, de l’histoire du livre et de l’histoire de l’art, l’ambition d’AGRELITA est ainsi d’étudier les appropriations littéraires et artistiques de la Grèce ancienne par des auteurs qui, des années 1320 à 1550, n’ont pas été en contact direct avec les œuvres grecques. Le project manager vient en appui au porteur du projet pour l’accompagner dans la mise en œuvre de celui-ci.

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  • Saint-Étienne

    Call for papers - Language

    Considering the language(s) : power and limitations

    GRAPHÉ, our junior research laboratory, will hold its first symposium. This symposium is open to junior as well as experienced researchers and mainly aims at understanding and analysing the ways in which language can be manipulated in contexts of power. It welcomes researchers from various disciplines and fields of study wishing to work on vastly different eras and places, so that the approaches may be diverse and echo one another in a fruitful discussion. As the laboratory also engages in an epistemological approach, the symposium will enable the participants to take part in a questioning of the means and methods available to researchers in order to perceive the tangibility of actions through language.

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  • Sherbrooke

    Call for papers - Language

    Rebuilding a History: Indigenous books and print material in Québec

    Mémoires du livre/Studies in Book Culture, vol. 16-no. 1 / Spring 2025

    Shedding light on the stakes involved in Indigenous print material and books from the perspective of a history of the book captures the colonial dynamics at work in this literary milieu while highlighting the decolonization movements also taking place there. Despite significant increases in facilities and events dedicated to Indigenous books and print material, up until now few academic works have addressed the historic and contemporary dynamics around the field of Indigenous books in Québec. It is these dynamics that the present issue of Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture aims to address.  


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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Artist's tales

    “Trans-. Revue de littérature générale et comparée”, n. 31

    The next issue of the journal TRANS- aims to explore the possible narrative declinations of the artist’s representations in its theoretical, aesthetic and narratological implications, expanding the discourse beyond the novel, by also including the study of the role of artist’s secondary characters in plots, and by considering a timeframe ranging from ultra-contemporary to the use of anecdote and narration in premodern artistic writing.

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  • Agadir

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Shared Horizons: Challenges and Opportunities of Coastal Areas

    Tourism, Digital Nomadism, Societies, Sports, and Entrepreneurship

    By emphasizing interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogues, the conference aims to unveil new perspectives on coastal sports practices as vectors of sustainable development, social inclusion, and territorial transformation. Special attention will be given to comparative analyses between different territories as well as to examples of best practices that could be adapted and replicated in various environments.

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  • Poitiers | Louvain-la-Neuve

    Call for papers - Middle Ages

    His verbis exprime luctum

    Media, Style, and Uses of Funerary Poetry (9th-12th Cent.)

    The passing of someone gives rise to a variety of written productions, especially poetic compositions: laments (planctus), epitaphs, and titles of mortuary rolls. At first sight, the distinctive feature of funerary poetry is thematic: death underpins its unity. Despite their discursive proximity, funerary poems distinguish themselves through the means of both formal (metrical, rhythmic poetry, or oral performance) and material criteria (codex, rotulus, stone). The aim of these sessions is to study poetic expressions of mourning in the light of their medium, their style and their usage. Our purpose is to question the notion of funerary poetry through the study of its various poetic manifestations, while pondering its production and reception: what are the precursory elements? What remains the same over the course of the following centuries? Why is it more appropriate to talk about a transformation or a clear break?

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  • Tlemcen

    Call for papers - Representation

    Otherness in Focus: The Conceptualisation of the Other in Contemporary Thought (Orient/Occident)

    Set within an interdisciplinary perspective, this conference raises questions around otherness and its representations in contemporary thought between the Orient and the Occident. Studies devoted to the question of otherness and its corollaries – alienation, discrimination, inclusion and exclusion – are considerably important and their potential has nourished scientific reflexion and drawn extensive attention on the part of authors, sociologists, journalists, political scientists and ethnologists. Such representations of the image of the Other are shaped by imaginaries that feed partly upon the perceptions of the historical past, that of colonialism and imperialism, and partly from newly-born representations with the advent of this third millennium.  

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  • Paris

    Conference, symposium - Representation

    The precious object: a total social fact?

    Social, political, religious, symbolic, commercial: the multiple functions, roles and representations of precious objects

    Over the centuries and across the globe, precious objects – and jewelry in particular – have given rise to a wide range of sometimes contradictory reactions, testifying to their major role in human societies. Rejected through notions of waste and luxury, admired or desired for aesthetic, symbolic, religious or economic reasons, the precious object has many functions: offering, symbol (status, power, loyalty, etc.), social or family heirloom, element of exchange and even economic driving force. If the precious object establishes a cultural and social divide, it is also subjected to imitation or reproduction, making it a fashionable, “mass-market” object. But what properties determine the value of precious objects?

