

  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études des sciences

    Science, Technology and Nationalism in India

    Although the question of nationalism in India has been of interest to many social science scholars, the relationship between science and nationalism has seldom been discussed in an in-depth manner. STS perspectives and debates allow a framework that investigates the pivotal role and position of science and technology in the realization of state policies in India through several technoscientific projects and illustrates how deeply it is enmeshed within the larger political and social goals of national growth and development. Therefore, we would like to investigate the role science and technology play in these imbrications, the challenges they pose, and how these new assemblages reconfigure power relations between the Global North and the Global South within India, between States and markets. 

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  • Toulouse

    Appel à contribution - Asie

    Repenser le savoir, refonder l’université

    XVIIe colloque annuel international de la Société d'activités et de recherches sur les mondes indiens (SARI) 2022

    L’université est un des lieux (parmi d’autres) de formation, de production et de transmission des savoirs. Si le but de la formation est de participer à une transformation sociale, les universités sont un des espaces « sans condition » (selon les mots de Derrida) pour échanger avec ses contemporains. En tant que lieu de brassage de populations, de rencontres et d’hospitalité, l’université peut témoigner de la naissance des luttes de pouvoir en tendant un miroir à la société. Ce colloque s'intéressera aux questions qui détermineront l'avenir de l'enseignement supérieur, en Inde, mais aussi dans le Sud global : comment continuer à « produire » et à partager des savoirs face à la libéralisation sans fin ? Quels choix, quels parcours, quelle(s) recherche(s) proposer dans les offres de formation à l’université au XXIe siècle ? Comment repenser le savoir et refonder l’université en réinventant les missions de transmission et de recherche académiques pour répondre aux enjeux de notre époque et anticiper ceux des prochaines générations ?

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  • Québec

    Cycle de conférences - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Anthropologie des religions : perspectives francophones internationales

    Cette série de six conférences en ligne a pour but de faire connaître des recherches récentes et en cours menées dans une perspective d'anthropologie des religions dans la recherche francophone de plusieurs pays (Canada, France, Suisse, Cameroun) dans des contextes internationaux variés (Inde, Europe, Liban, etc.). 

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    Seeing Politics through Intermediation and Intermediaries

    This seminar proposes to look at politics through the lens of political intermediaries and what they do, i.e. intermediation. Intermediaries can be defined as an assorted group of actors (political brokers, political parties, interest groups, movements) who acts as a hinge between two or more levels, actors or social institutions; while intermediation , as a process, encompasses all the mediations that these actors perform in order to keep the political system intact (Zaremberg, Guarneros-Meza, and Lavalle 2017; Gunther, Puhle, and Montero 2007; Kitschelt 2004; Smith 2007). The question we are interested in relates to the transformations in the roles of these agents and processes of mediation since the neo-liberal transformation has engulfed the processes of public policy formulation, contestation and enactment.

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  • Zurich

    Colloque - Études du politique

    The Pillars of Rule

    The Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia

    Max Weber famously argued that states lay claim to the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence over certain circumscribed territories. However, historical and anthropological research has challenged his ideal-typical vision by showing how the idea of the unitary state is a fiction that can only be produced through the action of interrelated but partly autonomous agents. States, and the various institutions that constitute them, face the strategic task of identifying and domesticating the social networks that are necessary for them to secure control over particular territories and their populations. Local strongmen and notables can in turn use their own local influence in order to gain recognition from higher-level, more powerful, state institutions. In this international conference, scholars from a variety of disciplines will explore the ways in which dynastic power and/or the rule of the state is asserted, negotiated and contested across both the Middle East and South Asia.

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  • Zurich

    Bourse, prix et emploi - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Vacancy PhD position in Social Anthropology at the University of Zürich

    We are looking for a doctoral student to be part of the research project “Visions of the Social: The Transformation of State Planning in Postcolonial India” which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.  The PhD student will examine local implications of financialized forms of social service provision in North India.  We offer employment for four years with a competitive salary as well as a dynamic and innovative research setting in a lively department with a motivated faculty interested in collaboration and academic exchange.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Modes d’autorité et conduites esthétiques de l’Asie du Sud à l’Insulinde

    Séminaire EHESS (CASE/CEIAS)

    L’art, dans ses manifestations matérielles et immatérielles, est souvent associé à des modes d’autorité variés, d’ordre politique, religieux ou autres. De l’Asie du Sud à l’Insulinde, les formes et les conduites esthétiques, qu’elles soient graphiques, plastiques, musicales, chorégraphiques, théâtrales, narratives ou le plus souvent combinées, contribuent à établir différents types de légitimité. Au cours du temps, elles ont fait l’objet de nombreux processus de circulation, valorisation, dévalorisation, interdiction, invention, réinvention, réappropriation, émulation. Quelquefois censurées, elles ont aussi suscité résistances et contrepouvoirs. Le séminaire convoque plusieurs disciplines des sciences sociales pour penser la relation entre le fait esthétique et l’autorité de l’Asie du Sud à l’Insulinde.

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  • Paris

    Colloque - Asie

    Islam and Regional Cultures in Pakistan

    Journée du CEIAS

    With the hope of throwing new light on the transformations of Pakistani society, this one-day conference intends to move the focus away from two dominant discourses on Pakistan : that is, on the one hand, the security discourse of political and media circles that reduces Pakistan to a state on the fringe of failure, trying to cope with radical Islam and terrorism; and, on the other hand, Pakistan’s official nationalism, which rests on a unitary conception of the nation that disregards the cultural and religious diversity of the country, stressing instead Islam and Urdu as national unifiers while relegating regional cultures to folklore. This conference hopes to partly fill this gap by inviting participants to illustrate the complex, lived experience of Islam in Pakistan, the identity component of religious practices that do not fit in the dominant norm, and their inscription in local political and ethnic relations. Papers would ideally use first-hand observation and/or analyses of cultural productions to examine circumscribed case studies.

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  • Paris

    Séminaire - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    L'anthropologie politique et Antonio Gramsci

    Influences, inspirations et interprétations

    Le programme du séminaire 2014 « L'anthropologie politique et Antonio Gramsci : influences, inspirations et interprétations » organisé par Riccardo Ciavolella, IIAC-LAIOS (CNRS/EHESS) et Gianfranco Rebucini, IIAC-LAIOS (CNRS/EHESS).

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  • Paris

    Journée d'étude - Asie

    The Idea of South Asia

    South Asia, another name for the Indian Subcontinent, is a recent concept (only about six decades old), forged outside the region in the wake of the establishment of area studies by American universities. While it may be preferred to Indian subcontinent for its political neutrality, it is nonetheless a contested concept, both externally and internally. Whether in South Asia itself or in international institutions or research centres outside the region, there is no general consensus about the countries the concept encompasses: it primarily refers to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, the Maldives, as per the definition of the SAARC, which has however included Afghanistan lately (2005) among its members. Some would also include Burma (Myanmar) as it was a province of British India till 1937. Internally, the concept is contested on the political level but in a fairly paradoxical way: on the one hand, as a concept closely associated with India, it is in some contexts rejected by its neighbours; on the other hand, neighbouring countries (especially Nepal and Sri Lanka) have been instrumental in making the concept exist through the creation of journals, associations, and websites that mobilise the term.

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