

  • Turin

    Séminaire - Moyen Âge

    La fortuna dell «Historia Turpini» in Europa: status quaestionis e prospettive di ricerca

    Le workshop international « La fortuna dell’ Historia Turpini in Europa: status quaestionis e prospettive di ricerca », fait partie d’un projet de recherche sur la Chronique du Pseudo-Turpin developpé à l'Université de Turin ; son but est d’offrir aux spécialistes l’occasion de présenter leur recherches et de créer des synergies en vue de projets futurs. Le workshop sera articulé en deux parties : une section consacrée aux communications des relateurs et ouverte à la participation de chercheurs, étudiants, etc., et en une table ronde réservée aux rélateurs et discussants, finalisée à partager les expertises et envisager de nouvelles perspectives de recherche.

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  • Appel à contribution - Religions

    “Aconchiar el mundo y reformar la Yglesia". Charles V and the religion

    "Riforma e Movimenti Religiosi" Journal n°6 (December 2019)

    In the 500th anniversary of the imperial election of Charles V, the journal Riforma e Movimenti Religiosi intends to set up a monographic issue dedicated to one of the events that symbolically mark a rupture in European history, both for the confluence of boundless dominions under the Habsburg crown with its expansion on new seas and new continents and for the onset of the Protestant Reformation. These transformations gave rise to unprecedented links between politics and religion and "long term" consequences in the history of the old continent, destined to survive until today. It was then that myths of the past still alive, such as the authority of the imperial crown and the papal tiara as supreme guardians of the European Christianitas against the expansionism of the Ottoman empire, came to their final decline between bitter mutual conflicts.

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  • Madrid

    Colloque - Histoire

    Correspondances entre femmes, échanges et médiations épistolaires

    Espagne, France, Italie, Portugal, VIIIe-XVe siècle

    Première rencontre de MISSIVA (Lettres de femmes dans l’Europe médiévale, Espagne, France, Italie, Portugal, VIIIe-XVe s.) dans le cadre des programmes pluriannuels de l’École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques, ce colloque international propose une réflexion sur l’intérêt de l’épistolaire pour appréhender l’histoire des femmes. Il est consacré en particulier à la correspondance entre femmes et à l’émergence de ce que l’on pourrait considérer comme de véritables chaînes de médiation, ainsi qu’aux enjeux de ce type de sources. Dans quels contextes les femmes s’écrivent-elles et à quel propos ? Ces documents ont-ils une spécificité formelle et discursive ? Que révèlent les lettres de femmes des liens qu’elles entretiennent avec leurs correspondants ? Que nous apprennent-elles du champ d’action et d’influence de ces femmes ? Telles sont les questions qui seront abordées au cours de la manifestation scientifique.

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  • Gênes

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Storia e psichiatria

    Metodologia, temi, fonti

    A cent’anni dalla fine del Primo conflitto mondiale e a quarant’anni dall’approvazione della cosiddetta Legge Basaglia, si rinnova l’attenzione della storiografia sui processi di alienazione mentale, sulla loro comprensione e sul loro trattamento. A fronte di un crescente interesse, soprattutto da parte della storiografia internazionale, verso questo genere di tematiche, in Italia persiste un atteggiamento di sospetto e diffidenza, in parte dovuto alla ridotta conoscenza delle possibilità offerte da un dialogo tanto affascinante quanto rischioso. Quali sono i rapporti tra storiografia e psichiatria? Quali strumenti deve padroneggiare lo storico per una adeguata problematizzazione dell’argomento? Quale uso fare delle fonti psichiatriche? Quali risultati sono stati raggiunti in questi anni dagli storici italiani che hanno affrontato il tema? Questi sono soltanto alcuni degli interrogativi che il confronto tra le due discipline solleva.

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  • Milan

    Appel à contribution - Langage

    First Biennial International Conference on Eugenio Montale

    First Biennial International Conference on Eugenio Montale

    Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1975, Eugenio Montale (1896-1981) spent thirty-three years of his life in Milan (more than a third of his entire existence), from 1948, when at the age of fifty-two he was taken on by “Corriere della Sera”, until his death in a Milanese hospital at the age of eighty-five. During this protracted residency in Milan, Montale published all his major poetic collections except Ossi di seppia and Le occasioni.

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  • Gênes

    Colloque - Études urbaines

    La città multietnica nel mondo mediterraneo

    Storia, cultura, patrimonio

    This meeting aims to foster a discussion about the continuities and disruptions which have conditioned the multi-ethnic dimension of our cities. We would like to focus on the specificities of places and time in our millennial history that have produced both tangible and intangible cultural heritage (a heritage which today seems strongly under attack). We aim for a historical perspective –  by drawing attention on well-documented case-studies offering comparative insights – without however forgetting to ask ourselves the meaning of our research in the troubled world we live in; without anachronisms, but also without hiding behind the pretext of specialisms, while in front of our eyes the Mediterranean world is more than ever a theatre of death, exclusion, suffering. 

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  • Catane

    Colloque - Sociologie

    Mythanalyse de l'insularité

    Le colloque est centré sur le thème de l’insularité. Il se propose de dresser un état des recherches et des travaux récents, de questionner l'insularité entre mythe et imaginaire et dégager des nouvelles perspectives d'études autour d'une mythanalyse de l'île.

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