

  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Study and conservation of earthen archaeological heritage in ancient Egypt and Sudan

    Nile’s Earth International Conference

    The Nile’s Earth International Conference aims at stimulating an international debate towards better characterisation and long-term management of earthen architecture of the ancient Nile Valley, including potential lessons to be learnt to address some of the current concerns for a more sustainable development.

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  • Trèves

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Catholic Abolitionisms

    The conference Catholic Abolitionisms is dedicated to the central question is whether or not, and to what extent, Catholicism inspired abolitionist ideas and movements in the Atlantic world during the early modern era. We use “abolitionisms” in the plural to include instances that may not be connected because of their chronological or geographical distance and to suggest a comparative dimension.

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  • Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Generic Boundaries in South African Literature: a Revaluation

    “Commonwealth Essays and Studies” journal, 46.1

    This call for papers invites proposals for an issue entitled ‘Generic Boundaries in South African Literature: a Revaluation’ which will aim to examine what is at stake in the distinction between fiction and non-fiction, but also, more generally, in the fluidity of boundaries between genres in South African literature. We invite contributions on South African literary works which show an awareness of the shifting boundaries between fiction and nonfiction (true crime, new journalism…), but also, possibly, between prose and poetry or between realism and fantasy.

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  • Agadir

    Appel à contribution - Pensée

    Memory and Identity in North Africa

    This conference aims to reflect on a rich array of memory-focused topics, including performance rituals, celebrations, festivals, objects, places, literature, artifacts, and specific historical moments using the interdisciplinary methodologies honed in Memory Studies. We seek papers that draw on Memory Studies to reflect on issues related to identity, history, historiography, commemoration, remembrance, and changing conceptions of the self and the collective in North Africa. Thus, we ask how much memory is present in the North African spheres? How have memories of the past in North Africa been promoted and appropriated for the sake of a more flexible public sphere? Who are the memory stakeholders? How do they mobilize memory? What place do minority memories occupy in the grand narratives of different states? Can ‘subaltern’ memories exist and be performed in public?

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  • Rabat

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Photographie, perceptions visuelles et esthétique

    « Sēmēion Med » - Numéro 8 (Février 2023)

    L’image photographique est à la fois une technique et un langage. Ce langage possède sa propre syntaxe, son vocabulaire et ses figures de style. À l’instar du langage parlé, celui de la photographie a bien évolué dans le temps puisque de simple instantané de la réalité (tel l’album familial), il en est devenu le miroir, puis l’expression d’une certaine modernité, volant enfin de ses propres ailes. Loin des influences de la peinture, avec le mouvement pictorialiste, il a développé ses propres codes herméneutiques de saisie et de compréhension du monde. On propose aux contributeurs de réfléchir sur les axes suivants : photographie et réel, photographie et sublimation du réel, spécificité d’une œuvre photographique, photographie et numérique, photographie et l’art contemporain, photographie et modernité.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Le devenir du Congo : collaborer, imaginer, changer

    This new edition of the Congo Research Network (CRN) international and transdisciplinar Congress focuses on the concept of becoming: the becoming of research on/around the Congo (new paths and new links between knowledge andepistemologies, new means of communication (ICTs, new media, videos) and agents - academics,artists, writers, cultural actors, journalists and bloggers, activists and others); the becoming of Congolese culture (new places of creation and exhibition, new ways ofsharing/transmitting knowledge and cultural practices); the becoming of the country and the dynamics of mobility and stability not only in Congo, but also in Africa and the world (anthropological, climatic, epistemic, social, health and economic changes); the becoming of politics, between trauma, memory and resilience.

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  • Lyon 07

    Colloque - Droit

    Transition énergétique : les échelles de gouvernance

    The Scales of Governance of the Energy Transition

    Ce colloque clôture les travaux de recherche et de diffusion de savoir menés dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche (projet TGL) financé par la Commission européenne. L’ambition du colloque est notamment de croiser les regards de la doctrine et des praticiens afin de dresser un panorama complet des acteurs et d’examiner leurs apports normatifs et organiques respectifs, y compris politiques et pratiques. La lecture de ces apports permettra de comprendre les véritables dynamiques qui se dégagent autour de la gouvernance de la transition énergétique et climatique.

