HomeSubjectsPeriodsModernTwentieth century1918-1939

HomeSubjectsPeriodsModernTwentieth century1918-1939

  • Warsaw

    Call for papers - History

    Artistic Neighbourhoods between Tension and Cooperation

    The Artistic Space of Central and Eastern Europe in its Interactions with the USSR in the Interwar Period

    In the Interwar period the Soviet administration conceived a new type of cultural diplomacy with the aim of attaining political, diplomatic and propagandist ends. Historians have been mainly interested in cultural experiences and exchanges with Western Europe or/and with the United States, while neighbouring countries are often excluded from studies of these circulations. The workshop, which will take place on June 1, 2021 aims to revisit the artistic and cultural history of the interwar period from the perspective of relations between the USSR and Central and Eastern Europe, through the study of the international career of artists and works of art in the broad sense of the term (painting, sculpture and specifically graphic art productions). The goal of this workshop is to bring together young specialists (doctoral students and early-career researchers) in history of art, cultural and political history and visual studies around this complex, rich and little-studied topic.

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  • Madrid

    Call for papers - Modern

    Image, Cinema & Politics: the Avant-Garde Dilemma in the Interwar Period (1918-1936)

    In this publication we would like to explore the relation between the post-1918 crisis of the liberal system and the use of art and image as political media including its nationalist, gender and class discourses since they reflect the political and economic transformations of the post-war years. Art and cinema allow us to observe processes such as accelerated urbanisation, electrification and the automobile revolution, the incorporation of women into the waged- labour market or class struggles, all of which fed the insecurity and anxiety of industrialised societies which sought shelter in growing protectionism and corporatism.

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  • Rome

    Call for papers - Religion

    The effects of World War I on the christian churches

    11 November 1918 saw the end of the First World War, known at the time as the “Great War” (1914-1918) for its global scale, extreme destructivity and unseen casualty rates. On the one hand, wars evoke heroism and patriotism and bring people and groups to alter their mental boundaries and abilities. On the other hand, wars also elicit hatred, envy and violent behaviour, the settling of hidden accounts, the abandonment of ethical standards, and deep divisions and confrontations between families and societies. Since effects of the first world conflict were enormous and the shock waves were felt for years and generations to come, the question arises about the impact of the Great War on religion and the established churches.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Citizens for Empire?

    French Citizenship and Colonization in the 20th century (until 1946)

    Les dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française sont à la fois bien et mal connues. Des travaux récents ont rappelé que la césure entre citoyens et sujets s’est construite de façon progressive et par ajustements entre les enjeux de pouvoir à l’échelle locale et impériale, les logiques juridiques et les revendications portées par des acteurs mus par des intérêts différents, sinon contradictoires. La multiplication des recherches d’histoire sociale, politique et culturelle de la colonisation permet désormais d’écrire une histoire plurivoque des dimensions impériales de la citoyenneté française en se demandant comment tous ces acteurs formulent la question qui sert de titre au colloque « quels citoyens pour l’empire ? » et quelles réponses ils lui apportent, ou comment ils font en sorte d’empêcher qu’elle soit débattue.

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