

  • Koweït

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    La culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique

    Arabian Humanities n° 14 (Printemps 2020)

    La production en sciences sociales sur la culture pop dans la Péninsule arabique est particulièrement limitée. Si une littérature importante se consacre à l’analyse des cultures orales et de la poésie vernaculaire, rares sont encore les études des nouveaux media dans la Péninsule Arabique, des cassettes audio aux applis en passant par la production télévisée et YouTube. Ce numéro d’Arabian Humanities veut combler ce vide et analyser la culture pop en Arabie Saoudite, au Yémen, en Oman, aux Émirats Arabes Unis, au Qatar, à Bahreïn et au Koweït.

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  • Mayence

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Crime, Justice and Elites

    6th Colloquium on Crime and Criminal Justice in Early Modern and Modern Times

    The colloquium provides an open forum for discussion, debate and the presentation of PhD-, postdocand other research projects related to the history of crime and justice in the early modern and modernperiod. It aims for an interdisciplinary exchange between scholars of a wide range of subjects suchas history, legal history, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, humanities, political science and others. Core issues that will be addressed are various forms of crime and delinquency, law and normativity, criminal prosecution and justice, punishment and social control as well as sources and methodicalapproaches. We also invite contributions of scholars who would like to enter into a dialogue with researchers from the field of crime and criminal justice even though the mentioned topics would onlyconstitute a part of the respective projects. The colloquium focuses on elites in a political, economic, social or cultural context, their role inthe administration of justice and the legal system as well as specific forms of deviance and delinquency of such groups.

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  • Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Detention, exile and deportation in the Portuguese colonial empire (Secs. XIX and XX)

    History and memory

    The II International Colloquium detention, exile and deportation in the Portuguese colonial Empire. Places of history and memory aims to look at these institutions in a multiplicity of approaches and dimensions in the long period between the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth century, continuing the International Colloquium, held in 2016 in Angra do Heroísmo, Azores.

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  • Poitiers

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Colonisations, revolutions, and reinventions in early America and the Atlantic World 1600-1848

    8th biannual conference of the European Early American Studies Association

    This call for papers invites established scholars, post-doctoral students and graduate students to re-examine the fundamental concept of Atlantic history in light of current research on the themes of colonisations, revolutions, and reinventions, from 1600 to 1848. It is also an opportunity to examine the history of transformations in early America and, broadly, the early modern world, by taking fuller account of scholarship on the politics of primitive globalisation. We will focus on the empires that organised European settlements in disrupting and dislocating native peoples, prompting indigenous cultures to re-invent themselves; but we will  also be attentive to the processes that led to the formation of new Euro-American societies in the Americas, often shaped by the enslavement of Africans and other forms of unfree labor. In the North-American colonies, the West Indies, India, Latin America, and Africa, entire peoples and their lands were reinvented by trading companies, individual administrators, theoreticians and executors of empires, as well as by those rare voices, many of who were abolitionists, who developed a critical approach to European expansion abroad.

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  • Bruxelles (Ixelles)

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    PhD in Anthropology of youth and public space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam

    EASt, centre for East Asian Studies, invites applications for 1 PhD in Anthropology of Youth and Public Space in Laos, Thailand or Vietnam - deadline: 27 June 2019. EASt is a research unit within the Maison des sciences humaines of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium.

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  • Fiesole

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Nouvelle forme de partage : réseaux, expertise, information

    Un colloque sur les problèmes actuels de la bibliothéconomie européenne

    The New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information continues conversations begun at the New Directions Symposium held in Frankfurt in 2017. This multi-day forum of panel presentations, a poster session, and interactive breakout sessions on key issues facing Western European collections and public services will encourage both structured and unstructured debate. We will advance our understanding of the challenges and initiate action in three areas: design new models for collaborative collection development and services; explore a growing range of content and format types and what they mean for libraries and researchers, and highlight the evolving role of libraries and librarians in the research process.

