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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Encyclopédie de l’histoire de l’église

    Les éditeurs du Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques recherchent des notices pour leur prochain fascicule.

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  • Rome

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Knowledge and Know-How Serving the Reactivation of Celtic and Medieval Music

    Archaeo-Musicology and Archaeo-Luthiery

    On the occasion of the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, to be held from August 28 to 31 in Rome (Italy), a call for papers has been launched for a colloquium on the archaeo-violin making, or how to understand instruments from an archaeological point of view, from the Celts to the Middle Ages. If it is accepted that violin making is defined as the craftsmanship of stringed and necked instruments still used today, we can call “archaeo-violin making” the craftsmanship of musical instruments of the past, the physical traces of which are too fragmentary to be able to work by reproduction, as is the case for instruments kept in collections.

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  • Paris

    Informations diverses - Histoire

    Identités pontiques : la mer Noire et le monde méditerranéen dans l’Antiquité

    À travers quatre interventions, cette session explorera les pratiques funéraires de la classe aristocratique dans la cité grecque d'Apollonia pontica, sur la rive occidentale de la mer Noire, au cours des IVe et IIIe siècles.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Géographie

    Changement climatique et interaction homme-environnement dans le Caucase

    Perspectives géo-bio-archéologiques et littéraires

    Dans des moments de crise comme celle que nous vivons aujourd’hui, il est indispensable que les scientifiques de différentes disciplines et pays unissent leurs forces pour enregistrer les données et préparer des solutions pour cet avenir proche. Afin d’estimer toute la chaîne d’événements (probablement catastrophiques) qui pourraient affecter un pays comme la Géorgie – le pays mythique de la Toison d’Or –, il faut considérer tout le cycle de l’eau, depuis la fonte des glaciers jusqu’aux lacs de haute montagne, les bassins fluviaux, leurs deltas et la mer. Les modélisations climatiques, géomorphologiques et écologiques doivent être mises en relation avec les informations transmises au fil du temps par les textes littéraires, afin d’anticiper les changements sociétaux proches. En s’appuyant sur des recherches antérieures des participants, sur la géohistoire et la géo-bio-archéologie de la mer Noire, des basses terres de Colchide, des rivières – y compris du mythique fleuve Phasis, cette rencontre se veut un coup d’envoi pour de futures collaborations internationales et interdisciplinaires.

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  • Boston

    Colloque - Afrique

    From Biopolitics to Ecoaesthetics

    Legacies of Encroachment(s) in French and Francophone literatures, arts, and medias

    The reality of globalization, and its inherent movements and interactions of bodies, challenges the radical frame and geographies of the aforementioned concepts. The inevitability of the relation, in its materialisations as contact, conflict, and integration, highlights the thin lines between acknowledging, understanding, and trespassing boundaries in human relations to each other and to the systems that govern their lives. The idea of encroachment in thinking of the experiences of boundaries in human relations captures the inevitable obsession for trespassing. Regardless of its motivation, trespassing has an impact on the body that is transformative. Therefore, the effects of encroachment pervade the body in its relation to itself and its environment(s). In thinking about legacies of encroachments in French and Francophone literatures, we think of the legacies of this concept in literary practices, in thematic choices across geographies, and its transmedial expressions within and beyond the literary canon(s).

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le christianisme aux frontières

    Quelques études de cas des périodes romaine et tardo-antique

    La collection d’études de cas qui a été présentée en 2018 et 2020 dans le cadre du projet DANUBIUS a donné lieu à une série de nouvelles questions historiques et de résultats inattendus. Certains des principaux éléments du dossier seront publiés dans un supplément à la revue Frontière·s. L’objectif de cet appel à communication est de compléter ce dossier par de nouvelles études de cas portant sur des régions qui n’étaient pas ou peu représentées lors des ateliers de 2018 et de 2020 : la Bretagne, la Gaule, la Germanie, le Caucase, le nord-est de l’Anatolie, le Moyen-Orient, ainsi que l’Égypte.

