

  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    From Lisbon to the World

    53rd annual conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historial Studies - 2024

    Taking into account the geopolitical influence of Lisbon, Portugal, and Iberia over the centuries, this conference will cover the broad theme “From Lisbon to the World” in order to promote the discussion of topics related to concepts of empire, the colonized Iberia, the Iberian colonizer, encountering and being encountered ; mutual negotiations, learning and education, knowledge acquisition and production, networking and trading, revolutions and counter-revolutions, among other possible topics.

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  • Aveiro

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Démographie et mobilités

    L’Association internationale des démographes de langue française a le plaisir de vous inviter à soumettre des communications sur le thème « Démographie et mobilités ». Le XXIIe colloque de l’AIDELF offrira des espaces pour présenter des recherches innovantes, analysant les mobilités (qui peuvent se décliner en mobilités quotidiennes, résidentielles ou en migrations internationales, et qu’elles soient durables ou temporaires), mais aussi l’immobilité des individus, des ménages en les inscrivant, le cas échéant, dans des ensembles plus complexes renvoyant à des réseaux d’acteurs qui participent à celles-ci. Outre la démographie, de nombreuses disciplines ont également la mobilité comme objet d’étude ou comme interaction avec d’autres phénomènes. Aussi, ayant pour objectif de fortifier le dialogue entre la démographie et les autres champs scientifiques qui partagent les mêmes données, outils et approches, mais pas nécessairement les mêmes concepts et questions de recherche, nous invitons des propositions en démographie, mais également en sociologie, anthropologie, géographie, histoire, économie, droit, etc.

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  • Lisbonne

    Colloque - Histoire

    Colonialismes et colonialités : théories et circulations en portugais et français

    “Colonialismos” e “colonialidades” são termos empregues no século XX para fazer referência à dinâmica que fundou o sistema-mundo capitalista a partir das colonizações europeias em todos os continentes, perpetuando na contemporaneidade práticas de subalternidades nascidas daquele contexto. Partindo destes dois termos, o colóquio apropria-se de um vocabulário comum: aquele em que a língua portuguesa e a língua francesa se difundiram pelo mundo. Este encontro apresenta os resultados de pesquisa do projeto Circulações da literatura pós-colonial em francês e em português (CILIPO-FP). O desafio de pensar as circulações entre dois sistemas linguísticos complexos e que implicam contextos e historicidades globais, foi lançado a catorze investigadoras e investigadores em 12 universidades, do Brasil, de Portugal e de França.

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  • Lisbonne

    Journée d'étude - Europe

    Labirintos críticos de Eduardo Lourenço

    Semana de eventos Pessoanos

    No centenário do nascimento de Eduardo Lourenço, um dos mais prolíferos, diversificados e influentes ensaístas portugueses de todos os tempos, este colóquio internacional celebra o autor e a sua obra. Decorrendo no âmbito da Semana de Eventos Pessoanos,  organizada por Jerónimo Pizarro (Cátedra de Estudos Portugueses Fernando Pessoa - Universidade dos Andes) e por Rui Sousa (CLEP-ULisboa), merecerá particular atenção a extensa e constante reflexão de Eduardo Lourenço sobre Fernando Pessoa.

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  • Castelo de Vide

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    A networked urban world: small, medium, and large cities (from the Middle Ages to Contemporary Times)

    The interest of urban historiography on small towns has manifested itself, continuously, but not very intensely, since the 1980s, namely through the study of urban hierarchies, the spatial distribution of towns in a region, or city/city relations. Until now, however, the topic of the relationships established between small, medium and large cities, although not omitted, is far from being able to be considered consolidated as a research topic. Mainly, the place that small towns occupy/occupied in large-scale interconnection phenomena and what are the components, modalities, intensity, and relevance of their (eventual) involvement was little questioned.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Coleções de Arte em Portugal e Brasil nos Séculos XIX e XX - Modus operandi

    O IX Colóquio Internacional Coleções de Arte em Portugal e Brasil nos Séculos XIX e XX promovido pelo ARTIS- Instituto de História da Arte da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa e pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais da Escola de Belas Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, vê esta sua edição associada ao Simpósio História da Arte Hoje, o qual visa assinalar a jubilação do Professor Vítor Serrão (n. 1952). Ambos os eventos científicos procuram refletir sobre o Modus operandi envolvidos no ofício dos historiadores da Arte, tanto no trato do fenómeno artístico, quanto das coleções de arte.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    History of art today - Modus operandi symposium

