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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Identités désirées

    Métamorphoses et nouvelles technologies au Japon

    Au Japon le phénomène estampillé kyara-ka – « se transformer en personnage » – donne maintenant naissance à ce que Nozawa Shunsuke (2013) nomme « un art émergent de l’auto-modélisation ». Basé sur des techniques de déguisement élaborées, le phénomène kyara-ka recouvre une grande variété de stratégies et de pratiques liées à la présentation de soi : cosplay, kigurumi, V-tubing, banques de voix synthétiques, utilisation de filtres vocaux-graphiques pour mettre en ligne des vidéos où les humains ressemblent à des personnages… En explorant les différentes manifestations de ce processus social de « chosification de l’humain », le colloque entend questionner les raisons pour lesquelles un nombre croissant de personnes se customisent en personnages. L’objectif du colloque est de traiter dans leur complexité les questions que soulèvent ces actes volontaires, et peut-être ironiques, d’oblitération. Quel est le profil de ces hommes et ces femmes qui se métamorphosent en créatures produites par infographie ? Comment vivent-ils le fait d’être aimés non pas pour eux-mêmes mais pour leur alter-ego numérique ? Quels récits, petits ou grands, accompagnent la production de ces doubles fictifs ? Est-il toujours pertinent d’analyser le phénomène en termes d’authenticity (original) ou d’artificialité (copie) ? Quelles négociations, quels refus sous-tendent l’usage des personnages comme masques sociaux ?

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Traduire la littérature numérique ?

    Colloque international (16-17 janvier 2020, Université Paris 8, France)

    La traduction en tant que processus constituera le point focal de ce colloque. En effet, dès lors que l’on aborde la traduction comme un processus plutôt que comme un produit, il convient de considérer les œuvres traduites comme appartenant à un ou plusieurs réseaux, contextes et cultures traductologiques. La traduction est un concept qui permet de proposer un nouvel éclairage sur les échanges et les différences spécifiques à la culture littéraire numérique contemporaine. La culture littéraire numérique mobilise plusieurs types d’opérations : elle présuppose la traduction interlinguistique, mais aussi des échanges qui ressortissent à des problématiques traductologiques au sens large : échanges entre interfaces, médias, codes, institutions, perspectives culturelles, pratiques artistiques et archives. En outre, les textualités numériques partagent un certain nombre de caractéristiques au sein d’environnements omniprésents. De fait, les processus de traduction conduisent à considérer des pratiques créatives qui se situent au-delà du champ strictement littéraire. 

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies – University of Maryland

    The Department of French and Italian in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC) at the University of Maryland (UMD) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor with a specialization in 19th-century French and Francophone literatures/cultures and expertise in Digital Humanities beginning August 2020.

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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    2020 world conference of public history

    Since 2011, International Federation for Public History (IFP)H has been dedicated to building an international and multi-lingual community of public historians working both outside and inside academia. The main role of the Federation is to foster the development of Public History worldwide, creating and coordinating networks and national associations for public history, promoting teaching, research, theoretical inquiry, and other activities that engage the public with the past, history and individual and collective memories. Berlin, which has been called the “Rome of contemporary history,” is an ideal location for a major meeting of public historians from across the globe. Like few other places in the world it offers many different layers of history, that not only still matter and are controversial locally or regionally, but nationally and even internationally.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    “Muta poesis, pictura loquens” – Mute poetry, speaking picture

    12th international conference of the Society for Emblem Studies

    Taking as motto “Muta poesis, pictura loquens” (Mute poetry, speaking picture), the Latin version of “Muda Poesia 1, Pintura que fala”, the 12th International Conference of the Society for emblem Studies will take place in Coimbra (Portugal), from Monday 22 June to Saturday 27 June, 2020. The conference will cover the entire universe of emblem studies and papers on every aspect of emblematics are welcome.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Playing and operating: functionality in museum objects and instruments

    Museum collections are formed by selections of objects that represent snapshots of the complexity of the world at different times. As such their value resides as much in their physical supports, as in the representation of the cultural networks of meanings and interactions of which there were part. For some types of objects, this includes a particularly strong ‘performative’ element, where the object is a tool to accomplish an action: musical instruments, vehicles, clocks and watches, machinery and objects of science and technology are few of the most obvious examples. For decades, museum approaches have been divided between emphasizing the preservation of the material support of the object, and preserving its capability to operate, for reasons that include dissemination as well as research.