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  • Timişoara

    Colloque - Histoire

    History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns

    Figures, Trends, and Perspectives

    The 20th Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (IUPPS) will be held in Timişoara (Romania), from the 5th to the 9th September 2023. The IUPPS “History of archaeology” commission is organising a panel entitled “History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns. Figures, Trends, and Perspectives”.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?

    New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period Between the 3rd and the 8th Centuries

    The Young Scholars Circle of the HAEMUS (YSCH) International Research Network is pleased to invite you to its first International Online Seminar for PhD students and Postdocs: What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans? New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period between the 3rd and the 8th Centuries. This first edition of the YSCH online seminar aims to stimulate a discussion that, relying on the most recent studies, can contribute to specifying the definition of the concept of “Late Antiquity” for the Balkan Peninsula.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Queering the Family: Exploring Non-Normative Family Figures in Literature, Arts, and the Media

    “Whatever, A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies”, 7 (Summer 2024)

    This project invites to delve into the representation of non-normative family configurations in literature, visual and performing arts, as well as other media (popular music, cinema, TV series, videogames etc.). By emphasizing these specific narratives and representations, contributors can uncover antagonistic portrayals that reveal and unhinge the normative order of parenting and the family. 

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  • Sienne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Classicamente - Sienese Dialogues on the Ancient World

    The PhD alumni and students of the Anthropology of the Ancient World curriculum of the PhD course in Classics  and Archaeology would like to promote a sixth cycle of seminars of the series Classicamente. Dialoghi senesi sul mondo antico. The sessions which will take place in the 2023/2024 academic year shall continue focusing on the different methodologies and research perspectives which have shaped anthropology of the ancient world as field of study ever since its first development (with the works of Gernet, Vernant and Detienne). Space will also be given to those innovative approaches that constantly contribute to the hermeneutical expansion of this particular field of study. This year’s series of seminars wishes to create a meeting point for scholarship on antiquity and contemporary debate on its reception in modern societies, underlining the cultural, social and ideological aspects which spark from the interaction between present and past.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    “Práticas da História”. Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past - Permanent call for submissions

    Práticas da História is an open-access, bi-annual online academic journal, and it is looking to publish original articles, bibliographical essays, interviews, and book reviews on the subject matters of historical theory, historiography, methodology, and the uses of the past. We encourage submissions in Portuguese, English, French, or Spanish. The journal attaches equal importance to research relating the practice of history with other domains of the humanities and to works debating history in the context of the social sciences. While we find ourselves in the disciplinary field of history, we do aspire to question the boundaries of the field. It is our goal to promote interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity.

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  • Salerne

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Greeks in the Archaic Age: Institutions, Interactions, Traditions

    Τ Ε Κ Μ Η Ρ Ι Α, 1

    Τ Ε Κ Μ Η Ρ Ι Α, 1 is a Study Meeting born from the desire of young researchers to create a space for exchange, dialogue, and discussion in the wake of interdisciplinarity. The initiative dedicates its first new meeting to the memory of Clara Talamo, who recently passed away. For this reason, the Call proposes the development of themes to which the Scholar was particularly sensitive, and which have connoted the research directions of the Chair. The subject of Τ Ε Κ Μ Η Ρ Ι Α, 1 will therefore be Greeks in the Archaic Age: Institutions, Interactions, Traditions. 

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  • Timişoara

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    History of the History of Archaeology: between Archaeologists’ and Historians’ Concerns

    Figures, Trends, and Perspectives (International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences - IUPPS 2023 conference)

    Since several decades, historians and sociologists of science scrutinize the history of science as a practice. References demonstrate, first, the relevance of investigating who are the writers of disciplinary histories and what are the uses of these histories and, second, archaeologists’ concern to this regard. This session organised by the “History of Archaeology” commission is intended to strengthen these studies from the case of archaeology.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Public History in European Historical Perspectives

    According to international literature, public history emerged as a subfield of history in the United States in the 1970s. University programs, conferences, journals, grants, and networks of public history indeed flourished in North America in the last 50 years. However, some public historical practices have existed in Europe - without bearing the name of public history - long before the institutionalization of the field in the 1970s. It is this long history of public historical practices in Europe that this international conference aims to uncover. Proposals covering a wide range of public historical practices from different time periods (including Antiquity, Middle-Ages, and pre-Modern times) are welcome. 

