

  • Budapest

    École thématique - Europe

    Confronting the Crisis of Expertise: Historical Roots and Current Challenges

    In the post-Covid-19 world, the problems already experienced by democracies with regards to social divisions and diminishing trust in public institutions are exacerbated by a growing epistemic crisis concerning the simultaneous need and contestation of expertise for public policy purposes. The existence of uncertain statistical data, the search for past models in dealing with hidden enemies, the public attempts to translate scientific knowledge and to make sense of decision-making processes, all point to a persistent need for advanced skills for working with governance data and discourses.       Our course enhances participants’ skills in analyzing the incorporation of techno and scientific knowledge into public governance and discourses. The summer school seeks to provide the tools and categories to critically assess systemic responses in times of both contested expertise and scientificization of politics.  

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  • Esch-sur-Alzette

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Women’s narratives and European integration history

    The history of European integration and Europeanisation has developed into a varied field that has moved on from an initial focus on the vision and achievements of the founding fathers. However, even though women played a vital part in the European project launched after the Second World War, their role has yet to be fully explored. Women tended to remain in the background until they began to be more readily accepted as political leaders, particularly following the first European elections by direct universal suffrage in 1979 and the appointment of the first female European Commissioner in 1989. Against this backdrop, “adding a gender perspective to European memory” and history seems essential.

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  • Appel à contribution - Droit

    Political Economy of Human Rights Regulation in Latin American Business Activities

    HOMA Publica Journal

    The special issue aims to gather contributions from various stakeholders in the field of Human Rights and Business, with a particular emphasis on the Political Economy of human rights regulation in Latin American business activities. The interest of this special edition of Homa Publica in examining regulation within the deeper framework of political economy guiding the region in the second decade of the 21st century. This period begins with windows of opportunity for Latin American reformism while immersed in a turbulent international environment and crises that have particularly inhumane effects on our territories (mass exoduses, climate crisis, colonial, racist, and patriarchal inequalities).

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  • Stockholm

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    European Energy Shortages during the Short Coal Age (1860-1960)

    The winter of 2022-2023 in Europe may become the harshest since 1944 due to fuel and electricity scarcity. This is an obvious moment for revisiting historical energy shortages. The proposed workshop will target the period of repeated fuel shortages in Europe from roughly 1860 to 1960 – the century during which coal supplied more than 50 % of all energy in Europe.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Global Internet Governance as a Diplomacy Issue

    The First European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance – Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS 2017)

    “Digital diplomacy” has recently been the subject of significant debates, events and activities at a variety of governance sites. The concept is often used without having been clearly defined and delimited. For some, it is restricted to the use of digital means, especially social networks, by diplomats to practice a kind of “Public Diplomacy 2.0”. In others’ views, it extends to foreign affairs and international relations with regard to all matters related to the digital environment, including internet governance. There is undoubtedly a need to better understand recent transformations of diplomacy in the digital era, their drivers and their nature, whether and how they might change European and transnational power relations and, ultimately, which values they carry and channel on the global scene.

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  • Montréal

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Borders, walls and violence

    Costs and Alternatives to Border Fencing

    More border walls and border fences are being built every year all across the world. Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Morocco, and Tunisia are among the latest to announce yet another border fence. Twenty-five years ago it was believed that the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reconfiguration of international relations would open an age of globalization in which States would become obsolete, ushering in a world without borders. In the wake of 9/11, however, borders came back in light, new borders were created and new border walls erected. In the wake of the Arab Spring, came even more border barriers and walls, symbols that were thought to have disappeared with the collapse of the bipolar international system. Today, they reinforce borderlines the world over, transforming both soft and semi-permeable borders alike into sealed, exclusionary hard borders. Walls are symbols of identity reaffirmation, markers of State sovereignty, instruments of dissociation, locus of a growing violence.