    Artis - Art history institute of the school of arts and humanities, university of Lisbon, promotes the History of art today – Modus operandi symposium, on the occasion of Professor Vítor Serrão’s retirement (b.1952). To the tribute that is due to one of the most influential Portuguese art historians in recent decades, there is also a tribute to another great name in national art history, professor José-Augusto França (1922-2021), celebrating the centenary of his birth. Exponents of their respective generations, master and disciple, both were decisive in consolidating History of art in Portugal as an autonomous discipline in terms of teaching, research and civic intervention. The moment of homage is also a moment of reflection on the importance of Art history today and its role in society.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Imaginaires du rail. Aiguillages critiques

    Depuis son invention au XIXe siècle et en Europe, le chemin de fer n’a de cesse d’inspirer la fiction, et de nourrir et élargir l’imaginaire littéraire comme cadre mobile, emblème du voyage, invitation à l’aventure ou synonyme de déplacement forcé. Depuis lors, la littérature, et notamment de langue française, s’est emparée de cette invention technique au point d’en faire une puissante source de création qui va bien au-delà du simple décor ou motif. En effet, le rail est devenu un symbole de modernité, de vitesse et de mobilité, et s’est constitué en véritable signe dans l’acception barthésienne du fait de son aptitude sémiotique à faire réseau, à s’agréger à d’autres activités humaines comme le travail, le tourisme, l’évasion, la publicité ou l’aménagement du territoire.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Green Marble 2022

    Encontro Internacional de Estudos do Antropoceno e Ecocrítica

    We invite all researchers and scholars – from the Geosciences and Social sciences, Humanities and Arts, Engineering and Technologies – interested and involved in the study of Anthropocene and Ecocriticism issues to submit proposals in Portuguese or English for participation in this Green Marble 2022 (go to Submissions and key dates). It will be an opportunity to share knowledge and debate issues related to the relationship between human beings and nature and the global impact of human action on our planet, crossing different disciplinary points of view.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    National Liberation, World Revolution: Anti-Colonial Networks and the Origins of Global Communism, 1914-24

    The end of the First World War and the Russian Revolution inaugurated a period of unprecedented global effervescence. Europe has often been regarded as the epicentre of these agitations and the Moscow-centred international communist movement as their protagonist. However, the upheavals of these years galvanised a variety of actors, including anti-colonialists and anarchists, as well as activists linked to the Communist International but who retained significant ideological and political autonomy. This was especially true in the pre-Stalinist period. Unrest spread to the Americas, Africa, and Asia too, where nationalism intersected in complex ways with class conflict. This conference seeks to map this complexity and its long-term significance, with special focus on non-European places and actors. 

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Mapear os Rituais Públicos no Império Português na Época Moderna

    Mapping Public Ritual in the Early Modern Portuguese Empire

    Está aberto o convite à submissão de propostas que comparem rituais e festivais nas diferentes partes do império português, bem como comunicações que identifiquem padrões de trocas culturais com sociedades africanas, ameríndias e asiáticas ou com outros atores imperiais europeus e não-europeus.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Archives, history, and memory from the Age of Revolution until the First World War

    The long nineteenth century witnessed four major historical processes of the utmost significance: the modernisation of the state, nation-state building, the independence of the American colonies from Europe, and the colonisation of the African and Asian continents. The modernising of the state entailed its growth and bearing on the economy and society, the widening of the state’s role, the “bureaucratization” of its administrative apparatus, and protracted democratisation. Along came the reduction or removal of competing powers, namely the church and aristocracy. The state also became a vehicle for the enshrinement of private property, free enterprise and, increasingly, the freedom of association among citizens. In addition, the modernised state would favour and support nation-state building in a number of ways.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    4º Encontro sobre Conservação e Reabilitação de Edifícios

    ENCORE 2020

    Conservar e Reabilitar monumentos, edifícios e espaços são oportunidades únicas para fomentar a sustentabilidade das cidades. Lisboa será, em 2020, a Capital Verde Europeia, constituindo-se o ENCORE 2020 numa ocasião ímpar para relevar os desafios ambientais da transformação das cidades: poupar recursos, reutilizar materiais, melhorar a eficiência energética, repensar as centralidades urbanas, promover a resiliência. Porque a cidade resiliente deve ser a cidade das pessoas, os monumentos, edifícios e espaço urbano, têm que servir aos seus habitantes e ser atrativas para os seus visitantes. Mais do que relatar problemas, visa-se encontrar e debater caminhos e soluções para questões como: O que se deve preservar? Como atualizar sem destruir? É viável conservar e reabilitar?

