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  • Kigali

    Chamada de trabalhos - Educação

    Rwanda : génocide et reconstruction des champs du savoir

    Explorer le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda

    Organized in Rwanda by the Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center. The Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center based in Kigali, Rwanda continues their two/three-week US/Rwanda exchange program in order to deepen students’, researchers’, and artists’ knowledge of the Rwandan genocide. In the last years, the program started in 2004 has enabled teachers and students from Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Singapore, Mexico, UK, France, Belgium, Spain, and the USA to develop narratives that engage questions of social justice, conflict resolution, and peace building. The program has involved theater artists, filmmakers, academicians, researches, and students from various disciplines and countries, whose practice engages questions of peace building.

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  • África subsariana

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      • Ruanda
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