HomeSubjectsPeriodsModernTwentieth century1914-1918

HomeSubjectsPeriodsModernTwentieth century1914-1918

  • Florence

    Call for papers - History

    Bourgeois Seas. Revisiting the middle classes of Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities

    Although there has recently been a notable surge of interest in the study of non-European middle classes as well as of Eastern Mediterranean port cities, most historians working on the field of the Eastern Mediterranean rarely treat port cities as sites where classes were formed and contested and where bourgeoisies asserted their class hegemony. This conference aims at bringing these two critical trends together. Following recent historiographical trends proposals are invited on any port city of the Eastern Mediterranean during the long nineteenth century, until about the aftermath of the First World War.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Power, Institutions, and Global Market

    Mechanisms and Foundations of Word-Wide Economic Integration, ca. 1850-1930

    Literature on economic globalisation between 1850 and 1930 focuses primarily on the development of the volume of foreign trade between various nation states. Only rarely was this period examined from the perspective of economic actors below the nation state and by explicitly studying the role of the institutional framework which shaped – and was shaped – by their enterprises. Our conference will address these issues, bringing together scholars from economic and business history, global and world history, and history of law.

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  • Call for papers - History

    La France et la Nouvelle-Zélande pendant la Grande Guerre

    France and New Zealand during the Great War

    Le 4 novembre 1918, les troupes néo-zélandaises libérèrent la ville fortifiée du Quesnoy après une bataille décisive qui fut leur dernière offensive de la Grande Guerre pour les troupes neo-zelandaises. Des liens d’amitié se formèrent par la suite entre les soldats et les civils libérés et, jusqu’à ce jour, de nombreux Néo-Zélandais visitent le Quesnoy, la seule ville française à être jumelée avec une ville en Nouvelle-Zélande. Cette conférence fait partie des commémorations organisées autour du 90e anniversaire de la libération de la villa du Quesnoy. Cette conférence permettra de mieux comprendre quelle était la vie en France pendant l’occupation allemande et quel rôle jouèrent les Néo-Zélandais pendant le conflit.

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  • Call for papers - Modern

    First World War Studies, The Journal Of The International Society Of First World War Studies

    First World War Studies, the journal of the International Society of First World War Studies, is pleased to announce its first call for submissions. The premier issue will appear in March 2010.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Call for papers - Religion

    Liturgy as muse

    Religious institutes as protagonists in renewing liturgy, sacred art and music and church material culture (1903-1962)

    The international forum on the History of Religious Institutes in Europe ( organises its 2012 conference on the role played by religious institutes in the renewal of catholic liturgy, sacred music, sacred art and church material culture during the period 1903-1962. Researches are invited to send in proposals dealing with the following themes: Religious Institutes and national/international networks involved in the renewal of liturgy, art and material culture; Motives, ideas and significance of the religious protagonists in the renewal; Conflicts and public perception of the persons and institutes involved.

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  • Geneva

    Call for papers - History

    Women in Educated Elites of Pre-Socialist and Early Socialist East Central European Societies

    The two and a half day workshop will take place at the European Institute of Geneva University in October 2012. The exact dates will be announced in early July 2012. The official language of the workshop will be English. Interested scholars are asked to submit a paper proposal (not more than 750 words) to the organisers (Victor Karady :; Natalia Tikhonov Sigrist : by 10 June 2012.

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  • Istanbul

    Call for papers - History

    Not All Quiet on the Ottoman Fronts

    Neglected Perspectives on a Global War, 1914-18

    As World War I was the central founding experience of the twentieth century and thus needs to be discussed in relation to various segments of society and on several levels, we believe that its 100th anniversary is the appropriate moment to bring together recent research on the Ottoman theater of the war based on the various traditions of this new military history established in the last 30 years and assess where we stand today in our knowledge of the World War and where we are headed. We therefore invite papers that develop existing approaches and questions to a further level. On this basis these papers will aid us in entering into a comparative, and where possible transnational, perspective of the war.

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  • Call for papers - Modern

    Humor and entertainment in popular culture during the Great War

    Contributors to this volume will study the role of humor and more largely of entertainment in popular culture during the 1914-1918 conflict. This collective work seeks to evaluate some aspects of transnational war culture by examining seemingly light-hearted discourses on the First World War.

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  • Call for papers - Early modern

    Global Modernism(s)

    Approaches to trans-local / trans-cultural / trans-civilizational dimension of Modernist movements

    The trans-cultural and trans-civilizational potential of Modernism lies at the roots of our present globalized condition; on the other hand, internal contradictions of Modernism mark the limitations of our present consciousness. This is the reason why it is important to reinterpret Modernism from a planetary perspective. Our aim in this issue of "Planeta Literatur" is to foster the debate on how to approach Modernism understood not only as a transnational, but also a trans-cultural and a trans-civilizational movement.

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  • Venice

    Call for papers - Modern

    Living war. Thinking peace (1914-1921)

    Women’s experiences, feminist thought and international relations

    The themes of the conference will bring together women’s experiences of war, feminist thought on the war/peace dichotomy, and the actions and behaviours that actualised the female vision of the issues and suffering brought about by the war.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Movements and flows in the Arabian Peninsula, the Red Sea and the Gulf region during World War I

    Special issue of Arabian Humanities n° 6

    On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of WWI, Arabian Humanities is launching an issue on the history of the Arabian Peninsula, the Red Sea and the Gulf during the Great War. Focus on movements and flows in/from/to the Red Sea, the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf is meant to question the marginal position and isolation of the region during the war, to assess spatial and territorial reorganizations affecting movements and exchanges, and to give further attention to the region's global connections. What are the exchanges that can be identified during this period both in the region and in a global context? To what extent did the war impact on such flows in a region where borders and frontiers were still porous, ill-defined and fought over?