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  • Evora

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    I Jornadas Ibero Americanas de Jovens Investigadores em Património Industrial

    As I Jornadas Ibero Americanas de Jovens Investigadores em Património Industrial surgem a partir da necessidade de criar um espaço de encontro e de promoção das investigações e metodologias dos trabalhos promovidos por jovens investigadores neste campo de estudo patrimonial. A criação de fóruns, debates e espaços de reflexão, é muito importante para dar visibilidade à investigação, para partilhar conhecimentos e estabelecer redes de colaboração e para sensibilizar os jovens, em particular os jovens investigadores de Património Industrial, para a sua importância na sociedade actual, como novo recurso e oportunidade de trabalho e emprego.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    La mer au XXe siècle

    Globalisation, science, réseaux et patrimoine

    Les organisateurs de cette conférence invitent la communauté scientifique à présenter des travaux de recherche et à débattre sur le rôle de la science, de la technologie et du patrimoine dans le monde maritime dans des contextes de « déglobalisation » / globalisation du XXe siècle. Il s’agira de comprendre la fonction des principaux espaces et des acteurs, et d’analyser les politiques publiques nationales et internationales à différentes échelles (du local à l’international), dans un contexte de guerres, de crises, de croissance économique et de colonisation/décolonisation.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Old Tensions, emerging paradoxes in health

    European Society for Health and Medical Sociology 17th biennial conference

    The positive effect of comprehensive health systems on health outcomes, economic growth and well-being is generally acknowledged, just as of representative policies, scientific-based decisions and trust relationships on social cohesion and respect for political and civil rights in health. Not surprisingly, health policies have become more aligned with the needs of different social groups (e.g. migrants, ethnic minorities, women, LGBT) and of specific medical conditions (e.g. HIV, mental and age-related diseases). Regulators interfere more and more in professional work models and decisions to better control health systems performance and to enhance transparency, but so do empowered citizens in the defence of their rights as patients.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Sensibilités esclaves dans les mondes ibériques (XV-XXe siècle)

    Les récits de vies d'esclaves semblent beaucoup moins courants dans les mondes ibériques que, par exemple, anglo-américains. Ils sont pourtant une source de première importance pour comprendre les subjectivités des esclaves eux-mêmes. D'autres sources (archives de l'Inquisition, actes notariés, actes de manumission, etc.) peuvent parfois permettre de traquer cette voix des sans-voix. Ce colloque, organisé en commun par l'Instituto de ciências sociais (Lisbonne) et la Casa de Velázquez / École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Madrid), voudrait permettre d'avancer dans l'étude de la vision des asservis, dans le cadre ibérique.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Through, from, to Latin America networks, circulations and artistic transits from the 1960s to the present

    The project Through, from, to Latin America: networks, circulations and artistic transits from the 1960s to the present seeks to explore the tensions and interrelations between local inscription and connectivity, habitation and circulation, present enunciation and revisiting the past.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    (Humanités)^n : le potentiel infini des humanités à l’ère du numérique

    Le statut des humanités dans le contexte contemporain, dévalorisées par rapport aux sciences dites « dures », exactes ou appliquées, continue d’engager un débat profond multi- et transdisciplinaire sur leur importance en tant que savoirs et garde-fou contre une déshumanisation de la culture, et particulièrement de la culture scientifique, plus précisément au moment où la critique amorce un tournant éthique et manifeste un souci axiologique.

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The museum reader: what practices should 21st century museums pursue, how and why?

    The international conference The Museum Reader, organised by the Art History Institute of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the National Museum of Contemporary Art – Museu do Chiado, aims to propose thematic lines and noteworthy points to stimulate thought, reflection and debate of new realities, practices and working conditions identified in museums in the 21st century. 

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