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  • Genève

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Postes de doctorant·e·s pour le projet de recherche “Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography” (GANGS)

    The project “Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography” (GANGS) aims to develop a systematic comparative investigation of global gang dynamics, to better understand why they emerge, how they evolve over time, whether they are associated with particular urban configurations, how and why individuals join gangs, and what impact this has on their potential futures. It draws on ethnographic research carried out in Nicaragua, South Africa, and France, adopting an explicitly tripartite focus on “Gangs”, “Gangsters”, and “Ganglands” in order to better explore the interplay between group, individual, and contextual factors. The first will consider the organisational dynamics of gangs, the second will focus on individual gang members and their trajectories before, during, and after their involvement in a gang, while the third will reflect on the contexts within which gangs emerge and evolve.

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  • Jérusalem

    École thématique - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Mapping Ancient Gods

    ERC Advanced Grant MAP project (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency)

    The ERC Advanced Grant MAP project (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency; 741182; http://map-polytheisms.huma-num.fr1) works on the naming systems for the divine in the Greek and Western Semitic worlds, from 1000 BCE to 400 CE and views them as testimonies to the way in which divine powers are constructed, arranged and involved within ritual. The analysis deals both with the structural aspects of the religious systems and with their contextual appropriation by social participants. Considered to be elements of a complex language, the onomastic channels are related to the gods, therefore providing access to a mapping process of the divine, to its ways of representation and to the communication strategies between men and gods.Within this framework, the MAP Team proposes a Summer School in collaboration with the French Research Centre in Jerusalem ( which covers the project’s themes and tools.

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  • Guelph

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Perspectives historiques sur les prisons, les personnes incarcérées et les archives des prisons

    La constitution de la prison comme institution d'incarcération de masse a longtemps attiré l'intérêt des chercheurs. La nature exceptionnellement détaillée de la plupart des archives carcérales explique en partie cet attrait. Des sources similaires sont aisément disponibles dans les sociétés européennes et leurs colonies, ce qui permet de rassembler une grande quantité d'informations personnelles sur les individus incarcérés. L'analyse détaillée de ces données, débute dès les années 1970; elle est le fait autant des criminologues que des spécialistes de l'histoire sociale et économique, des démographes et d'autres chercheurs en sciences sociales. La puissance croissante des logiciels et du matériel informatique ainsi que l’accumulation de très grandes quantités de données sur les prisons, dont une partie est jumelée à d’autres sources, offrent aux chercheurs de larges perspectives, mais constituent aussi un défi. Cet atelier sera l'occasion d'approfondir ces questions portant sur l'exploitation des archives de la justice pénale. Il permettra de réunir des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et différents pays pour confronter leurs sources et leurs méthodes (classement, analyse, etc.) et pour réévaluer les paradigmes de la recherche.

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  • Helsinki

    Séminaire - Éducation

    Do what you can with what you have

    How to build capacity and community for Digital Humanities teaching and research

    In this two-day workshop, we will share what we have done at UCLA to build real capacity and community for digital humanities teaching and research. Drawing from our experience creating the Scholarly Innovation Lab (SIL), on Day 1 we will share our story and offer guidance and best practices for building a DH lab with modest investment. On Day 2 we will introduce and discuss two of our more successful areas of practice – 3-D modelling for cultural heritage, and Zoom pedagogy for course sharing. The format will be conversational. Our goal is to help cultivate practical approaches for next steps at the University of Helsinki.

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  • Saint-Denis

    Colloque - Information

    Digital tools and uses

    The first international Digital tools and uses congress is a multidisciplinary conference devoted to study the uses and development of digital tools. It aims at assembling five interrelated symposia: 1) Web Studies, 2) Challenges of IoT, 3) Recommender systems, 4) Archives and social networks, and 5) Digital Frontiers. The intention of this consortium is to approach a common object of study from different perspectives in order to enrich the discussion and collaboration between participants.

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  • Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Text as object in the Middle Ages

    The International Medieval Congress (IMC) is the largest medieval studies conference in the world. In line with the Special Thematic Strand in 2019 “Materialities” and the recent creation of the strand “Manuscript studies”, we organize sessions on “Text as object in the Middle Ages”. Texts, indeed, are at the same time an idea and a form. The latter is the result of a combination of inherited social uses and specific intentions by the various actors involved in transmitting the text as idea. This process begins with the authors, continues to the craftsmen (parchment and paper makers, copyists and chancery clerks, painters and illuminators, sculptors and weavers, booksellers…) and then on to possessors, readers, archives and libraries. All textual artefacts are concerned: manuscripts, charters, inscriptions, tapestries, seals, coins, etc.

