

  • Aix-en-Provence

    Séminaire - Études du politique

    Les Balkans et la Méditerranée : objets communs / regards croisés

    Le séminaire « Les Balkans et la Méditerranée : objets communs / regards croisés » vise à interroger la position des Balkans dans les études méditerranéennes à partir d’une double question : en quoi les recherches actuelles sur les Balkans peuvent-elles éclairer d’autres situations méditerranéennes ? et en quoi les études méditerranéennes permettent-elles de renouveler le regard porté sur les Balkans ?

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  • Saint-Martin-le-Vieil

    Colloque - Moyen Âge

    Archéologie et décors troglodytiques d'Europe et d'Asie

    Xe colloque international de Saint-Martin-le-Vieil

    La pratique du troglodytisme, continue de la Préhistoire jusqu'à nos jours, est bien visible en France comme dans de nombreux pays. Le caractère interdisciplinaire et transchronologique de la manifestation a pour but de questionner différents aspects de ces contextes archéologiques souvent délaissés au profit de bâti.

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  • Bakou

    Colloque - Époque contemporaine

    Identities on the move: the Caucasus between the local, the regional and the global

    With a focus on Azerbaijan

    Most of the time, the countries of the South Caucasus are being scrutinized from Moscow, Istanbul, and Tehran, the capital cities of the former empires that ruled the region for centuries and struggled for control over these territories. And indeed, be it the Russian, and then the Soviet empires, or the Persian and Ottoman empires, the Caucasus has been, and still is, very much affected by the influence of regional powers in a wide range of areas. As far as identity issues in the Caucasus are concerned, they tend to be studied mainly through post-Soviet lenses due to the influence of the Soviet nationalities policy. Although this inheritance still appears relevant today, the conference aims to put the emphasis on the complex set of processes that shape identities in a broad meaning. 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    From the Caucasus to the Arabian Peninsula: studying domestic spaces in the Neolithic

    Under neolithisation scholars understand multiple processes of social and economic transformation which begin at different times and follow regional trends in the Near and Middle East. It is within the complex relational and spatial framework of the household that these shifts in the structure and activities of Neolithic communities are easiest to apprehend and study. The conference will therefore focus on the domestic sphere in order to highlight and understand the polymorphous nature of what we call neolithisation. Various thematic sessions will be held to shed new light on current data: “Impacts of the shift to a sedentary/semi-sedentary lifestyle”; “Organising the house and the household”; “Private space/public space”; “Acquisition, production, transformation and use”; “Eating-Moving”; “Symbolic manifestations”;“The living and the dead”.

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  • 2015

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  • Proche-Orient

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  • Espace, société et territoire

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    • 2015



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