

  • Tokyo

    Appel à contribution - Religions

    Spirituality, Healthcare And Social Movements In East Asia

    A Transnational Perspective

    East Asian Network for the Academic Study Of Esotericism - EANASE's first conference aims to offer the chance to reflect on the intertwined relationship between spirituality, healthcare and social movements in East Asia from a trans-national/local/cultural perspective. The emergence of new religious movements like Theosophy, Falungong and Taireido, or the worldwide popularisation of, for instance, acupuncture, reiki and hypnosis, challenge reductionist binary views of East/West, tradition/modernity, science/religion. Likewise, the recent dissemination of New Age practices across East Asia or the ongoing study of Buddhist meditation by American and European psychiatrists seem to reflect broader concerns that, for the past two centuries or so, have ignored national and cultural borders – and whose wider social implications are now more visible than ever.

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  • Koweït

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    La culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique

    Arabian Humanities n° 14 (Printemps 2020)

    La production en sciences sociales sur la culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique est particulièrement limitée. Si une littérature importante se consacre à l’analyse des cultures orales et de la poésie vernaculaire, rares sont encore les études des nouveaux media dans la Péninsule Arabique, des cassettes audio aux applis en passant par la production télévisée et YouTube. Ce numéro d’Arabian Humanities veut combler ce vide et analyser la culture pop en Arabie Saoudite, au Yémen, en Oman, aux Émirats Arabes Unis, au Qatar, à Bahreïn et au Koweït.

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  • Haïfa

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Travelling Matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean

    The workshop “Travelling matters: rereading, reshaping, reusing objects across the Mediterranean” intends to tackle objects as sources and subjects of the history of cross-cultural encounters in innovative ways. We intend to discuss a most diverse array of objects flowing in all directions and to concentrate on the “second-handedness” of displaced objects: how and why moving objects acquire new functions and new meanings, and with what consequences for the relations between the communities involved? These perspectives demand a broad chronology, extending from antiquity to the present-day, and for the intersection between different time frames, from the relatively narrow scale of individual objects being displaced across the Mediterranean to the much larger one of the histories of their reinterpretation and repurposing.

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  • Jérusalem

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    History of prehistory in Palestine – Israel

    International workshop

    Cette journée d'étude portera sur l'histoire de l'archéologie préhistorique, les acteurs et les institutions qui s'y sont investis ainsi que les réseaux développés au fil du temps à l'échelle locale et internationale. La journée sera aussi l'opportunité de présenter les différentes sources utiles pour écrire l'histoire de la discipline et souligner différents usages pour la recherche.

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  • Lahore

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Understanding Gradients of Political Engagements

    Citizenship and Identity in South Asia

    Historian and political scientists of South Asia have been dealing with the ascent of postcolonial state and the form of citizenships in South Asia. The meteoric rise of postcolonial theory, subaltern school of historiography to be precise made efforts in bringing the role of ideas and culture in shaping state, community and political narratives. Notwithstanding these insights still this literature failed to bring in one very important thing; a comparative lens to study informal politics in the region. The social transformation and process of democratization has appeared to be inching ahead across the region from Nepal to Bangladesh. Therefore, increasingly a cross country perspective is required combining interdisciplinary approaches and methodologies (qualitative, quantitative) to develop a comparative perspective of way social and cultural factors influence informal politics in South Asia.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    New Articulations of Identity in Contemporary Aesthetics

    Over the last several decades, vibrant conversations have unfolded around existing constructions of identities—often seen as fixed, narrow categories—and a movement toward fluid and intersectional conceptions of the self and community, these discourses having greatly impacted both the theory and practice leading to a radical shift in contemporary aesthetics. Critical debates that destabilize fixed notions of identity have engendered new perspectives, particularly in work critiquing issues of essentialism, heterosexism, monolithic affiliation, and other culturally imposed limitations. This Special Issue seeks to magnify the questions of belongingness raised in contemporary art and generate a multicultural and interdisciplinary discussion that centers around visual practice as a crucial site of social and institutional commentary.

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  • Pékin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Autonomy in Art

    « Arts » – Special issue

    This special issue of Arts aims to explore this notion of autonomy across all art forms and politics and the ways that we might both reassert and critique the autonomy of art from social purpose; to paraphrase Adorno, perhaps the social function of art is not to have a social function. We welcome papers that address these key debates and critiques.

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  • Jérusalem

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Jewish Perceptions of the Revolutionary Transition (1789-1814)

    World Congress of Jewish Studies

    We are putting together a proposal for one session at the World Congress of Jewish Studies focused on Jewish perceptions of the revolutionary period in Europe (1789-1814). Our goal is to generate a discussion about Jewish responses to the French revolutionary transition and emancipatory paradigm in the European broader context, as we believe that Jewish sympathies and resistances should be reconsidered from a multidisciplinary perspective involving political as well as cultural, religious, social and economic issues.

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  • Oulan-Bator

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Can regions understand each other?

    Europe and Asia: challenges and crisis-management

    Further to the first Europe-Asia conferences exploring regional regime dynamics (France, 2004), policies of regional cooperation (Korea, 2005), interregional competition (France, 2012) and the limits of regional constructions (Kazakhstan, 2014), this 2016 edition will look at the reciprocal understanding of regions and how that is conducive to their capacity (or lack thereof) to monitor crises they undergo, both specific crises and interregional ones. Papers must address original research, in regional dynamics of Asia and Europe, since the end of the cold war and focus on one area among.

