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InicioCategoríasPensamiento y LenguajeEpistemología y métodosHumanidades digitales

  • Lisboa

    Coloquio - Europa

    Humanidades digitais e estudos inquisitoriais

    Depuis janvier 2022, une équipe luso-brésilienne de paléographes et d’historiens a créé sur la plateforme de paléographie numérique Transkribus un modèle générique de reconnaissance d’écriture (HTR) permettant d’entreprendre désormais la transcription automatique des procès de l’Inquisition portugaise conservés aux Archives nationales (Torre do Tombo, Lisbonne), au nombre de 40 000 (entre 4 et 8 millions de pages). Les communications, en portugais et en anglais, porteront à la fois sur divers aspects historiques des travaux menés sur le corpus choisi, sur les usages du modèle hors de ce corpus, ainsi que sur des travaux concernant d’autres objets d’enquête.

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Lenguaje

    Análisis del discurso digital: cuestiones epistemológicas y metodológicas

    La jornada de estudios tiene como tema central el análisis del discurso de corpus digitales y es organizada por la asociación ADAL, una red de investigadores dedicados al análisis del discurso político y mediático en América Latina, con el apoyo de la Universidad de Limoges (laboratorio EHIC). El evento se llevará a cabo en línea durante dos medios días el 22 y 23 de noviembre de 2021 a partir de las 2 p.m. (hora de Paris).

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  • Convocatoria de ponencias - Epistemología y métodos

    Débats sur les humanités numériques à l’échelle mondiale

    ¿Dónde tienen lugar las Humanidades Digitales? Las Humanidades Digitales han sido descritas a través de varias metáforas: "gran carpa", "zona de intercambio", "campo expandido", entre otras, pero ha faltado tal vez dar un paso más: trabajar la idea del pluralismo digital vinculado a una nueva dimensión geográfica y geopolítica. Nuestro objetivo en este proyecto es, por tanto, construir una representación diferente de las Humanidades Digitales basada en la diversidad cultural, política, lingüística que es, en primera instancia, epistemológica.

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  • Evora

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Collection "Fontes e inventários"

    CIDEHUS: Call for e-book proposals

    CIDEHUS (Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades) has one book collection with peer-review: Fontes e Inventários that publishes historical sources editing or inventories of archives and other collections. From now on, once a year, CIDEHUS opens a call for book proposals to general academic community and not only to the members of our research center.

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  • Lisboa

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Historia

    Lost and Transformed Cities: a digital perspective

    The city is by definition a living entity. It translates itself into a collectiveness of individuals who share and act on a material, social and cultural setting. Its history is one of dreams, achievements and loss. As such, it also bears a history of identity. To know the history of cities is to understand our own place in the contemporaneity. The past is always seen through the eyes of the present and can only be understood as such. On the occasion of the 261st anniversary of the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon, we invite scholars and experts in the fields of heritage studies, digital humanities, history, history of art and information technology to share and debate their experience and knowledge on digital  heritage.

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  • Estrasburgo

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Américas

    Medios y América Latina

    Les XXe et XXIsiècles ont montré l’importance croissante qu’ont les médias dans les sociétés latino-américaines. Les particularités historiques, culturelles et économiques du continent amènent-elles les médias de masse à fonctionner différemment du reste du monde ? L’objectif de ce colloque est de réunir des chercheurs provenant de diverses disciplines autour des médias en Amérique latine et sur l’Amérique latine. En d’autres termes, il s’agira non seulement d’analyser les médias en Amérique latine (propriété, discours, réception), mais aussi d’observer comment les médias du monde regardent l’Amérique latine et ses médias.

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  • Evora

    Beca, premio y empleo - Historia

    Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Heritage, Digital Humanities, Cultural Tourism

    The CIDEHUS (Interdisciplinary Center of History, Cultures and Societies of University of Évora) is opening the call for 1 Post-Doctoral fellowship, within the framework of UID/HIS/00057/2013 Project, with financial support from FCT/MEC (through national funds, eventually co-financed by FEDER (PT2020 Partnership agreement).

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  • Lisboa

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Epistemología y métodos

    Digital Humanities in Portugal: building bridges and breaking barriers in the digital age

    Discussion about the role of the Humanities in academia and society has a long history. The confluence of this debate with the changes brought about by digital technology is not new either: one cannot speak of "new technologies" for the Humanities when many researchers turned to digital methods at least four decades ago, in disciplines as diverse as Linguistics, History or Literary Studies. The Conference “Digital Humanities in Portugal” aims precisely to stimulate these intersections, opening up a forum for discussion and sharing of research results or ongoing projects in this field of knowledge.

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  • Evora

    Jornada de estudio - Historia

    II Seminário internacional história e língua – interfaces

    Realiza-se no próximo dia 23 de setembro de 2014 na Universidade de Évora – CIDEHUS o  II Seminário Internacional História e Língua-Interfaces. Possui um painel dedicado às Humanidades Digitais e suas aplicações.

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  • Coímbra | Lisboa

    Informaciónes varias - Sociología

    Digital Scholarship Workshop

    Call for participation

    The Digital Scholarship Workshop (DSW) aims at offering to early stage researchers and tenured faculty the opportunity to learn how to use in a more effective way digital media to produce and disseminate research. The DSW will help participants in identifying an online repertoire suited for their specific needs and goals and at enabling researchers of different backgrounds to effectively integrate social media applications into their research activities and professional development strategies.

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  • Guarujá

    Convocatoria de ponencias - Información

    Digital Humanities and E-Science

    The 1st Workshop on Digital Humanities and e-Science will be held as part of e-Science 2014, with the endorsement of AHDig. The motivation for this workshop starts at the realization that there is an intersection between Digital Humanities and e-Science. The workshop proposes to explore the extent of this intersection, aiming at expanding the common ground, even if the communities have not agreed upon the exact boundaries. With this in mind, this event will present and discuss research in the Humanities with intensive participation of computer resources.

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  • Informaciónes varias - Información

    Lectores de OpenEdition ¿quiénes sois?

    Avec plus de trois millions de visites par mois sur ses plateformes, OpenEdition est devenu un acteur important dans le paysage de l’édition en sciences humaines et sociales et ce, grâce à vous. En 2009, par le biais d’une première enquête, nous avons identifié le lectorat de la plateforme et vous nous avez fait part de vos attentes. Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons de répondre à une nouvelle enquête qui concerne, cette fois, l’ensemble de notre dispositif de communication scientifique. Elle nous permettra de mieux vous connaître et d’améliorer nos services.

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