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  • Monopoli

    École thématique - Langage

    Pathos. Forms and fortunes of literary emotions

    The goal of this summer school is to explore the role of emotions in literature, namely with respect to the excess of pathos in different forms and times. Pathos has been a fundamental aspect of literature in every epoch. Great poetry has always foregrounded its ability to represent feelings, evoke intense and vivid moods, and elicit readers’ emotions and empathy. On the other hand, the novel – the genre dominating literary modernity – has been o!en accused of indulging in sentimental excess, giving too much space to melodramatic expression. Indeed, in Western cultures, there is a widespread suspicion towards pathos, which has o!en been identified as a shortcoming of literature. Great books – according to a common implicit assumption – can prompt reflection and laughter, but not tears: pathos only concerns lowbrow production. The summer school is an opportunity to engage in a reflection on issues related to pathos in literature in the last few centuries. Different perspectives will be taken into account: specific literary works, reader response theory, cognitive narratology, transmedia adaptation, and publishing history.

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  • Fiesole

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Nouvelle forme de partage : réseaux, expertise, information

    Un colloque sur les problèmes actuels de la bibliothéconomie européenne

    The New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information continues conversations begun at the New Directions Symposium held in Frankfurt in 2017. This multi-day forum of panel presentations, a poster session, and interactive breakout sessions on key issues facing Western European collections and public services will encourage both structured and unstructured debate. We will advance our understanding of the challenges and initiate action in three areas: design new models for collaborative collection development and services; explore a growing range of content and format types and what they mean for libraries and researchers, and highlight the evolving role of libraries and librarians in the research process.

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  • La Haye

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Frictions and friendships

    Cultural encounters in the nineteenth century

    The exhibition The Dutch in Paris, which was on show in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam and in the Petit Palais, Paris during the fall of 2017 and spring of 2018 respectively, aimed to visualize the artistic exchange between Dutch and French artists between 1789 and 1914. As part of a larger research project, set up by the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, the exhibition generated so much response that ESNA, in collaboration with the RKD and NWO, decided to organize an international conference on the subject, focusing specifically on international as well as national and local points of encounter and how they facilitated artistic exchange.

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  • Marseille

    Colloque - Information

    International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub 2019)

    Academic publishing and digital bibliodiversity

    The 23rd edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub) will celebrate the cultural diversity in all aspects of the transmission and perception of the written, spoken and illustrated word! In 2019, ElPub will expand your horizons and perceptions. Taking as an inspirational starting point the concept of bibliodiversity, the forum will revisit its definition and explore what it means today. Being organised five years after the adoption of the International Declaration of Independent Publishers to Promote and Strengthen Bibliodiversity Together, supported in 2014 by 400 publishers from 45 countries, the conference aims to bring together the enquiring academic, professional and publishing industry minds keen to explore the ever evolving nature of the knowledge transmission within human societies.

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  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Working on Digital Scholarly Editions and Research Software Development in Berlin

    Full-time position (Digital Humanities) at Centro Humboldt – Center for Digital Cultural Heritage Research

    For the launch of an international digitization and digital edition project, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of sciences and humanities (BBAW) invites applications for the position of a Research Assistant (male/female/divers) in the field of Digital Humanities (Digital Scholarly Editions and Research Software Development).The position is based in Berlin, Germany, but includes regular work assignments and team meetings in Havana. The focus of the project is on cultural and scientific historical sources of the 18th and 19th centuries in the context of Alexander von Humboldt's American journey.

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  • Bacău

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    The construction of reality in the post-truth age

    We invite papers for the 25th issue of the intersdiciplinary academic journal Interstudia, based at the Faculty of Letters, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania. The proposed topic for this issue is "The construction of reality in the post-truth age". We will accept articles written in English, French, Italian and Spanish whose main points of interest will be related to ideas deriving from these following themes for reflection: the role of language in the construction of post-truth, the manipulation of emotion in the media, ethics and post-truth, the role of humanities in the preservation of human values, truth versus opinion in the post-truth society, the relation among data, information and knowledge, ICT and post-truth, the role of numerical devices in the propagation of post-truth attitudes. These are only suggested topics, and should not be considered exhaustive. authors should be free in choosing their topic of research within the frame offered by the general title. 