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  • Louvain-la-Neuve

    Colloque - Asie

    Current Perspectives on Ibn ʿArabī and “Akbarī” Thought

    The aim of this meeting is to bring together confirmed and emerging specialists in order to gain some perspective on the current academic research on Ibn ʿArabī and “Akbarī” thought and to discuss research directions for the future. It will also bring to light questions arising from the reading and use of Ibn ʿArabī’s ideas today, taking into account the new approaches and better access to the texts provided by recent tools for textual analysis, and evaluating how our present-day situation shapes our understanding of his works, and conversely, what an informed reading can bring to current re-appropriations and (mis)use.

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  • Créteil

    Colloque - Amériques

    Le retour de la « Rust Belt » à l’heure des populismes 

    Ce projet de colloque prévoit d'interroger l'objet géographique « Rust Belt » (ceinture de la rouille) sous différents éclairages thématiques, méthodologiques et disciplinaires. La Rust Belt désigne de manière assez imprécise la région désindustrialisée située autour des Grands Lacs du Nord des États-Unis, recouvrant tout ou partie du Wisconsin, du Michigan, de l’Illinois, de l’Indiana, de l’Ohio, de la Virginie occidentale, de la Pennsylvanie, ainsi que certains comtés du nord-ouest de l’État de New York).

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  • Angers

    Colloque - Europe

    Intégrer le genre à l’histoire de l’aide humanitaire : Europe (XXe-XXIe siècles)

    À l’heure des élections européennes, un colloque international se tient à Angers sur un sujet qui porte sur l’histoire de l’action humanitaire à l’échelle de l’Europe, à partir de la première guerre mondiale jusqu’à aujourd’hui avec l’investissement de l’Union européenne dans l’aide humanitaire. Le colloque pluridisciplinaire, Intégrer le genre à l’histoire de l’aide humanitaire, interroge l’action humanitaire au prisme des questions du genre. Il s’agit de comprendre en quoi le genre a pu avoir un impact sur le travail humanitaire et en quoi l’absence de prise en compte du genre a pu se répercuter sur les actions de terrain.

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  • Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Romero: Memory

    Activating Heritage of International Solidarity

    Romero: Memory. Activating Heritage of International Solidarity ((KU Leuven, 4-10 November 2019) is a one-week multidisciplinary academy for scholars, activists, writers, journalists, etc. centered around the legacy of the Salvadoran archbishop Oscar Romero (1917-1980), his significance for the solidarity movement with El Salvador and Latin America and his impact and imprint on the works, actions and ideas of people, communities and societies in the present as well as in the past.

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  • Bogotá

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Music, Tradition and Creativity in the Digital Era

    New Ethnomusicological Perspectives From the Global South

    This Symposium will explore how digital media and new technologies have affected the ways through which musicians, producers and researchers experiment and engage with "traditional" musical forms, in Colombia and in other parts of the world. The participants are invited to share their research results and methodological experimentations in the field of applied ethnomusicology, music pedagogy, performance, digital audio production or digital humanities about the study of the impact of digital technologies about current musical practices. This Symposium will also include the presence of several local musicians and producers who will conduct workshops on "traditional" Colombian music and music from other countries of the global South.

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  • Dublin

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Europe inside-out

    Europe and Europeanness exposed to plural observers (9th Edition)

    The 9th International Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers’ aims exactly to refresh a broader approach and understanding of Europe by enlarging the platform of regular conferences and workshops for a wider arena of participants and disciplinary backgrounds in order to put on stage a worldwide monadology for such concerns. The conference aims also to enable critical alternatives to the disciplinary orthodoxies by creating a framework for interaction and dissemination of diversity that has to become once more a European trademark.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    African aesthetic

    Artefilosofia Journal

    In the history of Africa are involved events of invasion, rape, enslavement, plundering of natural wealth and robbery of artistic heritage. These actions, practiced for centuries, were sustained by the white belief of “superiority” committed to constructing an ideological discourse, supported by a discourse that scientifically attributed the “innate inferiority” of the Black African. The institutionalization of racism favored and guided the creation of ethnographic museums in the colonizing countries, which reproduced and still reproduce theories based on a supposed exoticism, primitivism and inferiority of the peoples that inhabit Africa.

