

  • Nanterre

    Appel à contribution - Représentations

    Picturing Tomorrow: Future-directed Imagination in American Art

    Comment comprenons-nous le concept d’avenir ? Est-il inévitable et formé par une longue séquence d’événements et occurrences accidentelles interconnectées ? Ou le concevons-nous comme quelque chose déterminé par nos actions et nos décisions présentes ? Est-il une pure potentialité, la promesse d’un monde radicalement différent et tout à la fois inimaginable ? Ou est-il considéré comme à jamais inaccessible, définissant notre expérience du présent comme un état perpétuel du sursis et de l’éphémère ?

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Histoire

    W. E. B. Du Bois, Scholar, Activist and Passeur between America, Europe and Africa

    Foundations, Circulations and Legacies

    Trained in Classical languages (Latin and Greek), Philosophy, Sociology and History, both in the US and Europe, W. E. B. Du Bois’s intellectual inquiry into the nature of Blackness covers a wide range of disciplines, from History to Political Philosophy, from Sociology to Literature and Poetry, from Art Criticism to Musicology. The colloquium will embrace this multiplicity of approaches which characterizes Du Bois’s work and, at the same time, capture the profound unity of his thought which can be found in the analysis of the “concept of race.” Special attention will also be given to the determinant role played by W. E. B. Du Bois in the transatlantic circulation of knowledge and intellectual commerce between the US, Europe and Africa.

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  • Grenoble

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Mobilizing Voters in the United States and the United Kingdom: political strategies from parties and grassroots organizations (1867 – 2017)

    Following two different and yet complementary approaches (one from the top down with parties and the other from the bottom up with grassroots organizations), we propose to compare how potential voters have been appealed to, through the use of different strategies and tools of communication”. Whether it be organizations or parties, it will be interesting to analyze how these groups either (re)connect citizens with politics or give birth to social movements which durably occupy the political landscape of the United States and the United Kingdom. Common features may be observed along with distinct approaches particularly adapted to the specificity of each country concerned.

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  • Créteil

    Colloque - Amériques

    Le retour de la « Rust Belt » à l’heure des populismes 

    Ce projet de colloque prévoit d'interroger l'objet géographique « Rust Belt » (ceinture de la rouille) sous différents éclairages thématiques, méthodologiques et disciplinaires. La Rust Belt désigne de manière assez imprécise la région désindustrialisée située autour des Grands Lacs du Nord des États-Unis, recouvrant tout ou partie du Wisconsin, du Michigan, de l’Illinois, de l’Indiana, de l’Ohio, de la Virginie occidentale, de la Pennsylvanie, ainsi que certains comtés du nord-ouest de l’État de New York).

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Représentations

    Biological Perspectives in 21st century Literature and Performance

    New Scales

    In 2019 and 2020, the Sorbonne Nouvelle “science and literature” group will continue to explore the biological imagination in contemporary arts. We are delighted to invite you to two symposiums on Biological Perspectives in 21st-century Literature and Performance : “New Scales”, on June 7th 2019 “New Images”, on June 12th 2020.

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  • Appel à contribution - Histoire

    The Art Market Dictionary

    De Gruyter's

    De Gruyter and the team of the Art Market Dictionary (AMD) are currently looking for authors interested in contributing to their encyclopedia project. The AMD is the first reference work providing encompassing information on commercial art galleries, dealers, auction houses, fairs and advisers in Europe, the USA and Canada in the 20th and 21st centuries. Due to appear in 2020, it will be published in print and as an online searchable database. It is edited by Johannes Nathan and supported by a number of specialized institutions such as the Getty Research Institute, the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, or the Archives of American Art.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Global Ethics of Compromise

    This international conference in political studies and political philosophy wishes to explore the notion of compromise in its transnational dimension, in order to test the relevance of a cultural and global approach to compromise. The topics addressed by the conference are the following: Can we develop morally right and wrong compromise typologies? Can we propose a universal ethics of compromise or does compromise vary depending on the socio-cultural history of a country? To what extent is culture relevant in shaping types and norms of compromise?

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    Echoes and remanence of 1968 in the arts of the united states

    What is the impact of 1968 on the politics of the arts in the years that followed in the United States ? 

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  • Bourse, prix et emploi - Histoire

    Terra Summer Residency for art historians and artists

    Founded in 2001, the Terra Summer Residency brings together doctoral scholars of American Art and emerging artists worldwide for a nine-week residential program in the historic village of Giverny, France. The program encourages independent work while providing seminars and mentoring by senior scholars and artists to foster reflection and debate.

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  • Washington

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Représentations

    Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize

    SAAM invites submissions for the 2019 Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize. The prize recognizes excellent scholarship by a non-U.S. citizen in the field of historical American art (pre-1980).

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