

  • Zurich

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    The Dominicans and the Making of Florentine Cultural Identity

    Influences and Interactions between Santa Maria Novella and the Commune of Florence (1293-1313)

    Florence, the celebrated city-republic, dominates the historiography of medieval Italy still today. Her glory and crises define the paradigm for investigating other medieval city-states. As attention to medieval cities has increased, so too the history of the Dominican Order has constituted a major field of study, since the Dominicans were at the forefront of the cultural and religious life of Medieval cities. This conference intends to analyse the reciprocal influences and interactions between the activities and works of this constellation of Dominican intellectuals and the making of Florentine cultural identity through the social and political events that consumed the public life of the Commune between 1293 and 1313.

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  • Vienne

    Colloque - Histoire

    Monastic journeys from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages

    Religious aspirations, political goals and economic concerns

    This conference is the result of a cooperation between the Wittgenstein-Prize Project ‘Mobility, Microstructes and Personal Agency’ of the FWF (Austrian National Research Foundation), acting as the local host, and the Laboratoire d’Excellence RESMED (Religions et sociétés dans le monde méditerranéen, University of Paris-Sorbonne), the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS, UMR 8167, Paris), as well as the Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO, Cairo), the École française de Rome (EfR) and the University of Nantes (CRHIA), who have organized the previous two conferences in this series in Rome.

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Crossing Borders

    Intellectuals of the Right and Politics in Europe and Latin America

    During the interwar period, authoritarian movements and regimes of the right - both of the "old" authoritarian and of the "new" radical varieties - professed their faith in national values but at the same time saw themselves as national agents of an otherwise international intellectual and political wave. Starting from the mid-1920s, a growing sense of shared goals, commonality of vision, and sense of history-making mission led them to draw on each other for inspiration and support. It soon became clear that these movements and regimes embraced ideas from each other, actively studying each other’s discourses and initiatives in the political field. The conference aims to promote a different understanding of the role of intellectuals of the interwar right who perceived themselves as transnational agents “at the service of an idea”.

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  • Heidelberg

    Colloque - Histoire

    Order into Action

    How large-scale concepts of world-order determine practices in the premodern world?

    The conference “Order into Action” asks if political, geographical or religious large-scale concepts constituted the basic elements of systems of world order and how those concepts were translated into concrete actions or practices. In order to include a comparative view on regions and cultures, the confereince combines the perspectives of scholars in European, Arabic and Islamic and Asian Studies, as well as outlooks on premodern societies in (sub-saharan) Africa, the Americas and Australia.

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  • Batalha

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    Wisdom and science in the (Iberian) Middle Ages

    Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia (CIUHCT) and Mosteiro of Batalha present the conference “Wisdom and science in the (Iberian) Middle Ages”. A day dedicated to medieval knowledge, with renowned international speakers. The keynote speaker will be Professor Charles Burnett of the Warburg Institute, London.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Psychisme

    Bodily sensations and bodily awareness: building blocks of subjectivity

    Bodily sensation is a key component of self-awareness, but the cognitive and neural processes that transform specific sensory inputs into a general sense of one’s own body are scarcely understood. At this meeting, experts in psychology, neuroscience and philosophy of the body will focus on how the brain integrates sensory inputs into a coherent representation of one’s own body.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Histoire

    Relics @ the Lab

    Over the past decade the scientific interest in relics and kindred artefacts has grown enormously. Without any doubt relics as well as relic shrines and associated objects have played a prominent role in European history since the introduction of Christianity. While in the past primary, secondary as well as tertiary relics were merely studied in relation to their religious and (art) historical background, recently the rise of a more scientific and archaeological approach is noticed. Nowadays researchers become more interested in the origin and nature of these sacred objects

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    “Medicalized” Childbirth as a Public Problem

    Risk Culture(s), Gender Politics, Techno-Reflexivities

    Obstetrical knowledge, technologies and practices have dramatically transformed women’s reproductive experiences worldwide. Medicalization of childbirth was accelerated in the XXth century by the displacement of childbirth from home to the hospital, and by the generalization of surgical techniques and pharmaceutical products. Medical interventionism took multiple, situated forms. Relying on cross-cultural investigations and field data from diverse national contexts (France, USA, Italy, Brazil, Senegal, Turkey, Switzerland, Canada…), this international workshop investigates how “technological” birth came into being, and how it is produced, problematized, framed, and negotiated in the XXIst century.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Price of Peace: Modernising the Ancien Régime?

    Europe 1815-1848

    In many historiographic traditions, the so-called "Restoration" has been depicted as an awkward interval between the Napoleonic Wars and the age of nationalism. This international conference has the ambition of breaking down old myths and stereotypes about the ‘Restoration’ in order to think more broadly and openly about the key transitions and issues. The conference will revolve around the provocative historiographical issue of whether the post-Napoleonic order represented an attempt to reconcile the heritage of the Ancien Régime with a deeply transformed world. Topics explored by panels of invited experts from across Europe will include Rethinking the "Restoration", New departures in international relations, Constitutions vs. Charters, Rebirth of composite monarchies, Before and Beyond the Nation, Historicising the Ancien Régime?, New borders and old identities.

