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  • Teramo

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Call for PhD Program in History of Europe from Middle Ages to Present Times

    Bando di Dottorato in Storia dell'Europa dal Medioevo all'Età contemporanea

    Call for a PhD Program in History of Europe from Middle Ages to Present Time at the University of Teramo (Italy). The Scientific Committee will select 4 PhD students for a 3 years grant and other 4 PhD students without grant.

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Memoria scientiae 2015: Feeding animals/Eating animals

    Theories, attitudes and cultural representations of nutrition in ancient and medieval world

    According to ancient biological theories, nutrition is, along with reproduction, one of the functions of the soul shared by men, animals and plants. At the same time, however, eating habits are among the starting points on which differences between humans, animals and plants are culturally built. This means that a transversal biological praxis can be used as an anthropological device, in order to to fix and identify specific boundaries and thresholds, either symbolic or theoretical, between both animality and vegetality on the one hand, and zoosphere and  anthroposphere on the other hand.

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  • Palerme

    Colloque - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Feeding animals/Eating animals. Theories, Attitudes and Cultural Representations of Nutrition in Ancient and Medieval World

    Memoria scientiae 2015

    According to ancient biological theories, nutrition is, along with reproduction, one of the functions of the soul shared by men, animals and plants. At the same time, however, eating habits are among the starting points on which differences between humans, animals and plants are culturally built. This means that a transversal biological praxis can be used as an anthropological device, in order to to fix and identify specific boundaries and thresholds, either symbolic or theoretical, between both animality and vegetality on the one hand, and zoosphere and  anthroposphere on the other hand.

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  • Urbin

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Metamorphosis: the landslide of identity

    Dans le cadre du projet « À partir d'Ovide », l'association culturelle Rodopis organise un colloque titré Metamorfosi: identità in smottamento (Metamorphosis: the Landslide of Identity), qui aura lieu à Urbino (Italie) le 30 novembre et 1 décembre 2017. Le colloque se propose d'analyser dans une perspective multidiscliplinaire (la participation de sociologues, anthropologues, historiens, philosophes, experts de littératures anciennes et modernes est souhaitée) les problèmes posés par les notions d'indentité, alterité, transformation, soit à partir de l'examen de cas d'études, soit à partir d'une perspective epistémologique.

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  • Mestre

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    History is a common good

    4th National Conference of the Italian Association of Public History

    In line with the Italian Public History Manifesto, approved after our association’s meeting in Pisa in June 2018, AIPH intends to contribute to the affirmation of a greater awareness of the value of historical knowledge, an essential resource for understanding the present, planning of the future and exercising full citizenship. The 4th AIPH National Conference of Venice-Mestre will create new opportunities for discussion and reflection between those who work with the past. The conference will examine ways in which history is present in society today, from universities to public places, in schools and learning institutions, in high and in popular culture and, finally, in the daily life of our communities.

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  • Pise

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Du front de carrière à la structure rupestre. Reflet du travail de la pierre

    Ce colloque vise précisément à s’intéresser aux espaces rupestres et aux carrières, envisagés ensemble comme lieux où s'expriment des savoir-faire et un artisanat non mécanisé, spécifiques au traitement des roches. Toutes les périodes peuvent être représentées et une approche diachronique est recherchée.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The legacy of the arts: ideas and representations

    The transmission of knowledge through tradition, orality and Academia

    The second edition of the conference on doctoral studies in art and musicology aims to focus on research on the transmission of knowledge through the arts as a means and source of knowledge in the art world. The images and musical documents that have been preserved from ancient times to the present day - throughout the world - have made it possible to understand aspects of the social, cultural and religious life of many civilizations and also to be the same reflection of these. In this way, Art and Music, as resources, have been one of the key elements to be able to understand a culture since it has been the mechanism through which humans have been able to capture and transmit ideas and knowledge.

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  • Pavie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    By What Authority? The Historical narration as a (de)legitimizing instrument

    By what authority? The historical narration as a (de)legitimizing instrument is a Student Conference for graduate students and Ph.D. students who have worked and work on thesis and research projects in the fields of Archeology, Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History. The Student Conference aims to encourage dialogue between students and doctoral students from different backgrounds within an inspiring and stimulating context in which to discuss their ongoing or concluded research.

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  • Naples

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Good and evil in the Germanic Middle Ages

    1st PhD Conference Associazione Italiana di Filologia Germanica (AIFG)

    The concepts of good and evil are expressed, from a lexical point of view, in different ways in different Germanic languages and at the same time they are declined in different forms depending on linguistic and literary traditions. The theme takes into account texts of different types: religiouos, legal, medical and so on. Starting from these assumptions, we encourage prospective participants to submit proposals which deal with the theme from a literary, philological, linguistic and/or historical perspective. The call is open to PhD students and PhDs in Germanic Philology and Linguistics.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The European space. Geo-economic balances and State powers in the long run

    In the construction of the European space(s) a crucial role has been played by economic actors and relations, which often overpass national borders and intertwin with the nature and roles of political powers and national States. Even well before the last globalization (or re-globalization), traditional government systems were pressed by the internationalization of economies: by centrifugal pushes, the need for external resources, or the emergence of new actors on the international stage in economic, technical, and social fields, that have increasingly influenced both the private and the public life. In more recent times, then, a new institutional framework developed at the supranational, European, level getting new functions and involving actors, such as trade unions, charities, business interests, scientific institutions, and churches, reinforcing the dynamics of cooperation, integration, and convergence beyond national borders.

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  • Crescentino

    Colloque - Europe

    Da San Genuario all'Europa. Monasteri e acqua, monasteri in terre d'Acqua

    From San Genuario to Europe : monasteries and water, monasteries in wetlands

    The conference will examine the central role of water in the life of cenobitic centres, through general overviews across vast areas of the Continent and individual case studies, in a discourse on the longue durée, which, from the most ancient Early Medieval experiences to the development of the monastic Orders, testifies to the many and complex facets of the relationship between monasteries and water still present in the European landscape.

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