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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Le christianisme aux frontières

    Quelques études de cas des périodes romaine et tardo-antique

    La collection d’études de cas qui a été présentée en 2018 et 2020 dans le cadre du projet DANUBIUS a donné lieu à une série de nouvelles questions historiques et de résultats inattendus. Certains des principaux éléments du dossier seront publiés dans un supplément à la revue Frontière·s. L’objectif de cet appel à communication est de compléter ce dossier par de nouvelles études de cas portant sur des régions qui n’étaient pas ou peu représentées lors des ateliers de 2018 et de 2020 : la Bretagne, la Gaule, la Germanie, le Caucase, le nord-est de l’Anatolie, le Moyen-Orient, ainsi que l’Égypte.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans?

    New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period Between the 3rd and the 8th Centuries

    The Young Scholars Circle of the HAEMUS (YSCH) International Research Network is pleased to invite you to its first International Online Seminar for PhD students and Postdocs: What Means Late Antiquity in the Balkans? New Concepts, Historiographies and Case Studies for the Period between the 3rd and the 8th Centuries. This first edition of the YSCH online seminar aims to stimulate a discussion that, relying on the most recent studies, can contribute to specifying the definition of the concept of “Late Antiquity” for the Balkan Peninsula.

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  • Belfast

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives into Roman Commerce, Economy and the Acquisition of New Tastes during the Roman Period from the 4th Century BC Onwards

    29th EAA Annual Meeting

    From the 4th century BC onwards, the expansion of the Roman Empire, eventually, over large parts of Europe had a significant impact on society. The creation of a new transport network and the emergence of cities were two of the most important and lasting changes brought about. As Rome expanded and developed contacts with other cultures far beyond the Mediterranean, new tastes and social practices were also acquired, often manifested in material culture. This session aims to explore Roman commerce and economy through different lines of evidence (e.g. archaeobiological remains, ceramics, inscriptions, landscape archaeology etc.). In addition, it aims to investigate the role of the ancient transport network in the process of urbanisation and/or the acquisition of new ‘tastes’.

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  • Munich

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Animals in Greek, Arabic, and Latin Philosophy

    Under the aegis of the European Research Council (ERC) funded project “Animals in Philosophy of the Islamic World,” a conference will be held at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, on the topic of Animals in Greek, Arabic, and Latin Philosophy. We welcome proposals for papers on any topic relevant to animals and philosophy in ancient Greek and Roman and medieval (Byzantine, Islamic, or Latin Christian) philosophy. Relevant topics could include, but are not limited to, Aristotelian zoology and its reception, theories of animal soul and cognition, views on how animals should be treated, and ideas about animals in medicine and other sciences.

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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Dialogues in Antiquity: Archetypes for a Contemporary World

    Xth Conference on Classical Philology in honorem Giselle von der Walde

    The expressive wealth of dialogue presents itself in numerous artistic and intellectual ways. The encounters between emotional and aesthetic resources, pedagogical and didactic purposes, as well as between claims of objectivity and scientific rigor, are fertile ground for the transdisciplinary inquiry characteristic of classical studies. This invites a diversity and multiplicity of perspectives for contributions in relation to ancient authors and their works. Investigating the history of dialogue since Antiquity also allows us to consider it as an archetype for the exchange of opinions and ideas. This is suitable for dealing with current problems that increasingly require the willingness to negotiate and rethink ideas and convictions, empathize with the feelings of others, and build agreements based on the examination of opposing arguments and points of view.

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  • Tivoli

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Nero and Hadrian

    The arts in power

    Nero and Hadrian: two emperors united by a passion for the arts; both reformers in the artistic and also, in particular, in the architectural and administrative spheres. Two characters, the first much discussed, the second much less. Recent critics have portrayed them in an innovative and pioneering light, at least from a purely cultural point of view. 

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  • Sienne

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Classicamente. Dialoghi Senesi sul Mondo Antico

    The junior researchers and PhD students from the Anthropology of the ancient world curriculum of the PhD course in Classics and Archeology are promoting the fourth edition of the seminar cycle Classicamente. Dialoghi Senesi sul Mondo Antico. This year's edition will focus on the varied methodologies and hermeneutical perspectives which represent the scientific guidelines followed by scholars in anthropology of the ancient world ever since its development. It will also focus on those approaches that today contribute to a constant enrichment and renovation of this field of study. Our goal is to offer to all those who take part the chance to present their work, be it the result of long research or elements of a work in progress, in an enviroment open to discussion between different perspectives (anthropological, philological, historical, archeological, semiotic etc.). 

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Visual culture in the classical world

    8th international postgraduate conference Pecla 2019

    Cette année, la conférence a pour thème « Visual Culture in the Classical World » elle vise principalement les doctorants, qui en tant que participants peuvent présenter les résultats de leurs recherches devant un publique international. Les articles de cet événement peuvent être publiés dans le journal de notre faculté « Studia Hercynia » et qui se trouveront aussi dans la database générale ERIH+.  Nous sommes également très ravis de vous annoncer qu’un de nos principal discutant sera Francois Lissarrague, directeur d’études à l’EHESS émérite.

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  • Medford

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Peinture ancienne et humanités numériques

    Lorsqu'en 1921 fut publié par A. Reinach le Recueil des textes Grecs et latins relatifs à la peinture ancienne (Recueil Milliet), il s'agissait de rendre accessible à un public le plus large possible ces textes traitant de peinture et d'esthétique. Depuis deux années maintenant, une équipe réunie auprès de la Perseus Digital Library et du Perseids Project (Tufts University) s'efforce de redonner une nouvelle vie au Recueil Milliet (outil indispensable aux historiens de l'art antique) en le transposant dans un format numérique. En regard des travaux effectués, ce colloque vise à interroger les méthodes de travail qui allient humanités numériques et recherche scientifique, en particulier en histoire de l'art de l'antiquité. Mais aussi à mettre en avant les liens entre sources écrites et découvertes archéologiques les plus récentes.