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  • Londres

    Colloque - Histoire

    The Allied Occupation of Germany Revisited

    New Research on the Western Zones of Occupation, 1945-1949

    The Allied occupation of Western Germany after the Second World War has recently seen a revival of interest among historians. This two-day international conference will showcase new research from scholars based across the globe and provide a forum for the presentation of innovative approaches to the history of the three western zones of occupation. It also aims to stimulate dialogue between historians of the different zones of occupation and so bring together hitherto almost entirely segregated historiographies.

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  • Bogotá

    Colloque - Histoire

    Third international federation for public history (IFPH-FIHP) conference

    This is the final program of the third international public history conference organised by the International Federation for Public History (IFPH) together with the Universidad de los Andes-Bogotá /Colombia.

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  • Berlin

    Colloque - Représentations

    Art History for Artists: Interactions Between Scholarly Discourse and Artistic Practice in the 19th Century

    The development of art history as a discipline during the 19th century has been variously associated with the politics of national identity, the needs of a growing bourgeois public in search of cultural capital, or of an expanding art market. However, the role of art training, and art practitioners themselves in the shaping of the discipline remains unexamined. Courses in art history had been systematically introduced in the curricula of art and architecture academies since the late 18th century, and spaces of art education count among the first institutional homes of the discipline, well before the establishment of autonomous university chairs. This conference aims to explore the interactions and productive tensions between art practice and art scholarship in the 19th century. 

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  • Mons

    Colloque - Histoire

    Tracing mobilities and socio-political activism

    19th-20th centuries

    This doctoral workshop will explore to what extent the notion of “mobility” in current cultural and social theory (eg. Stephen Greenblatt, John Urry) can be fruitfully applied in historical research. Mobilities can be seen as cross-border movements of persons, objects, texts and ideas.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Europe

    Copyright and the Circulation of Knowledge

    Industry Practices and Public Interests in Great Britain from the 18th Century to the Present

    This conference seeks to bring together specialists of Great Britain from the eighteenth century to the present to explore the complex relationship between copyright and the circulation of knowledge. We welcome case studies that focus on a particular time period as well as papers that show how attitudes and practices have changed over time.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Les mots

    La textualité médiévale et sa mise en œuvre

    L’International medieval society organise l’édition 2016 de son colloque parisien sur le thème des mots au Moyen Âge. Entre dématérialisation des supports et augmentation du nombre des corpus numérisés, les études médiévales cherchent à s’adapter à ces nouvelles façons de produire la connaissance sur le Moyen Âge, en même temps qu’elles définissent les enjeux méthodologiques et historiques du traitement de mots qui existent désormais simultanément sous la forme de sources primaires (dans le codex, le rouleau, la charte ou l’inscription) sous la forme de reproductions numériques grâce aux images, et sous la forme de données statistiques et lexicographiques au sein d’outils de stockage et d’analyse.

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  • Gand

    Colloque - Représentations

    Tracing types

    Comparative analyses of nineteenth-century sketches

    A new wave of scholarship has emerged in recent years, which examines nineteenth-century sketches (sometimes referred to as “panoramic literature”) from a transnational perspective. The present international conference seeks to continue this comparative reflection by placing the spotlight on the comparative analysis of texts and images of specific types and by tracing how these representations vary across sketches from different places, media and editorial contexts.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Sensibilities at the turn of the 21st century

    Characteristic of the the first sixteen years of the 21st Century has been the the emphasis that structuration processes have placed on the connections between emotions, bodies, and society as some of their central axes. At least since the end of the last century, the production, circulation, management, and reproduction of feeling practices have become some of the basic features of education, health care, knowledge production, the mass media, the entertainment industry, sexuality, politics, and the market - just to mention some of the most publicly “visible” ones. It is in this context that  we have considered it desirable to bring together researchers and academics dealing with various aspects relating to the topic of sensibilities.

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  • Saint-Gall

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Transparency. Thinking through an opaque concept

    What do we really ask for when we ask for more transparency? The international workshop Transparency. Thinking through an opaque concept aims at inquiring into the historical circumstances which allowed the concept of transparency to emerge in Early Modernity and how it progressively came to occupy such a central place in contemporary discourse.

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  • Réthymnon

    Colloque - Histoire

    Revealing Ordinary Jerusalem (1840-1940): New archives and perspectives on urban citizenship and global entanglements

    Open Jerusalem international symposium

    Open Jerusalem first international symposium, entitled “Revealing Ordinary Jerusalem (1840-1940): New archives and perspectives on urban citizenship and global entanglements,” is taking place at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies in Rethymno (Greece) on 10-12 May 2016. It aims to serve as a forum for deepening discussions and initiating scientific debates, with contributions from members of the Open Jerusalem team, scholars specializing in related topics, urban historians and specialists of the region.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Sociologie

    The brains that pull the triggers

    The transformation of groups of previously nonviolent individuals into repetitive killers of defenseless members of society has been a recurring phenomenon throughout history. This apparent transition of large numbers of seemingly normal, “ordinary” individuals, to perpetrators of extreme atrocities is one of the most striking variants of human behavior, but often appear incomprehensible to victims and bystanders and in retrospect even to the perpetrators themselves and to society in general. This transition is characterized by a set of symptoms and signs for which a common syndrome has been proposed, Syndrome E (Fried, Lancet, 1997). The purpose of such designation is not to medicalize this form of human behavior, but to provide a framework for future discussion and multidisciplinary discourse and for potential insights that might lead to early detection and prevention.

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