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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Encyclopédie de l’histoire de l’église

    Les éditeurs du Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques recherchent des notices pour leur prochain fascicule.

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  • École thématique - Histoire

    Intersectionality: Challenges and Opportunities for European History?

    Summer School in History

    This online summer school explores the potentials and pitfalls of the application of an intersectional lens to the study of early modern and modern European history in a global context, including its colonial aspects. It does so by asking: How can the focus on experiences that have long been marginalized help us to diversify and rethink our understanding of European history?

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  • Sintra

    École thématique - Époque moderne

    Women in Iberian Court Residences

    Space, Power and Leisure (15th–18th centuries)

    This summer school will bring together specialists of royal and court histories to analyse themes encompassing court politics, gender politics, and queenship in the Iberian contexts. It provides a unique experience to learn about, and to discuss the roles and experiences of women within the courtly and palatial settings of both Spain and Portugal.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Other Voices. Resilience, Identities and Politicization of Local Agents and the unfolding of the Modern State (17th-19th Centuries)

    This international conference wants to reflect on the interaction between local agents and the institutional State Building policies between the 17th and the 19th Centuries. The construction of the Modern State, far from being a top-down vertical process, has consisted of a debate, often tense - if not adverse - between the interests of local communities and the State apparatus or raison d'état. In this way, the aim is to achieve a much more complete knowledge of the construction of the Modern State based on the study of the local sphere. The conference presented here is undoubtedly boldly conceived: to bring together marginal orisolated aspects and intertwine them to revisit specific historiographical hypotheses.

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  • Groningue

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Building Peace: Transitional Justice in the Early Modern World

    How to reconcile former enemies in the wake of civil conflict and prevent a return to violence? Transitional justice has become a ubiquitous concept for understanding peacebuilding in the modern world. This conference approaches the early modern period as a particularly productive field for the wider study of peacebuilding and transitional justice. How exactly did post-war societies before the modern age deal with the challenge of peacebuilding? What particular transitional justice strategies did they develop? And how effective were they in achieving peace and reconciliation, either on a local or national level? As such, this conference aims to evaluate how the study of transitional justice can reshape our understanding of the early modern world – not just as a period of incessant conflict, but also a laboratory for peacebuilding efforts.

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  • Genève

    Colloque - Religions

    The Many Faces of Paul

    Pauline Exegesis in Pre-modern Times

    The conference on the Many Faces of Paul is the opening workshop of the research project “Exegesis of Paul in the 16th Century”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Other than the project itself which will mainly focus on Reformation theology, our interest for this conference is to focus on other intellectual traditions, be they late antique, medieval, or early modern, that will help us later to contextualize Protestant perspectives. We are therefore deliberately interested in presentations on a broad spectrum of possible figures and sources, and we welcome contributions on the whole corpus that was historically associated with the Apostle, including the Epistle to the Hebrews and apocryphal material such as the Acta Pauli.

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  • Norwich

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Ideas of Europe and Images of Russia. From the Eighteenth Century to the Present

    XV Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of Idea of Europe

    (Western) European perceptions of and discourses about Russia tell us much more about Europe’s self-perceptions (and delusions) than about Russia itself. And the same holds true for Russian views about Europe. Underlying such a complex identity-formation processes is an often troublesome intellectual dialogue between Europe and Russia, between two closely entwined entities. One of the purposes of this international conference, is to shed light on such a dialogue, discern its main elements, and its untold assumptions and underlying prejudices. The overall aim is to examine how images of Europe and discussions about Russian identity have interacted and influenced each other. Embracing a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, the conference aims to engage intellectual, cultural, social, and art historians as well as literary scholars and political theorists. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Ecological Grief and Mourning in the Literature and the Arts in the Anglophone World (18th – 21st c.)

    This conference proposes to explore the concept of ecological grief and the fast-growing body of theoretical work that is developing around it against the background of the ongoing sixth-mass extinction and biodiversity loss. With this conference, we also wish to think about the longer history of ecological grief from the eighteenth century onwards, including by exploring some of the consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Is nature grievable? How do we grieve for it? What is the role of writers and artists in this individual and collective process? While to some, environmental grief gives way to desolation or an irredeemable sense of melancholy, others view it as a form of resilience or even a spur to action, a source of activism in art.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Conceptualizing Corruption: The “Old Regime” and the New Order in East-Central-South Europe (1750s-1850s)

    During the age of revolutions, West European politicians, scholars, and popular writers often characterized South-East-Central Europe as a corrupt political space. Notables from the region routinely echoed these claims. Those in and outside of South-East-Central Europe mobilized commentaries on “corruption” for their own political, professional, and personal gains. They used the idea of corruption to assert, for instance, that they knew to run more honest and efficient administrations, military regimes, and commercial operations. The conference organizers welcome paper proposals that employ a (de)constructivist and/or sematic approach to study the concept corruption and its relationship to the rise of (West European) modernity. Submissions should focus on Central-South-East Europe from the 1750s to the 1850s. Applicants working on regional micro-histories that situate changing notions of “corruption” in a transnational context are especially encouraged to apply. 


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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    From Lisbon to the World

    53rd annual conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historial Studies - 2024

    Taking into account the geopolitical influence of Lisbon, Portugal, and Iberia over the centuries, this conference will cover the broad theme “From Lisbon to the World” in order to promote the discussion of topics related to concepts of empire, the colonized Iberia, the Iberian colonizer, encountering and being encountered ; mutual negotiations, learning and education, knowledge acquisition and production, networking and trading, revolutions and counter-revolutions, among other possible topics.

