Página inicialCategoriasPensamento, comunicação e arteEpistemologia e métodosCartografia, imagiologia, SIG

Página inicialCategoriasPensamento, comunicação e arteEpistemologia e métodosCartografia, imagiologia, SIG

  • Abu Dhabi

    Chamada de trabalhos - Sociologia

    L’archivage numérique dans le monde arabe

    The first-ever International Conference on Digital Archiving in the Arab World (DA|AW), held in Abu Dhabi in 2019, organized to spark off a series of conferences on the subject. Four years later, and following a global epidemic, it is time to reassemble for exploring and move ahead with the practises, experiences, and challenges of digital archiving in the Arab World. The inaugural colloquium/conference examined the issues of data preservation in the Arab world and eventually resulted in a publication release that continues to serve as a reference for researching the subject today (Bayoumi & Oliveau, 2020). At DAAW|2024, we aspire to address it through the more focused standpoint of the digital management and preservation of data and documents, without foregoing a broader reflection, concerning both historical and future documents and data in danger whether physical or natively digital.


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  • Istambul

    Chamada de trabalhos - Antropologia

    Rocky Landscapes at the intersection of people and rocks

    The past human activity of digging rock outcrops produced different features, among which quarries and rock cut sites. Quarries and rock-cut features often coexist within the same rock formation, or overlap with one another, creating a complex landscape in which the interaction between human communities and the bedrock is enhanced. The conference aims at exploring the landscapes and environments of human-rock encounters.

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  • Abu Dhabi

    Chamada de trabalhos - Representações

    L'archivage numérique dans le monde arabe

    Digital archiving in the Arab world acts as a major channel of knowledge transmission in the present day. As the practice grows, new archival challenges emerge and act as a catalyst for innovation and development of new technologies. The International Digital Archiving Conference in the Arab World is to be held in Abu Dhabi, October 26-27, 2019. It is the first Digital Archiving conference to be organized by the CEDEJ, Egypt (Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales) in collaboration with Bibliotheca Alexandrina and CEFAS (Centre français d’archéologie et de sciences sociales). The conference’s aim is to provide an exploratory gateway of the fast-growing interdisciplinaryfield of digital archiving in the Arab world.

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  • Quioto

    Chamada de trabalhos - Geografia

    New contribution to Geoarchaeology

    Word archaeological congress 8

    Geoarchaeology, defined as the application of geosciences and geographical methods to prehistory, archaeology, and history, is now widely applied to study key subjects such as occupation patterns, territory and site exploitation, palaeoclimatic, palaeoenvironemental, and palaeogeographical changes, as well as anthropogenic impacts and system responses. The multidisciplinary and multiscalar dimensions of geoarchaeological approaches have encouraged continuous development and innovation of methods and approaches that have opened new possibilities for explorations in geographical sectors previously inaccessible, the development of large-scale data acquisitions and treatment, and also the development of microscopic scale analysis precision. This session will highlight global research in geoarchaeology with particular emphasis on innovative methods or cutting edge research using established approaches.

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  • Damasco

    Bolsa de estudo, prémios e ofertas de emprego - História

    L'Ifpo recrute un chargé de mission (dessin) au département scientifique Archéologie et histoire de l'Antiquité (Damas)

    L'Ifpo recrute un Chargé de mission (dessin) au département scientifique Archéologie et histoire de l'Antiquité. Poste à pourvoir à Damas, le 1er septembre 2011. Définition du poste : maîtrise des techniques du dessin et du relevé afin d’appuyer les opérations de terrain (Archéologie et patrimoine).

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  • Damasco

    Jornadas - Estudos urbanos

    Damas : métamorphoses urbaines

    Séminaire de recherche

    La capitale syrienne se transforme : impact de la mondialisation et des migrations, mutations spatiales et sociales, extension urbaine rapide, évolution des marchés fonciers et immobiliers,nouveaux projets urbains et plans d’urbanisme, apparition de quartiers neufs, progression de l’informel, renouvellement des centralités commerciales… Ce séminaire propose d’interrogerles nouveaux visages de Damas. Comment la ville se fabrique-t-elle aujourd’hui ? Par quels mécanismes les évolutions économiques, démographiques et sociales ont-elle un effet surl’espace et inversement? Assiste-t-on à l’émergence d’une métropole régionale, avec ses atouts et ses difficultés ?

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  • Cartografia, imagiologia, SIG

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