HomeSubjectsMind and languageReligionHistory of religions

HomeSubjectsMind and languageReligionHistory of religions

  • Rome

    Call for papers - History

    Women missionaries in Islamic lands: roots, limits, changes (early 19th century - early 21st century)

    Despite their numerical preponderance among the missionary workforce exercising a Christian apotolate at the end of the Ottoman Empire, women have long attracted less work than men. A rebalancing is in progress, spurred on by the gender studies and extended to the whole Muslim world. We will focus on real encounter and conflict situations, avoiding an essentialist approach to Islam and considering the extreme diversity of the field strategies and practices. This approach will be carried out in equal parts, in a decentering and critical way, far from denominational approaches.

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  • Call for papers - Religion

    Religions and Nationalisms

    Revue des Archives de sciences sociales des religions – Special Issue 2025

    This issue aims to contribute to the diagnosis of the present by bringing together texts from all disciplines of social sciences that offer an understanding of the contrasting contemporary situations arising from the intertwining of religions and nationalisms. 

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  • Call for papers - History

    Space and scale in missionary agency (1880-1920)

    The revival of the Christian faith in the European and North American continents (GreatAwakenings – the Higher Life Movement) during an age of technical and technological innovations inmeans of transportation and communication prompted many Protestant and Catholic missionaries, withthe support of their respective churches, to sail to foreign lands for religious proselytizing. Evangelicalmissionaries and their sending organizations have been, to varying degrees, major actors of social andcultural mutations among the people and societies they worked with. To fully comprehend the impactof European and North American evangelical missions at the turn of the twentieth century, we mustnot only consider missionaries’ social and religious agency at the local level, but also develop thediscussion to the regional, national, and transnational levels. 


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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Early modern

    Thomas More, Erasmus and the Reformation

    This two-day conference organised by Amici Thomae mori and the Centre d'étides du Saulchoir is open to speakers wishing to offer their research on Thomas More, Erasmus and Reformation. We look forward to papers that will bring new elements in any field that is found relevant within the topic (history, literature, philosophy, politics, sociology…). We welcome proposals on More, Erasmus, William Tyndale, Luther or any other figure of the Reformation as long as a link may be established with Thomas More.

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  • Geneva

    Call for papers - History

    François Hotman

    Un homme d’action, entre droit, histoire et théologie

    François Hotman (1524-1590) was born five hundred years ago. To mark the occasion, we thought it a good idea to dedicate to him an international conference in Geneva on November 21-22, 2024. A famous Calvinist jurisconsult, a virulent pamphleteer and a political thinker who is now part of the European philosophical tradition, Hotman remains a figure whom research only embraces through a few major works that receive recurring scrutiny. In reality, his writings as a humanist and jurist, his international correspondence, his connections with the most important Protestant theologians of the century, and his family of Ligue and royal officers are all objects of study that call for a re-problematisation of our interpretation of this dominant figure in Calvinist legal thought.

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  • Call for papers - Ethnology, anthropology

    The sacred, the spiritual and the religious in contemporary global societies

    Nakan, a learned society, is organising an international online Study day on Thursday 14 December 2023 at the Université des Antilles, entitled Le sacré, le spirituel et le religieux dans les sociétés globales contemporaines (The sacred, the spiritual and the religious in contemporary global societies). The aim is to examine the relationship that the Western man has today with the notions of the sacred, the spiritual and the religious, and to reassess the scope of the terms in question, in the light of literature, art, philosophy, anthropology, the sciences, the arts and cultural practices, etc. What status do these concepts hold in collective representations and imaginations? What is their semantic and semiological significance? What is their relationship with the notions of syncretism and supersyncretism? All these questions deserve to be rethought and discussed at a time of major paradigm shifts in Western societies.

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  • Lausanne

    Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology

    Practices and Theories of Diffusionism in the Study of Religion (1850–1950)

    This conference seeks to explore the many facets of diffusionism as it was practiced in the academic study of religion between 1850 and 1950. What were the main theoretical and methodological orientations of this analytical model? Where did they find their origins? What were their distinguishing features ? What did it mean to be a diffusionist historian of religions? What were the guiding principles, the underpinning worldviews, and the scientific values at stake for those who propounded diffusionist theories? 