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  • Coimbra

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Debater a Europa Journal

    First International Conference

    This is a journal linked to the Europe Direct Information Centre of Aveiro, to Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Twentieth Century, University of Coimbra - CEIS20, in partnership with the Office of the European Parliament in Portugal and with the Representation of European Commission in Portugal. The first International Conference of the Journal Debating Europe will be dedicated to the study, analysis, debate on the political, economic, diplomatic, social and cultural transformations occurring within the European project.

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  • Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Presque dix ans déjà : le nouveau Canada de Stephen Harper

    Revue Études Canadiennes n°78 (juin 2015)

    This special issue of Etudes Canadiennes/Canadian Studies intends to explore what’s new in Canada, nine years after the coming to power of the Conservatives, four years after Stephen Harper won the election that gave him a majority government, and at a time when Canada is getting ready for the next federal election. While the contributions are expected to focus on the Conservative initiatives to shape this new Canada, they will also be encouraged to compare them with other societal and global factors that may contribute to a changing Canada.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Études du politique

    Les méthodes de synthèses de connaissances

    Les outils de l'Evidence-Based Policy

    Le Réseau des chercheurs en évaluation des politiques publiques de la Société française d’évaluation vous convie à un séminaire de recherche sur les méthodes de synthèses de connaissances, le 10 décembre 2012 à l’Université de Paris Dauphine, Amphithéâtre 11. La promotion des politiques publiques basées sur la preuve par un nombre croissant des gouvernements nationaux et d’organisations internationales soulève les questions de l’identification de connaissances disponibles sur les impacts des interventions publiques, de l’appréciation de leur crédibilité et finalement de leur synthèse pour éclairer la décision publique. A ce jour, deux méthodes reconnues ont émergé. La première emprunte aux outils de la « médecine des preuves » : revue systématique et la méta-analyse. La seconde, appelée synthèse réaliste, est inspirée des méthodologies des sciences sociales. Le séminaire de recherche, organisé avec l’aide de plusieurs partenaires, proposera une présentation et une discussion des méthodes disponibles (voir programme ci-dessous). Merci de noter que les présentations et échanges se feront exclusivement en anglais afin de faciliter le dialogue entre participants de différents pays. Le réseau des chercheurs en évaluation des politiques publiques.

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  • Paris

    Cycle de conférences - Asie

    Cycle de conférence de Rob Jenkins

    Professeur au Hunter College, City University of New York

    Rob Jenkins, professeur de sciences politiques à Hunter College, City University of New York, invité par le CEIAS, donnera quatre conférences en janvier.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Histoire

    Dette, démocratie, citoyenneté. Histoire politique des dettes publiques

    Europe, États-Unis, fin XVIIIe-début XXIe siècle

    Sous forme d'atelier, cette journée d'études explore, en croisant les approches, la dette publique comme lieu du débat et du conflit politiques en Europe et aux États-Unis depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle. En rassemblant des études de cas sur ce nœud entre la politique (notamment dans sa dimension sociale) et l'endettement de l'État, elle propose de réinterroger certaines notions centrales à notre compréhension du fonctionnement politique du monde contemporain, et tout particulièrement la souveraineté, la citoyenneté, la démocratie et la solidarité.

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  • Helsinki

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Liv­ing un­der Em­pires: A View from Be­low

    What have Meso­pot­amian Em­pires ever done for their people? Track­ing the macro in the mi­cro

    In this workshop, we aim to take the view from below and investigate in what way imperial dynamics may have affected the lifeways of people in their territories. The basic questions of this workshop are: How did the empires of the Ancient Near East affect the lives of ordinary people in their realm?  To which extent was rural life and life in smaller towns permeated by imperial agents and policies, hence by imperial dynamics? 

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  • Târgovişte

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Fracture Est-Ouest de la guerre froide : conflits, coopération et commerce

    The aim of this event is to bring together established, senior and junior scholars and researchers from a variety of fields and perspectives (Cold War Studies, International relations, foreign policy, political sciences, history, economics, media studies etc.) to foster discussion on East-West contacts, whether they were characterized by conflict, competition, mistrust, trade, cooperation or compromise.