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  • Berlin Mitte

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Amériques

    Full-time Research Assistant (digital scholarly editions, project coordinator) at the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

    For the launch of an international digitization and digital edition project, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) invites applications for the position of a Research Assistant (male/female/divers) in the field of Digital Scholarly Editions and Project Coordination. 100% full-time position for an initial duration of 36 months. The position should ideally begin as soon as possible.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Droit

    Legal data mining, machine learning and visualization

    The aim of the conference is to structure a conversation on both the fundamental and practical issues on legal data mining and machine learning between scientists and professionals from artificial Intelligence, data science, law, and logic. The Legal Data Mining, Machine Learning and Visualization conference will explore the specific technical challenges from data mining and machine learning technique addressing together practical and legal theoretical issues. It is an opportunity for computer scientists to showcase and explore in conversation with lawyers further developments in AI and data-mining applied to the legal domains. Legal academics specializing in the interface of law and AI are given the opportunity to articulate the challenges of automated functions in law including in natural language processing applied to law, information extraction from legal databases and texts and data mining applied for legal analytics.

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  • Gainesville

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Migration, Mobility, and Sustainability: Caribbean Studies and Digital Humanities Institute

    Partners in the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) are pleased to invite applications to an NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities entitled “Migration, Mobility, and Sustainability: Caribbean Studies and Digital Humanities Institute.” This Institute is designed for anyone who teaches or supports Caribbean Studies courses or sections dealing with Caribbean Studies in courses. This Institute is also aimed at people who are interested in learning ways to utilize digital collections and implement digital tools and methods into their teaching and collaborative practices.

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  • Weimar

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Schalten und walten. Towards Operative Ontologies

    IKKM Biennial Conference 2019

    The conference will conclude the IKKM six-year research program on ‘Operative Ontologies’. A term seeming contradictory at first, it assumes that everything that exists is not simply present or given but has been called into being through media and their operations in the most general sense: The ruling (das Walten) of nature as well as the ruling of the social reside under the command of technology, which as increasingly digitized technology is based on switching operations (das Schalten) — e.g. the achievements of bioengineering or the computational models of planet Earth. When embodied operations establish ontological orders and the difference between the ontic and the ontological thus re-enters the ontic, this demands a radical remodeling of ontology. The IKKM Biennial Conference 2019 therefore investigates the given with regard to the procedures through which it has been made possible, produced, set up, brought into the world and called into being — “switched on” — in the first place.

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  • Ivry-sur-Seine

    Journée d'étude - Afrique

    Études éthiopiennes et humanités numériques : outils et projets

    Beta maṣāḥəft, Ethiopian Manuscript Archives, EthioMap

    L’objectif de cet atelier est de créer les conditions d’émergence d’une communauté scientifique utilisant les outils collaboratifs numériques au sein des études éthiopiennes. Il n’est pas besoin de rappeler le contexte scientifique et technologique qui est le nôtre pour comprendre l’importance et les enjeux de cette révolution méthodologique. De nombreuses initiatives ont  vu le jour depuis deux décennies, aussi bien en ce qui concerne la mise à disposition de documentation numérisée que d’outils permettant d’utiliser cette documentation. Après les premières expérimentations, l’interopérabilité et la mutualisation sont devenues les maîtres mots, et les études éthiopiennes se doivent de répondre à ces bonnes pratiques. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Études urbaines

    Urban audiovisual festival

    Second edition

    Up to a certain point, the way we move to cities is the way we live cities. We choose our transportation based on the time, the safety of the way etc. From home to work or to the school, from work to a leisure activity, to visit a friend, regardless of where we are going, we always think about the best way to commute and get there. However, getting around the city is not a democratic act, yet. Living in the periphery is not the same as living in the city center, and such a distinction implies the time of travel, the costs and the supply of the types of transportation that we will have access to. On the other hand, and simultaneously, new forms of mobility emerge every day that are not always consensual in the urban context where they arise.

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