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  • Zaragoza

    Call for papers - History

    Religion in movement. New perspectives in the study of religious History

    While the role of the Catholic Church under the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) and the Dictatorship (1939-1975) remain one of the most bitterly contested aspects in public and academic debates, in recent years, the study of religious history has become an increasingly respected as an expanding field of research in Spanish historiography. The foundation of the Asociación Española de Historia Religiosa Contemporánea (AEHRC - Spanish Association of Contemporary Religious History) in 2016 has greatly contributed to this development. The present conference aims to celebrate and continue these efforts. For this reason, the AEHRC would like to invite researchers to join us in the prospect of advancing the state of the art in our field by a) critically evaluating the successes and limitations of current and new perspectives in the study of contemporary religious history; and, in particular, b) by reassessing the processes of secularisation and religious reconfiguration that have shaped the Spanish and Hispanic cases.

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  • Arras

    Call for papers - History

    Missionary strategies and practices, slavery and forced labour (early 19th-mid 20th century)

    Another discussion on the institutional position of the churches in relation to slavery will be resolutely avoided. What will be analysed is the concrete confrontation —or cohabitation— with slavery. What did missionaries know about their slave environment? How did they learn about it? How did they take a stand? How did they act–or not? Same questions as far as indentured labour and the colonial forms of forced labour were concerned. Were there confrontations, mediations and misunderstandings?

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  • Strasbourg

    Call for papers - Prehistory and Antiquity

    Landscapes and sanctuaries. The rediscovery of cult places in the Aegean Basin and in Southern Italy

    The international interdisciplinary conference “Landscapes and Sanctuaries. The rediscovery of cult places in the Aegean Basin and in Southern Italy”, focuses on the study of landscapes and the rediscovery of sanctuaries in Southern Italy and Greece between the eighteenth and early twentieth centuries. It invites to cross archaeological and historical approaches to understand the link between sanctuaries and landscapes, but also the way these data have conditioned the rediscovery of lost archaeological sites.

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  • Toulouse

    Call for papers - Language

    The Myth of Pentecost: literature, translation, theory, arts

    While there are countless studies devoted to the readings, representations and interpretations of the biblical myth of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), the rival narrative of the “miracle” of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) and its reception have received much less attention. This applies both to the exegesis of the Bible text and to its various adaptations in literature, art, theory and translate on studies. While the myth of Babel has generally given rise to pessimistic conceptions of linguistic diversity, the episode of the “tongues of fire” descending on the Apostles, transforming them into universal translators-interpreters, capable of speaking and being heard in languages they have not learned, suggests a different vision of multilingualism, language, meaning, or translatability.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Religion

    « Heureux ceux qui croient sans avoir vu »

    Pouvoirs et limites, les paradoxes du sensible dans l’appréhension chrétienne du divin entre les XVe et XVIIe siècles

    In mobilizing an intermedial as well as interdisciplinary approach, the aim of these two days is to reflect together on the various solutions (philosophical, material, legal, theological, devotional, etc.) implemented by modern Christianity in order to resolve an age-old paradox: how to reconcile the nature of human perception, which is above all sensory, with that of the object it is trying to perceive, and whose divine nature is precisely infinite, unattainable and elusive ?

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  • Montpellier

    Call for papers - Religion

    Protestant Revival Movements in the Francophone World (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific)

    Origins, Currents, Developments and Diversification from the Nineteenth Century to the Present

    This Congress, intends to broaden that research to include, in addition to Europe, Francophone Africa and Madagascar, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. From the beginning of the nineteenth century, this geographical and linguistic area (like others) has been to the benefit of the deployment of revival movements through mission. These movements have generated new Christendoms and ecclesial communities, many of which have emancipated themselves from inherited/exported models. Awakenings have taken specific forms and diversified. Persons and groups within traditional cultures and religions have shaped new antitheses (rupture) and/or syntheses (continuity). These Réveil/Revival influenced forms and visions have enriched the world’s religious heritage. This conference will give attention to the origins, currents, development, and diversification of the Réveil/Revival movements/networks/traditions from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, focusing on the Francophone world.

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  • Rabat

    Call for papers - Religion

    Muḥammad b. Yūsuf al-Sanūsī, between Islamic Studies and the Social Sciences

    Dans le sillage des travaux de Sabrina Mervin, ce colloque international aborde la vie et l’œuvre d’al-Sanūsī à travers des approches croisées, entre l’islamologie et les sciences sociales. Ainsi, si la doctrine et l’œuvre du théologien seront évidemment abordées, les aspects anthropologiques de la transmission et la traduction de ses traités en contexte africain ou asiatique seront également mis en avant. Enfin, l’émergence récente d’un enseignement des ʿAqāʾid dans les mosquées et instituts en ligne en contexte européen et anglo-saxon doit susciter l’attention des sociologues, à l’heure du retour d’un traditionalisme « maḏhabique ».