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  • Leipzig

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Asymmetries of a Region: Decentring Comparative Perspectives on Eastern Europe

    Annual Conference 2020 - Das Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO)

    We invite the submission of papers by established as well as early career researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds that critically engage with Eastern Europe in comparative perspective from the medieval period to the present time.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Social Movements of the Global South

    Methodological and Theoretical Considerations

    ISA47 is launching a new journal "Social Movements and Change". Philipp Altmann, Deniz Günce Demirhisar and Jacob Mwathi Mati are organizing a special edition on "Social Movements of the Global South – Methodological and Theoretical Considerations". Their aim is to "bring together research on social movements worldwide that break with the Eurocentric bias of social movement theory and try to develop both theories and methodologies apt to understand action, discourse or outcomes of social movements in the Global South".

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  • Lisbonne

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Economic Diplomacy in Southern Europe

    Doctrines, Agents, Pathways (19th-20th Centuries)

    An interdisciplinary conference organised by the IHC-FCSH/NOVA (Instituto de História Contemporânea da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), intending to approach the distinct dimensions of Southern Europe's case as peripheral economies and their integration in diplomatic relationships.

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  • Montpellier

    Colloque - Études du politique

    Neoliberalism in the Anglophone World

    This conference aims at presenting a critical overview of issues related to neoliberalism in the Anglophone world. It will be broad in scope by covering British, American and the other English-speaking areas, as well as the fields of civilisation, literature and linguistics, while maintaining a thematic focus on the concept of neoliberalism from international and interdisciplinary perspectives.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Économie

    Richesse et santé d'une nation : le modèle économique américain en phase critique ?

    Les bouleversements consécutifs à la Grande Récession ont renouvelé les termes du débat sur la santé du modèle américain de capitalisme, paradigme économico-politique qui, à la fin du XXe siècle, était encore considéré comme un parangon d'efficience économique dans la majeure partie du monde. Plus de quatre ans après le déclenchement de la crise des subprime, l'économie américaine demeure dans un état critique, et le « modèle » américain, qui a porté atteinte à la santé économique des Américains, réduit la richesse de la nation et plongé l'économie mondiale dans une crise de vaste ampleur, s'en trouve fortement discrédité. Ce colloque se propose d'apporter un nouvel éclairage sur la nature, la vigueur et la viabilité de l'économie des États-Unis et sur le paradigme économico-politique qui lui est associé.

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Époque contemporaine

    Revisiting the Gilded Age: Business and Politics in Late 19th-Century U.S.

    Journée d'études organisée le 29 avril 2011 à la Maison de la recherche de Paris 3, par CREW-OPA (Paris 3) et le CENA (EHESS). Cette journée d'études explorera les liens entre monde des affaires et monde politique aux États-Unis, mais également dans d'autres pays (dans une perspective comparatiste) dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. Cette période a en effet connu un très profond renouvellement historiographique, à tel point que nombre d'historiens remettent en cause le terme de « Gilded Age » (Âge du Toc) souvent associé à ce moment. Malgré tout, ces réinterprétations oublient ce qui était au cœur de l'expression elle-même : la journée d'études explorera donc, à la lumière de nouvelles recherches et de ces développements historiographiques, les nouvelles relations, vues comme problématiques, entre des élus politiques à la tête d'un État fédéral renforcé par la guerre, et des hommes d'affaires dont le poids et la fonction sont transformées par l'industrialisation très rapide du pays.

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  • Troyes

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    L’économie templière en Occident : patrimoines, commerce, finances

    Ce colloque tentera de dresser le bilan des recherches sur l’économie templière : fondements idéologiques et soutiens familiaux qui permirent son enracinement territorial ; géographie des implantations et structuration du temporel ; fonctionnement et diversification des activités des maisons templières ; entreprises de construction et conception des bâtiments économiques ; comparaison des modèles et programmes économiques avec le monachisme cistercien ; rôles et limites des privilèges commerciaux qui leur ont été accordés, notamment dans l’aire des foires de Champagne ; expertise financière et développement des techniques bancaires ; participation à l’essor de la navigation maritime et commande de navires.

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