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    War Memories

    Commemoration, Re-enactment, Writings of War in the English-speaking World (XVIIIth-XXIst century)

    The wars of the past have not left the same imprint on collective memory. Wars of conquest or liberation have marked the history of the British Empire and its colonies in different ways. American foreign policy seems to be motivated by what is sometimes viewed as an imperialist vision which led the army into the quagmire of Vietnam and more recently into controversial involvement in the Gulf. Whether they end in victory or defeat, or are a source of patriotic pride or collective shame, wars are commemorated in museum exhibitions or through literature and the cinema in which the threads of ideological discourse and the expression of subjective experience are intertwined. In the wake of the 100th anniversary of the Great War, when the links between memory and history are central to historiographical preoccupations, this international conference will encompass the representations of wars in the English-speaking world during the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

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  • Duesseldorf

    Call for papers - Representation

    Museum global?

    Multiple Perspectives on Art, 1904–1950

    Currently, profound societal upheavals require a repositioning of the concept of "Modern Art." As a museum, the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen is responding to the effects of globalization and digitalization by devoting itself to the pressing theme of "globalism" and the challenges associated with it.


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  • Addis Ababa

    Call for papers - History

    The First World War from Tripoli to Mogadishu (1912-1924)

    "How, because of two wild beasts the world was set alight"

    Writing the history of the first World War from an African perspective is the main ambition of this conference. The Global approach challenges the traditional center and periphery model. What we would like to suggest in this conference is the adoption of a combination of different scales of analysis: local, national and transnational. The goal of the conference is to bring together experts, academics, early-career historians and doctoral students from different disciplines to share new scholarly work and to enrich the history of the first World War in Africa and the Middle East.

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  • Call for papers - Modern

    Writing 1914-1918. National Responses to the Great War

    Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Literature Special Issue

    Numéro spécial de la revue Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-first Century Literature portant sur les réponses apportées par le monde littéraire à la crise du langage et des représentations ayant frappé les écrivains à la suite de la Grande Guerre. L'accent sera mis sur les langues française, espagnole et allemande, sur l'influence des différents contextes nationaux sur la forme des écrits littéraires nés de la guerre, ainsi que sur la valorisation de textes peu connus du grand public.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Roman Catholic Modernism and Anti-modernism in the Great War

    On the occasion of the First World War Centenary, the Romolo Murri Foundation of Urbino invites contributions for the third issue of the journal Modernism, dedicated to Roman Catholic Modernism and Anti-modernism in the Great War, that is going to be published at the end of 2017.

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  • Lisbon

    Call for papers - Modern

    Crossing Borders: Intellectuals of the Right and Politics in Europe and Latin America

    Transnational Perspectives

    During the interwar period, authoritarian movements and regimes of the right - both of the "old" authoritarian and of the "new" radical varieties - professed their faith in national values but at the same time saw themselves as national agents of an otherwise international intellectual and political wave. Starting from the mid-1920s, a growing sense of shared goals, commonality of vision, and sense of history-making mission led them to draw on each other for inspiration and support. It soon became clear that these movements and regimes embraced ideas from each other, actively studying each other’s discourses and initiatives in the political field. The conference aims to promote a different understanding of the role of intellectuals of the interwar right who perceived themselves as transnational agents “at the service of an idea”. 

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Citizens for Empire?

    French Citizenship and Colonization in the 20th century (until 1946)

    Les dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française sont à la fois bien et mal connues. Des travaux récents ont rappelé que la césure entre citoyens et sujets s’est construite de façon progressive et par ajustements entre les enjeux de pouvoir à l’échelle locale et impériale, les logiques juridiques et les revendications portées par des acteurs mus par des intérêts différents, sinon contradictoires. La multiplication des recherches d’histoire sociale, politique et culturelle de la colonisation permet désormais d’écrire une histoire plurivoque des dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française en se demandant comment tous ces acteurs formulent la question qui sert de titre au colloque « quels citoyens pour l’empire ? » et quelles réponses ils lui apportent, ou comment ils font en sorte d’empêcher qu’elle soit débattue.

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  • Brno

    Call for papers - Representation

    Orient oder Rom?

    Prehistory, history and reception of a historiographical myth (1880Ð1930)

    Today the question “Orient oder Rom?” is no longer a topical issue in medieval art history, although a persuasive answer has never been formulated. One of the reasons for this oblivion deals with the controversial figure of Josef Strzygowski, who in 1901 published about the question his pivotal volume, nowadays discredited for its racial and proto-nazi judgement.However, the question “Orient oder Rom?” concerns not only with Josef Strzygowski: the prodromes of this critical concepts goes back to the nineteenth century, when the Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires fought to control territories. The conference aims to distance from the sole Strzygowski’s perspective and to comprehend and rewrite the story of a pivotal concept for both art historiography and cultural identity. 

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  • Mons

    Call for papers - History

    In the Heart of the Great War

    The Individual at the Crossroads between the Civilian and Military Worlds

    The symposium theme is merely a guideline, a clue for reflection rather than a well-defined subject. It leads us to question the ways through which individuals – soldiers, civilians at the home front or in occupied territories – integrate and conciliate the military dimension on one side (whether it’s their experience at the front or German presence on the streets of their village) and the civil dimension on the other. In addition to the encounter between the civilian and military “worlds”, constituting two separate spheres, we must reflect upon the individual as being at the crossroads between two dimensions, which jointly construct him or her.

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