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  • Tours

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Liberté d’expression : de l’opacité à la transparence

    Les sociétés contemporaines valorisent la parole et la liberté de s’exprimer sur les sujets les plus intimes et les plus sensibles. Quiddu droit au silence et à la résistance ? L’enquête qualitative par le biais de l’entretien est une des méthodes d’enquête les plus utilisées en sciences sociales, sinon la plus utilisée. Cet outil de recherche requiert compétences, subtilité et sensibilité et va bien au-delà de la simple conversation.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Sociologie

    Using European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for demographic analysis in Europe

    The European Union Statistics of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is a unique data source, due to its country coverage, the large set of socio-economic variables it provides and the possibility to merge household members. EU-SILC is not specifically designed to study demographic issues, but is becoming increasingly popular for demographic analysis. This conference aims to present different ways to use the EU-SILC to study fertility, marriage, and other aspects of demographic interest. The first part of the conference will be focused on the presentation of the dataset and on the quality of demographic measures. The second part will present demographic research based on EU-SILC.

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  • Varsovie

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Facilitating cooperation between Humanities researchers and cultural heritage institutions

    DARIAH Theme Workshop

    The aim of the workshop is to promote digital research methods and academic re-use of the digital heritage content in the European academic community.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Digital History: a Challenge of “Doing History”

    In 1973 Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie wrote that in history, as elsewhere, what counts is not the machine, but the problem. According to him, the machine is only a useful tool as it allows to tackle new questions and use original methods (“L’historien et l’ordinateur” in Le territoire de l’historien, Paris, 1973, pp. 11-14). The rise of digital technologies is changing the ways historians practice their craft. In the last twenty years, the practice of historians has changed rapidly. In the age of big data historians collect, disseminate, and store information in a different way. New digital tools in the field of history have transformed how historian can disseminate knowledge. A wide range of historians have also been brought together to focus on how digital history relate to area of traditional historical scholarships.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Queering Friendship | citizenship, care and choice

    Intimate Final Conference

    Contrary to individualization theories that suggest the impoverishment of human relationships, theories of relationality recognize the increasing centrality of informal networks of solidarity and care. In this debate, friendship plays a fundamental role. The mutual implications of intimacy and citizenship need to be addressed, exploring the extent to which issues of LGBTQ friendship matter (or not) in being recognized as citizens. The centrality of friendship is even more striking when considering personal lives of trans and non-binary people, but also lesbian women, gay men and bisexual people, LGBTQ migrants and other intersecting, vulnerable groups. In particular, the way transgender people actively provide and receive different care between friends offers invaluable contributions to political debates and conceptual discussions around friendship and care as a key aspect of LGBTQ everyday life. Unveiling the richness of the blurred spaces of intimacy, the ways in which LGBTQ people produce alternatives to family-based forms of cohabitation are also of critical importance. LGBTQ lived experiences further contribute to destabilizing the family/friends and public/private binaries, whilst challenging heterocisnormative expectations about who legitimately belongs to the intimate sphere and who remains excluded and/or invisible.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Sociologie

    Chercheur expérimenté pour deux projets de recherche sur la participation citoyenne à Bruxelles

    You will be part of a multidisciplinary team, investigating the potential of new approaches to  urban civic participation, such as by experimenting and developing new methodologies, design interventions and technological approaches. You will be mainly responsible for exploratory research and inquiries, in-depth field studies, and for evaluating and reporting of the action-research.

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  • Evora

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Web of knowledge – A look into the past, embracing the future

    The congress aims to bring together researchers and scientists from different backgrounds intersecting with the social sciences revealing the visible and invisible networks. By fostering the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the study of the past, the congress expects to lay the framework for the present day science on which to map the future web of knowledge. This congress intends to meditate on science, and to understand how it is being constructed nowadays. Our focus is to approach questions such as: How do we do/communicate science, immediate science, open access, intellectual property, bioethics, cultural heritage, among others.

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