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  • Oxford

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Époque moderne

    Vie curiale et correspondance à l’époque de Marie-Antoinette - Bourse d'études doctorales

    L’université d’Oxford, en collaboration avec le Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, propose une bourse d’études doctorales à partir d’octobre 2024 avec pour thématique « Vie curiale et correspondance à l’époque de Marie-Antoinette ». Il s’adresse aux étudiant(e)s des disciplines suivantes : lettres, littérature comparée, histoire, anglais, etc.

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  • Ratisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Pluralizing Hospital Histories

    Charity, Resilience, and Transformation in the Longue Durée

    The interdisciplinary conference examines the socio-economic and cultural conditions for the resilience or vulnerability of historical hospital facilities in urban contexts. By discussing specific case studies, interdisciplinary reflections on lines of development and ruptures in the genesis, practice and reception of pre-modern hospitals will be stimulated. In terms of epoch and space, the selection of papers will be as broad and open as possible. A special temporal focus will be placed on the dynamics of the European-Mediterranean late Middle Ages with their specific framework conditions for the emergence of hospitals.

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  • Prague

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Anatomy of a Suffering Soul: Between Healing and Disciplining

    The Formation of Psychiatry in Europe from the 18th until Early 20th Century (app. 1750–1920)

    The goal of the planned conference is a supra-regional comparison of the conditions and strategies associated with the development of psychiatry as a separate medical discipline and a specific corpus of therapeutic approaches in various European countries and regions. We want to trace this development from the enlightened beginnings of the ‘humanist discourse’ on mental disease in late 18th century until the spread of psychoanalysis but also psychiatric medication in early 20th century. Although we welcome researchers from all over Europe, we would like to focus on the so far less thoroughly researched parts of Central and Eastern Europe.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Géographie

    Changement climatique et interaction homme-environnement dans le Caucase

    Perspectives géo-bio-archéologiques et littéraires

    Dans des moments de crise comme celle que nous vivons aujourd’hui, il est indispensable que les scientifiques de différentes disciplines et pays unissent leurs forces pour enregistrer les données et préparer des solutions pour cet avenir proche. Afin d’estimer toute la chaîne d’événements (probablement catastrophiques) qui pourraient affecter un pays comme la Géorgie – le pays mythique de la Toison d’Or –, il faut considérer tout le cycle de l’eau, depuis la fonte des glaciers jusqu’aux lacs de haute montagne, les bassins fluviaux, leurs deltas et la mer. Les modélisations climatiques, géomorphologiques et écologiques doivent être mises en relation avec les informations transmises au fil du temps par les textes littéraires, afin d’anticiper les changements sociétaux proches. En s’appuyant sur des recherches antérieures des participants, sur la géohistoire et la géo-bio-archéologie de la mer Noire, des basses terres de Colchide, des rivières – y compris du mythique fleuve Phasis, cette rencontre se veut un coup d’envoi pour de futures collaborations internationales et interdisciplinaires.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    La Dramaturgie du visible (1500–1800)

    Scénographie, costumes et mouvement sur la scène de l’Époque moderne

    L’intérêt des chercheur.e.s pour les aspects visuels et matériels du théâtre de l’Époque moderne s’est accru au cours de la dernière décennie. En plus de l’histoire de la scénographie et de la danse, un nombre croissant de publications touchant aux costumes, à l’éclairage et à l’interprétation historique a émergé, comprenant des études plus techniques qui s’intéressent à leur production et à leur ré-activation sur la scène d’aujourd’hui (voir bibliographie ci-dessous). Ce colloque vise à aborder ces questions de façon transdisciplinaire en réunissant chercheur.e.s et intéressé.e.s par les arts du spectacle en Occident (opéra, danse, théâtre) du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle, afin de partager leurs dernières recherches, de comparer les pratiques de différentes périodes, nations et formes théâtrales, de rechercher des convergences et peut-être même de démystifier certaines idées reçues sur ces aspects du théâtre. 

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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Dialectological Intersections

    Dialectology, History and Language Contact in the Americas and elsewhere

    This monographic issue of Forma y Funcion Journal intends, from an interdisciplinary perspective, to complete and complement the dialectological research with inquiries carried out in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in the Americas, a territory that concentrates the largest number of speakers and varieties of Spanish in the world.


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  • Washington

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Époque moderne

    Folger Institute Fellowships

    Long-term, short-term and artistic Fellowships (2024-2025)

    Each year the Folger Institute awards research fellowships to create a high-powered, multidisciplinary community of inquiry. This community of researchers may come from different fields, and their projects may find different kinds of expression. But our researchers share cognate interests in the history and literature, art and performance, philosophy, religion, and politics of the early modern world. The Folger Institute at the Folger Shakespeare Library offers long-term fellowships for scholarly research and short-term fellowships for both scholarly and artistic research. For the 2024-25 year, applicants may request virtual, onsite, or hybrid residencies.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Violence and Conflict in Hegel’s Philosophy

    Special Edition of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Guest-edited by Tomáš Korda, this special issue of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence will be devoted to reappraisals as well as critical perspectives on Hegel’s thoughts on violence and conflict.

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  • Tours

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Forêts en transitions

    Concepts, méthodes, mesures et prospective

    Le colloque traitera d'un sujet éminemment d'actualité : les forêts, ce dans toute leur diversité (plantées ou spontanées ; urbaines ou rurales ; tempérées, tropicales, boréales...). Elles apparaissent en effet en « crise » à l'heure du changement climatique (incendies, dépérissements...) ; la gestion qui en est faite suscite des craintes (on dénonce les coupes dites rases, l'« industralisation » des forêts, symbolisée par les plantations monospécifiques...).

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  • Palerme

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Early Modern Encounters. Religions, Cultures and Societies

    Thirteenth Annual REFORC Conference on Early Modern Christianity

    The international conference aims at problematising religious encounters and the issues of religious diversity in the early modern period with an interdisciplinary and transcultural perspective.

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