HomeSubjectsPeriodsModernTwentieth century1914-1918

HomeSubjectsPeriodsModernTwentieth century1914-1918

  • Call for papers - History

    The Great(er) War of Military Occupations in Europe

    Antecedents, experiences and legacies

    This international conference is dedicated to the occupations of the First World War. Its aim is to understand the different forms taken by the occupations during the First World War and to develop better categories of analysis by looking beyond the traditional geographical and chronological limits towards the Greater War. 

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  • Call for papers - History

    Ireland, the Revolution and the First World War

    Continuities, ruptures and legacies (1913-1919)

    We are pleased to host, at the Centre Culturel Irlandais de Paris, an international conference on Ireland and the First World War as part of the national commemorations for the Centenary of the First World War.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    The European Industrial Heritage of the First World War

    The First World War marked the history of Europe. It has been characterized by an unprecedented effort in industrial production, which today constitutes a common European heritage. The industrial heritage of the First World War, however, seems to be invisible: it is not identified or even defined as such, whereas this war was characterized by the massive use of industrial technology, both in the field of the production of weapons, aircraft and chemicals for military purposes as well as in the civil sector, particularly for agri-food production. It is interesting to note that conversely, the industrial heritage of the Reconstruction could be the subject of work. The organization of a European symposium, the first on this theme, is essential in order to establish an inventory of the material traces that still exist today and to draw the attention of the public authorities to the need to ensure their conservation.

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  • Mons

    Call for papers - History

    In the Heart of the Great War

    The Individual at the Crossroads between the Civilian and Military Worlds

    The symposium theme is merely a guideline, a clue for reflection rather than a well-defined subject. It leads us to question the ways through which individuals – soldiers, civilians at the home front or in occupied territories – integrate and conciliate the military dimension on one side (whether it’s their experience at the front or German presence on the streets of their village) and the civil dimension on the other. In addition to the encounter between the civilian and military “worlds”, constituting two separate spheres, we must reflect upon the individual as being at the crossroads between two dimensions, which jointly construct him or her.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Citizens for Empire?

    French Citizenship and Colonization in the 20th century (until 1946)

    Les dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française sont à la fois bien et mal connues. Des travaux récents ont rappelé que la césure entre citoyens et sujets s’est construite de façon progressive et par ajustements entre les enjeux de pouvoir à l’échelle locale et impériale, les logiques juridiques et les revendications portées par des acteurs mus par des intérêts différents, sinon contradictoires. La multiplication des recherches d’histoire sociale, politique et culturelle de la colonisation permet désormais d’écrire une histoire plurivoque des dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française en se demandant comment tous ces acteurs formulent la question qui sert de titre au colloque « quels citoyens pour l’empire ? » et quelles réponses ils lui apportent, ou comment ils font en sorte d’empêcher qu’elle soit débattue.

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  • Call for papers - Modern

    Writing 1914-1918. National Responses to the Great War

    Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Literature Special Issue

    Numéro spécial de la revue Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Literature portant sur les réponses apportées par le monde littéraire à la crise du langage et des représentations ayant frappé les écrivains à la suite de la Grande Guerre. L'accent sera mis sur les langues française, espagnole et allemande, sur l'influence des différents contextes nationaux sur la forme des écrits littéraires nés de la guerre, ainsi que sur la valorisation de textes peu connus du grand public.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Movements and flows in the Arabian Peninsula, the Red Sea and the Gulf region during World War I

    Special issue of Arabian Humanities n° 6

    On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of WWI, Arabian Humanities is launching an issue on the history of the Arabian Peninsula, the Red Sea and the Gulf during the Great War. Focus on movements and flows in/from/to the Red Sea, the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf is meant to question the marginal position and isolation of the region during the war, to assess spatial and territorial reorganizations affecting movements and exchanges, and to give further attention to the region's global connections. What are the exchanges that can be identified during this period both in the region and in a global context? To what extent did the war impact on such flows in a region where borders and frontiers were still porous, ill-defined and fought over?

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  • English

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  • French



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