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  • Strasbourg

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Paysages et sanctuaires

    La redécouverte des lieux de culte dans le bassin égéen et en Italie méridionale

    Le colloque international interdisciplinaire « Paysages et sanctuaires. La redécouverte des sanctuaires dans le bassin égéen et en Italie méridionale » s’adresse aux chercheurs travaillant sur la redécouverte des sanctuaires antiques, sur les rapports entre paysages et lieux de culte, ainsi que sur l’archéologie, l’histoire et à l’anthropologie des religions antiques. L’espace d’étude est limité à l’Italie méridionale et la Sicile d’une part, la Grèce continentale et le bassin égéen d’autre part.

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  • Bologne

    Colloque - Études des sciences

    Studies on Ancient Plants

    Multidisciplinary Approaches and New Perspectives

    The aim of the workshop Studies on Ancient Plants: Multidisciplinary Approaches and New Perspectives is to offer an overview of the state of the art in the study of ancient plants by combining different methodologies related to various cultural settings (Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Syriac and Arabic world) and disciplines (medicine, botany, history of art and technology, experimental archaeology, etc.). 

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives into Roman Commerce, Economy and the Acquisition of New Tastes during the Roman Period from the 4th Century BC Onwards

    29th EAA Annual Meeting

    From the 4th century BC onwards, the expansion of the Roman Empire, eventually, over large parts of Europe had a significant impact on society. The creation of a new transport network and the emergence of cities were two of the most important and lasting changes brought about. As Rome expanded and developed contacts with other cultures far beyond the Mediterranean, new tastes and social practices were also acquired, often manifested in material culture. This session aims to explore Roman commerce and economy through different lines of evidence (e.g. archaeobiological remains, ceramics, inscriptions, landscape archaeology etc.). In addition, it aims to investigate the role of the ancient transport network in the process of urbanisation and/or the acquisition of new ‘tastes’.

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  • Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    From Athens to Samarqand

    Spatial Perception in Antiquity from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Taklamakan Desert

    Spatial perception in antiquity is a fruitful and intriguing research area that has already received attention since the late 18th century. The development of separate disciplines dealing with different cultures and sources has, however, led to an often-isolated treatment of such topics in the specific fields of history, philology and (historical) linguistics. This conference intends to provide the opportunity to overcome such isolated treatment and to strengthen the cooperation between the fields by establishing interdisciplinary discussions.

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  • Le Caire

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Reading reuse. Image recycling in Egypt and beyond

    L’Institut français d’archéologie orientale organise un workshop sur la notion de remploi et des changements d’usage d’artefacts décorés (monuments entiers, ornements muraux, éléments mobiliers, statues, figurines, vases peints ou incisés, parures...) en contexte archéologique ou architectural. Notre intérêt académique est de rassembler des spécialistes de périodes et d’aires culturelles variées, à travers une approche comparative qui ne se limite pas à l’étude des sociétés du passé mais bénéficie également des apports de l’anthropologie culturelle.

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  • Lyon

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Matière matérialité

    La matérialité résultant de l'effet produit par les propriétés de la matière est appréhendée au sein d'environnements et de contextes de réception qui sont également changeants et n'ont rien de fixe ou de définitif. Ces propriétés se manifestent à travers des effets de textures, de surfaces, de poids, d’extension dans l’espace, de formats, de traces gestuelles... Le concept de matérialité renvoie donc au fait que les artefacts visuels sont composés de matériaux. Il prend en compte tous les processus – techniques, culturels et sociaux – qui sous-tendent la réalisation et la perception matérielle des œuvres d'art. C'est dans cet esprit que s'inscrit le thème choisi pour le 36e congrès du CIHA. Ce thème offre ainsi l'occasion d'un dialogue interculturel et interdisciplinaire fructueux sur des questions qui favorisent une perspective transversale à l'intersection des approches et des méthodologies.

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