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  • Madrid

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Sensorium : Sensory Perceptions in Roman Polytheism

    The Institute of Historiography “Julio Caro Baroja”, at the University of Carlos III of Madrid, is organizing an international conference titled, “Sensorium: Sensory Perceptions in the Roman Religion”. Researchers of ancient history, religious history, archeology, anthropology, classical literature, and other related disciplines, are invited to present their research relating to the poly-sensorial practice of religion in the Roman world.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World

    EAGLE 2014 International Conference

    We warmly invite you to the EAGLE 2014 International Conference on Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World. Hosted by EAGLE Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy, École Normale Supérieure and Collège de France, Chaire Religion, institutions et société de la Rome antique, it is the second in a series of international events planned by this European and international consortium. The conference will be held September 29-30 and October 1, 2014, in Paris. Keynote lectures will be delivered by Susan Hazan (The Israel Museum), Tom Elliott (New York University) and Thomas Jaeger (European Commission).

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  • Édimbourg

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Colonial geopolitics and local cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (IIIrd Century B.C. – IIIrd Century A.D.)

    Géopolitique coloniale et cultures locales dans l'Orient hellénistique et romain (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.)

    It seems clear that, in the Greek-speaking regions of the Roman Empire, Hellenistic models (civic, military or institutional) exercised considerable influence over “Italic” colonial projects. Within this field, relations between military colonists and indigenous peoples demand special attention, considering the degree of social, cultural, economic, political and geopolitical transformation brought about by the installation of certain groups upon those lands as a result of the will of the great power(s) that ruled over them. As for the Roman colonization, modern scholars have often described Roman colonies as vectors of Romanization inserted in alien lands, writing that these communities must have functioned as images of a “small Rome.” While the existence of Latin-speaking colonists ruled by a favorable juridical system such as the Ius Italicum cannot be denied, such a reductionist model can no longer be accepted without qualification, especially in the context of the Greek-speaking provinces of the Roman East. The regions of the Eastern Mediterranean world saw the coming of a number of groups of Roman colonists and thus their cultural climate, their agrarian structures and their geopolitical environment changed. The aim of this panel is to explore new research paths based on broader studies in time and space.

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  • Édimbourg

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    The Seventh Century: Continuity or Discontinuity?

    The 2013 Edinburgh University Seventh Century Colloquium

    We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 2013 Edinburgh University Seventh Century Colloquium, 28-29 May 2013. The colloquium is a two-day interdisciplinary conference for postgraduate students and early career researchers. The colloquium brings together scholars from different disciplines studying the seventh century in order to promote discussion and the cross-fertilisation of ideas. We will explore how wider perspectives can be used to formulate new approaches to source material, drawing out fresh perspectives on both the familiar and unfamiliar. Our general theme will be an examination of whether the seventh century can be studied as a unit across regions or whether the period represents a break in the longue durée. What was the level of discontinuity between the "long sixth" and "long eighth" centuries?

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Res Antiquitatis. Journal of Ancient History, volume 3, 2012

    The Centro de História de Além-Mar (CHAM) is accepting proposals of articles for vol. 3 of Res Antiquitatis. Journal of Ancient History (2012). Its scientific field comprises studies focused on Ancient History and, on the other, research into the cultural transmission of traditions concerning Antiquity throughout the ages. Both of these guidelines are privileged by the Editors of this journal. Thus, historiography and the constructed memory of civilizations such as the Mesopotamian, the Egyptian or the Graeco-Roman are themes as relevant for the journal as those regarding specific Ancient History problems.

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  • Besançon

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Atlas historique et archéologique de l'Asie Mineure antique

    La rencontre qui se tiendra à Besançon les 26 et 27 novembre 2010 est ouverte à toutes les personnes souhaitant poursuivre différemment les recherches sur l’Asie Mineure ancienne, dans un esprit collectif et positif. En effet, il s’agira de discuter la mise en place de l’Atlas historique et archéologique de l’Asie Mineure antique et son lancement effectif. Après avoir effectué un point détaillé sur l’actualité scientifique, les discussions porteront sur l’organisation scientifique du projet, sur les futures perspectives de recherche, mais aussi sur tous les partenariats envisageables. Cette rencontre fera ensuite l’objet d’une publication aussi rapidement que possible.

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  • Borgoricco

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Centuriation systems and methods of agrarian organisation from the Roman period to the early Middle Age

    Methodological and interpretative issues

    One of the main characteristics of Roman settlement consists in the implementation of a series of interventions aiming at preparing specific areas for cultivation and making land divisions and distributions. The most important and characteristic feature of these operations is the realization of centuriation systems, that have often radically modified the landscape and agrarian morphology of the countryside. The aim of this conference is to define a methodological protocol of common lines of research on this subject, in order to assign specific roles to the different sources and research tools. The conference will also provide opportunities to deepen a number of themes concerning historical aspects of this phenomenon, particularly that of the continuity or discontinuity of the centuriation systems.

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  • Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Provincials and Empire

    Colloque doctoral à l'Université Yale

    Colloque doctoral de l'Université Yale sous le thème « Provincials and Empire » (25 et 26 avril 2008). Sont à l'étude les attitudes des provinciaux face aux réalités de l'Empire romain : adaptation, acceptation, participation, résistance, révolte.

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