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  • Brussels

    Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    "Alala Yellali"

    Women, Musical Genre and Gender Identities in Chaabi Music, from Morocco to the Diasporas

    The aim of this conference is to take stock of knowledge about one of the most widespread genres of Moroccan popular music: ša‘bī ('popular', commonly written chaabi), as well as the role of women in its history, transmission and practice. We want to bring together academics (ethno-musicologists, anthropologists, historians, linguists), artists (musicians, dancers, singers, actors) and other specialists (instrument makers, cultural workers, event providers) as part of a wider event, the Habibi Chaabi Festival, which will include concerts, screenings, musical workshops and popular festivals.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Early modern

    The intimate and the public

    The face in 18th and 19th century public sculpture in France and in the German sphere

    This study day devoted to sculpture will focus on one element in particular: the face. As an essential part of the sculpted figure, the face has the dual role of enabling identification and expression. This dual role became more apparent in the 18th and 19th centuries, with the rise of portraiture, as well as the interest in the inner self and more broadly, the intimate. The aim of this exhibition is to draw a parallel between two contradictory concepts : the intimate and the public. As sculpture is the art par excellence of the public space, the aim is to confront the face, which is intimate, with the imperatives of public sculpture. The aim of this study day is to examine the representation of the face in Franco-German public sculpture in the 18th and 19th centuries, analysing its theories, practices, techniques, possible typologies and the way it is perceived by the viewer.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Representation

    Museum Storage

    Current Situation and New Challenges

    The functions of museums, as they have developed since their inception in the 18th century, are largely based on collections of material objects. The principle of accumulation, on which this logic is based, presupposes the creation of storage to house objects that are not on public display and the constitution of databases, whether tangible or intangible, to enable the development of knowledge. For a long time, museum functions have revolved around the information-bearing object, and the functional model of preservation, research and communication associated with the collection. Since the 1960s, the evolution of the museum world has led to a rethinking of the museum in terms of its socializing function, a "forum" at the service of society and its development. Today, for a large number of establishments, exhibition spaces or reception and entertainment areas are regarded as essential as the collections. This new concept of museum introduces the idea of storage as a space deeply connected with all museum activities and also allows for the rotation and renovation of collections on public display.

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  • Call for papers - Sociology

    Behind the mask: the social and communicational impact of respiratory protection equipment

    “Revue des sciences sociales” (n° 74/2025)

    The aim of this issue is to explore the various social and communicational dimensions of protective respiratory mask wearing by highlighting the changes the usage has undergone over time, and the practices and discourses it has generated in a variety of socio-historical situations.  

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  • Paris 05 Ancien | Paris 02 Bourse

    Conference, symposium - Thought

    Art as Philosophy? The Reception of German Idealism and Early Romanticism by artists, from the 19th century to the present day

    While the philosophical reception of German Idealism and Early Romanticism has been the subject of a number of studies, research so far has given little attention to the question of its knowledge and use by artists. The aim of the conference is to open up a space for interdisciplinary dialogue, informed by case studies, on the role that the discovery of Classical German Philosophy has played in European and American visual arts, from the early nineteenth century to the present day.

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  • Lyon

    Call for papers - Sociology

    Language & Power

    5th young researchers Symposium ICODOC

    If language can exercise power, power can reciprocally manifest itself through language practices. It is, among other things, from an institutional point of view that the problematic of an “order of discourse” has been approached. Based on the effects of the performativity of language, the symbolic value attributed to it, and the patterns of domination conveyed by language, the research has shown that power is not an inherent characteristic of individuals, but is linked to the communication situations that imply it, especially in the institution. The legitimacy of language practices, far from being natural, is constructed by social norms and rituals which do not, however, erase the agentivity of individuals. These few thoughts raise the following questions: who exercises power and how? In what way(s) is power transmitted through language? How is legitimate language constructed and reproduced? 

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  • Lyon

    Conference, symposium - Representation

    Matter Materiality

    36th Congress of the Comité international d’histoire de l’art (CIHA)

    Matter and materiality are relevant to the conception, production, interpretation and conservation of works of art from all cultures and periods. This theme draws on the very sources of art and opens up the major issues of our time (resource management, sustainability, the environment, new technologies, digital dematerialisation, etc.). Taking an interest in the matter and materiality of art means taking into account economic, environmental, ideological and aesthetic aspects, and examining the transformation of works of art over time, as well as the gestures and hands that shape them.

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  • Scholarship, prize and job offer - Representation

    Call to researchers at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (2024-2025)

    La BnF lance la nouvelle édition de son appel à chercheurs, afin de s’associer le concours de jeunes chercheurs, dans un esprit de découverte et de valorisation de ses collections, en priorité celles rares, méconnues ou inédites.

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