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  • Dakhla

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Économie

    Prix de la recherche en intelligence économique en Afrique

    Vous avez soutenu une thèse de doctorat ou un mémoire de master ou publié un ouvrage sur l’intelligence économique (veille, protection économique ou lobbying et influence) en Afrique au cours de 2018/2019, le forum vous invite à soumettre votre candidature. Ce prix récompense les étudiants, chercheurs et professionnels qui par leurs travaux et  publications participent au rayonnement de l’intelligence économique en Afrique.

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  • Berlin

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Working on Digital Scholarly Editions and Research Software Development in Berlin

    Full-time position (Digital Humanities) at Centro Humboldt – Center for Digital Cultural Heritage Research

    For the launch of an international digitization and digital edition project, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of sciences and humanities (BBAW) invites applications for the position of a Research Assistant (male/female/divers) in the field of Digital Humanities (Digital Scholarly Editions and Research Software Development).The position is based in Berlin, Germany, but includes regular work assignments and team meetings in Havana. The focus of the project is on cultural and scientific historical sources of the 18th and 19th centuries in the context of Alexander von Humboldt's American journey.

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  • Târgovişte

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Fracture Est-Ouest de la guerre froide : conflits, coopération et commerce

    The aim of this event is to bring together established, senior and junior scholars and researchers from a variety of fields and perspectives (Cold War Studies, International relations, foreign policy, political sciences, history, economics, media studies etc.) to foster discussion on East-West contacts, whether they were characterized by conflict, competition, mistrust, trade, cooperation or compromise.

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  • Londres | Leeds

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Lands of heroism, tyranny and false christianity

    Lithuania and the “margins” of Europe

    The aim of these two sessions is to explore the place of Lithuania within the geopolitical and social sphere of Europe during the later Middle Ages. The first looks to explore the encounters between Lithuania and the other political and religious groups that held stakes within the Baltic arena. The second session will examine the various perceptions Christian Europeans had of Lithuania and place it within a larger reflection on the image of the so-called “margins” of Europe in the Western European discourse.

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Mobilizing Voters in the United States and the United Kingdom: political strategies from parties and grassroots organizations (1867 – 2017)

    Following two different and yet complementary approaches (one from the top down with parties and the other from the bottom up with grassroots organizations), we propose to compare how potential voters have been appealed to, through the use of different strategies and tools of communication”. Whether it be organizations or parties, it will be interesting to analyze how these groups either (re)connect citizens with politics or give birth to social movements which durably occupy the political landscape of the United States and the United Kingdom. Common features may be observed along with distinct approaches particularly adapted to the specificity of each country concerned.

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe

    What do we see, what do we hear in Ken Loach's Kes (1969)?

    The conference on Kes is, to begin with, an opportunity to look at and listen to what is registered in this remarkable film by Ken Loach, made fifty years ago. To the question “What do we see, what do we hear in Kes?”, the answers should not be anachronistic. The intention is to take in, from a variety of angles and approaches, what is shown and made audible here: a community of women, men, children, their lives woven into, both propped up and confined by, the institutional nexus of component places, home, workplace, school, public house, and component times, early morning, Friday night. What animates Ken Loach’s picture of a mining community are the tensions evident in the sights and sounds through which the modest story of Billy Casper is conveyed, a story affording access to the lives of people as they play out, in occasional and sometimes irreversible conflict with other lives.

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  • Appel à contribution - Europe

    Stars and stardom in Eastern European cinema

    A special issue of Studies in Eastern European Cinema

    This special issue of Studies in Eastern European Cinema (SEEC) aims to bring together scholarship on stars and stardom in Eastern Europe as a first effort to present in one publication a range of star studies approaches to Eastern European cinema.

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