AccueilTypesÉcole thématique

AccueilTypesÉcole thématique

  • Fréjus

    École thématique - Représentations

    Enjeux moraux et sociaux des séries télévisées

    L’école thématique CNRS intitulée « Enjeux moraux et sociaux des séries télévisées » est ouverte sur candidature aux chercheur·es débutant·es ou confirmé·es, doctorant·es, enseignant·es, ingénieur·es, praticien·nes, technicien·nes, quel que soit leur domaine de spécialité, qui travaillent déjà ou souhaitent développer un travail de réflexion ou de création sur les séries TV. 

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  • Anvers

    École thématique - Économie

    Art Markets : An Integrated Perspective 2020

    International Summer School - Antwerp-Brussels July 6-10, 2020

    Inspired by the success of the first Art Markets Summer School held in Lyon in June 2019, a second edition of this unique research, training and networking experience will take place in July 2020 in Belgium. A team of international experts from relevant fields such art history, economics, sociology, finance and digital humanities will engage with participants with an academic or professional interest in the global art market. An exciting program combining lectures, workshops and field trips will familiarize the participants with the nature and structure of the art market system. Attention will be given to the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, the various actors in the art market and the available methodological tools to study this fascinating yet complex phenomenon. This immersive experience will inspire and shape new interdisciplinary thinking about the emergence, history and dynamics of art markets around the world.

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  • Porto

    École thématique - Sociologie

    Not Just Holidays in the Sun

    Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! (KISMIF) Summer School 2020

    The Keep It Simple, Make It Fast! (KISMIF) Conference 2020 will be preceded by a Summer School entitled ‘Not Just Holidays in the Sun’ on 7 July 2020 in Rivoli Municipal Theatre of Porto. The Summer School will offer an opportunity for all interested persons, including those participating in the Conference, to attend workshops directed by specialists in their fields. Our KISMIF Summer School program invites students who are interested in, or currently using, DIY cultures in their research to join us for an exciting and innovative one-day summer school program. The goal of the one-day program will be to encourage discussion and experimentation in the documentation of DIY cultures as much as it will be to encourage a new generation of DIY academics (Punk Ethnographers!) to experiment with digital cinema and performance in their research practices.

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  • Porto

    École thématique - Sociologie

    Mappin' Your Own Underground!

    Keep It Ssimple Make It Fast International Conference – Summer School

    The Summer School "Mappin’ Your Own Underground!" is an event taking place in the context of the Keep It Simple Make It Fast Conference 2016 (17-22 July 2016) on the 22nd of July 2016, in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. The Summer School will grant an opportunity for all students (bachelor students, master students, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers), namely those participating in the Conference, to discuss their research, in an environment suited for knowledge exchange and practical feedback towards successful professional trajectories. This will be achieved through a series of workshops with world-renowned professors and researchers.

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