

  • Santiago du Chili

    Appel à contribution - Amériques

    New approaches to the history of soft power in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

    The study of soft power in the modern period is unequal, with much attention understandably paid to the Cold War when culture offered a surrogate for damaged and blocked political dialogues. But practices that aimed at promoting a nation abroad were not invented after the Second World War, nor were they inexistent before then. Some historians have traced their origins back to the nineteenth century with the formation of nation states (in Europe) and the growth of ministries of foreign affairs.  In addition, the historiography has largely omitted soft power policies produced by and targeting so called “periphery countries”. Therefore, much remains to be written if we are to fully appreciate the history of soft power and its associated key concepts (public and cultural diplomacy, propaganda, publicity, promotion, oeuvres -in the French context, public relations) and the multiplicity of meanings with which these ideas and practices were endowed globally throughout the modern period.


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  • Florianópolis

    Colloque - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Interfaces troubles : normes, classifications et primat du langage en questions

    Séminaire international TansOceanik

    La proposition de cette rencontre et d’essayer de questionner les normes essentialisantes – telle qu’exprimées dans les discriminations raciales -, les classifications – qui excluent certaines couches de la population – et le primat du langage – qui évacue la cognition des expériences sensibles, telle la culture des signes des sourds. Nous proposons de croiser des expériences existentielles à la frontière de trois oppositions classiques : masculin/féminin, humain/non humain, vivant/mort en invitant des spécialistes travaillant sur des terrainsde contextes culturels différents à discuter entre eux et avec des philosophes et des psychanalystes.

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