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  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Digitizing Performance in Africa

    Politics, Aesthetics, and Historical Continuities in the Circulation of Music

    The aim of this conference is to bring together anthropologists, historians, and ethnomusicologists to discuss the ways that communication devices have continued, reinforced or altered how African people are sharing sounds and images of performance.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Fractured Skies: Civil Aviation and the Global South

    Airplanes and civil aviation have played a central role in the economics, politics, and cultures of the twentieth century. This workshop seeks to bring together new perspectives to explore aviation in relation to the Global South.

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  • Bruxelles

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Early Islamic Agriculture and Water Management: Talking about a “Revolution”

    Second Ḥajar Online Workshop

    In the workshop organized by Hajar, three archaeological case studies which relate to agriculture and/or water management during Early Islam will be presented, followed by responses and a discussion. These will enable another examination of Andrew Watson’s arguments from the 1980s about an “Arab agricultural revolution” or “green revolution” - this time from an archaeological perspective.

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  • Brno

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Moyen Âge

    Book Prize of the Center for Early Medieval Studies (Brno) for the best Book in Medieval Art, 2022

    In the aim to promote excellence and international multilingual research, the Association of Friends of the Center for Early Medieval Studies of the Department of Art History, Masaryk University, Brno (AFCEMS) decided to establish a yearly prize for the Best Book in Medieval Art (all pre-modern world cultures included). The author of the selected book will receive a cash prize of 1000€.

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  • Yaoundé

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    African Governmentality, Territoriality and Statolity in Crisis

    If the reflections on the State have covered quite vast fields, in particular the nature, the legitimacy, the practices, the viability, the credibility of the State in Africa, they do not yet offer the keys to put an end to this creational phenomenon nor stem the entropic dynamics by fissiparity and fission, with at the base, the activation of the principle of the self-determination of peoples to dispose of themselves.

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  • Accra

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    From Archival Pasts Towards Archival Futures

    Epistemologies, Decolonization and (Dis-)Placement

    This workshop explores the entangled archival legacies of colonialism in Africa and Europe and studies the complex ways in which archives connect present-day societies to the past and the future. It wants to discuss ‘the archive’ in dialog between scholars and practitioners from Europe and Africa and to reflect on key questions for historical research in a postcolonial, globalized and digitizing world.

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  • Ifrane

    Appel à contribution - Afrique

    Assurer l’intégration des sciences sociales et de la santé en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient

    La huitième édition de la conférence internationale annuelle organisée par l’école des sciences humaines et sociales de l’université Al Akhawayn à Ifrane, prévue du 27 au 29 mai 2022, a pour but de créer un forum où les chercheurs en sciences sociales peuvent présenter les résultats de leurs études autour du domaine de la santé dans un contexte interdisciplinaire, dans l’espoir de conduire à des propositions concernant le futur du système de santé au Maroc. Pour ce faire, cette conférence est également ouverte aux personnes qui étudient les sciences de la santé en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient afin qu’il y ait des apprentissages et une communication efficace et qui va au-delà des frontières.

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  • Appel à contribution - Économie

    Development and democracy in the era of the health crisis

    As part of our next collective publication, we invite you to submit a proposal related to the theme of this edition “Development and Democracy in the Age of Health Crisis”. The book aims to address different issues, constraints and perspectives of the covid-19 health crisis on development and democracy in a context of hegemony, instability and climate change.

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Études des sciences

    Borders, Migration and Knowledge

    Beyond borders 2022

    Beyond borders provides scholarships for different stages of Ph.D. research. It supports research about borders and boundaries in past and present times and promotes interdisciplinary exchange in the social sciences and humanities.

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  • Biskra

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    The Linguistic Reality in Algeria

    Language, Identity and Ideology

    The First Online National Conference in Sociolinguistics on “The Linguistic Reality in Algeria: Language, Identity and Ideology”, calls for original contributions (abstracts of no more than 250 words) addressing one of the main tracks that fall within the main conference theme and special focus. In this respect, participants are invited to submit abstracts following the academic requirements and standards. The conference encourages the submission of studies / investigations that report theoretical studies, as well as practices related to the main theme.

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  • Pavie

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    By What Authority? The Historical narration as a (de)legitimizing instrument

    By what authority? The historical narration as a (de)legitimizing instrument is a Student Conference for graduate students and Ph.D. students who have worked and work on thesis and research projects in the fields of Archeology, Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History. The Student Conference aims to encourage dialogue between students and doctoral students from different backgrounds within an inspiring and stimulating context in which to discuss their ongoing or concluded research.

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