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  • Beyrouth

    Informations diverses - Époque moderne

    Language, Science and Aesthetics

    Articulations of Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Modern Middle East, North Africa, South and Southeast Asia

    International Summer Academy, 11-19 September 2014 at the Orient-Institut Beirut. This Summer Academy offers early-career scholars an opportunity to follow up on the debates about modernity, its preconditions and its aftermath by focusing on the multifarious processes in which societies outside Europe have adopted, translated, rejected or produced the global, the modern and tradition since the seventeenth century. It places a specific focus on the notions of subjectivity and objectivity as discursive practices which are intrinsically linked to each other.

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  • Arbil Governorate

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The evolving relations between nation-states and Kurdish areas

    What impact on the modes of local governance?

    The departments of contemporary studies of IFEA (Istanbul) and IFPO organize a workshop in Erbil, the 29th of May 2014. This workshop aims at analysing the evolving dynamics of the Kurdish populated areas in Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran. More precisely, it will focus on the changing interactions between the nation-states and the Kurdish political actors, and on the impacts of these transformations on the modes of local governance. 

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Beyond soft power: The stakes and configurations of the influence of contemporary Turkey in the world

    This workshop will explore the theme of Turkish political and cultural influence in the world, exploring scientific debates on the topic of “soft power” and its applicability to contemporary Turkey. This workshop aims at raising several questions: To what extent is the concept of “soft power” adequate to characterize Turkey’s influence and its weaknesses both on the international stage and towards its neighboring countries? Reciprocally, how can the analysis of the different patterns of Turkey’s influence help us question the concept of “soft power”, and to come up with other notions?

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  • Taipei

    Journée d'étude - Asie

    The Geopolitics of Film and Entertainment Industries Across the Taiwan Strait

    Franco-Taiwanese Workshop

    The Taipei office of the HK-based French Center for the Study of Contemporary China (CEFC, is inviting you to join a limited number of researchers in freely exchanging ideas about Cross-Taiwan Strait cinema and entertainment industries in a geopolitical perspective.

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    The making of cultural policies

    Trans-Acting Matters: Areas and Eras of a (Post-)Ottoman Globalization

    This workshop takes place in the framework of the research project “Trans-Acting Matters: Areas and Eras of a (Post-)Ottoman Globalization”. It aims to analyse the making of cultural policies and actions in Turkey and the post-ottoman spaces. We wish to question the ways in which the circulations participate in the construction of cultural policies today as well as to rethink the earlier cultural policies and actions from the late Ottoman Empire onwards. The workshop attempts to question the co-production of cultural policies, of their spaces and territories, as well as the plurality of the conceptions of culture carried by cultural policies. The workshop will focus on the phenomena of hybridity, of connections, and associations of various actors which co-produce original forms of cultural policies.

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  • Bhubaneswar

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Autofiction, memoir and life narrative

    Auto/Fiction 1:2

    The issue is open to all kinds of applied and theoretical papers on autofiction, memoir and life narrative.

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  • Istanbul

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Not All Quiet on the Ottoman Fronts

    Neglected Perspectives on a Global War, 1914-18

    As World War I was the central founding experience of the twentieth century and thus needs to be discussed in relation to various segments of society and on several levels, we believe that its 100th anniversary is the appropriate moment to bring together recent research on the Ottoman theater of the war based on the various traditions of this new military history established in the last 30 years and assess where we stand today in our knowledge of the World War and where we are headed. We therefore invite papers that develop existing approaches and questions to a further level. On this basis these papers will aid us in entering into a comparative, and where possible transnational, perspective of the war.

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  • Naplouse

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Vivre, consommer et agir dans une Palestine glocale

    La réalité palestinienne, marquée par le conflit, a le plus souvent été analysée au seul prisme de sa spécificité politique ou culturelle. Or, de nouvelles manières de vivre, de consommer et d’agir inscrites dans un registre global ont vu le jour ces dernières années et sont largement restées inexplorées. Le colloque réunira essentiellement des chercheurs et doctorants en sciences sociales et humaines travaillant sur la Palestine mais sont aussi sollicitées des recherches sur d’autres terrains (Maghreb / Moyen-Orient / Europe) dans une dimension comparative. Ce colloque entend par ailleurs confronter des approches différentes : entre art et science, recherche et action, il fera dialoguer les sciences sociales avec les travaux d’artistes, d’architectes, les pensées et modes d’action de collectifs militants et citoyens.

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  • Beyrouth

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in Education in Arab Universities: Quality and Added Value

    This conference is organized by the Arab Educational Information Network Shamaa and the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies and will be held in November 2013 in Beirut, Lebanon. The conference's objective is to provide a platform for educational researchers to present their perspectives on the current state of research studies in graduate programs in education and to raise questions regarding the quality of these studies. Papers presented will be subject to peer review process to be eligible for publication in the refereed conference proceedings. We hope that this conference will help capture the current practices in MA and PHD programs in education in the Arab countries, and will allow for a rich professional dialogue among its participants toward developing ideas and recommendations for improving these programs as well as the quality of their graduates and the studies they produce. 

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  • Ramat Gan

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Langage

    Une bourse de master et un poste d'assistant de recherche en littérature médiévale

    Une bourse de MA et un poste d'assistant de recherche en littérature médiévale (ancien français ou littérature hébraïque produite dans le nord de la France, XIIe-XVIe siècle).

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  • Kaohsiung

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    Euro-Asian Overlook on the Innovation and Development of the Teaching of European Languages and Literature

    2018 International Conference on European Asian Languages ​

    This symposium focuses on the Innovation and Development of the Teaching of European Languages and Literature in European-Asian, in which scholars and experts from Euro-Asian countries/areas focusing on various strands in French, German and Spanish are invited to deliver a wide range of talks on related topics.

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