

  • Lille

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Policies and their publics: discourses, actors and power

    10th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis

    Anti-austerity protests in Southern Europe, the Occupy Movement in North America and Europe, to say nothing about the Vinegar Movement against the costs of hosting the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, are recent examples of spectacular contestations against government programmes which are paradoxically justified as being in the public interest. In a somewhat different vein, the widespread promotion of participatory democracy, at all levels of government, has spurred heated scholarly discussions regarding the 'democracy of the publics' (Manin, 1995). As such, the tenth IPA conference is devoted to studying public policies through their publics. The latter can best be understood as beneficiaries, recipients, and targets of public policies but also as stakeholders or participants in policy-making. In other words, publics are products as well as policy actors insofar as they inform public judgment (Dewey, 1927).

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  • Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    L’information géographique de l’histoire de l’art : pourquoi et comment retracer la circulation des faits et des savoirs

    Artl@s Bulletin 4, 2 (Automne 2015)

    Le tournant spatial des sciences humaines a poussé différentes disciplines à déconstruire la fabrique des faits artistiques : l'étude de la circulation des œuvres et des artistes apparaît maintenant comme un levier fertile pour cerner les logiques, les contraintes et les transgressions de l'histoire géographique de l'art. Ce « retour aux faits » appelle à une réflexion sur les méthodes employées pour identifier, collecter, mettre en cohérence et interpréter l’information géographique des traces laissées par l’activité artistique. Réfléchir sur la traçabilité des savoirs et des faits artistiques, c’est l’objet de ce numéro spécial d’Artl@s Bulletin.

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  • Berne

    Appel à contribution - Épistémologie et méthodes

    Scholarship in Software, Software as Scholarship

    From Genesis to Peer Review

    Computation and software analysis have entered nearly every imaginable field of scholarship in the last decades, in a variety of forms from digital publication of results to computational modelling embedded in experimental work. In each of these digital outputs - be it an interactive publication with mapping of relevant geo-referenced data, or perhaps a statistical program for the categorization of millions of books according to their literary genre - there is some manifestation directly in the computer code of the scholarly thought that underlies the project, of the intellectual argument around which the outcome is based.

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  • Gand

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Analyse de réseaux en histoire

    Dans la foulée de « Future of Historical Network Research (HNR) Conference 2013 », cet événement vise à faire se rencontrer des historiens de toutes périodes, mais aussi des sociologues, géographes, informaticiens, etc. autour des usages de l'analyse de réseaux en histoire, qui ne se réduisent plus à un simple recours métaphorique. Une attention particulière sera portée à la question de la structuration des données.

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  • Lausanne

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Géographie

    Evaluation of a region’s renewable natural capital

    EPFL is offering a high-profile post-doc position

    The purpose of the post-doc research is to test and possibly validate the feasibility and relevance of ecosystem capital accounts (SCEEA-CEC) or, said differently, the contribution of natural capital to productive systems, in a regional context (the Rhone river basin). The approach should cover the following aspects: availability, collection and processing of geographic and monitoring data and statistics, relevance of the assessments in natural and social sciences, relevance of the information tools ability to support the regulatory and economic instruments of environmental governance of institutional and territorial spaces.

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