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  • Call for papers - History

    Journal "Chrétiens et Sociétés XVIe-XXIe siècles" – Permanent call for thematic dossiers and Varia articles

    Chrétiens et Sociétés XVIe-XXIe siècles welcomes thematic dossiers proposed by one or two researchers who coordinate it and articles in Varia. It is a journal of the history of religions, centred on the study of the various Christian confessions in the modern and contemporary period, in an open conception, in constant dialogue with other sectors of the social sciences.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Call for papers - History

    Regulars and Nuns at War

    Practices and Experiences (15th-21st c.)

    This conference aims to analyze the individual and collective experiences of members of male and female religious orders facing war and related experiences, as actors and not simply as observers or victims. From the Wars of Religion to the conflicts of the Revolutionary Era, from guerilla warfare to the clashes of massed armies; from armed revolts to attempted ethnic cleansing, we will explore the agency of a specific category that is particularly relevant in Early Modern and Modern Catholicism: male and female members of religious orders, who live in a community by following a rule of life. While sharing at least partially the imaginaries, interpretative frameworks and codes of action of their contemporaries, these women and men experience war with its violence from a situated point of view; that of groups which see themselves as spiritual elites. It is therefore a question of pointing out the practical as well as the symbolic, spiritual, and psychological consequences of this belonging, without forgetting the conflicts of loyalty specific to these actors with multiple identities.

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  • Arbil Governorate

    Call for papers - Middle Ages

    From the disconnected letters to the science of letters: a meeting of knowledges in the Middle East

    In order to interpret the disconnected letters of the Qur’an (ḥurūf muqaṭṭa‘a), Muslim thinkers have based their work on esoteric concepts, sometimes handed down from Antiquity, which have flourished in Islamic lands under the name of the science of letters (‘ilm al-ḥurūf). This international symposium aims to study the various representations of the mysterious letters within the wider framework of the science of letters, and to put them in perspective against similar readings from languages and cultures close to Arabic. Part of the symposium will be held in the historic citadel of Erbil in the heart of ancient Mesopotamia, “the land of the two rivers”, the cradle of early writing.

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  • Paris

    Study days - History

    10th young researchers' study day at the “The history and anthropology of knowledge, techniques and beliefs” laboratory (HASTEC)

    Les journées des jeunes chercheurs du laboratoire d'excellence « Histoire et anthropologie des savoirs, des techniques et des croyances » (HASTEC) ont pour objet de présenter chaque année les résultats des recherches menées en son sein par les doctorants et les post-doctorants. Cette année, la journée réunira les doctorants et post-doctorant de 2020 et 2021.

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  • Saint-Denis

    Conference, symposium - Religion

    Women and religions in the societies of the Indian Ocean

    Cette journée d’étude a ainsi pour objectif de questionner la place des femmes dans les religions des sociétés de l’océan Indien tout autant que les relations qu’elles tissent à travers ces sociétés dans leur croyances et pratiques religieuses. Pour cette journée d’étude, il s’agit de porter un regard à la fois anthropologique, psychologique et sociologique des réalités mais aussi des émergences religieuses telles que vécues ou mises en oeuvre, tant par le passé que dans le présent actuel, par les femmes au sein des sociétés de l’océan Indien.

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  • Toulouse

    Call for papers - History

    Analysis of relics, hagiographic legends and Carolingian memories

    Around the body of the Apostle James the Greater in Toulouse

    Since the 14th century, the Basilica of Saint-Sernin in Toulouse has been proud to possess the entire body of James the Greater. After a first preparatory seminar on 11 March 2019 in Toulouse (Vraies et fausses reliques: un vrai faux problème), a workshop was held on 10 December 2021 (Les reliques toulousaines de Jacques le Majeur), focusing on the material aspects (examination of bones, reliquaries, and authentic items). In a final stage, the results of these analyses should be put into perspective during a meeting which would lead to the writing of a monograph bringing together all the studies carried out on the relics of Saint James in Toulouse.

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