AccueilTypesÉcole thématique

AccueilTypesÉcole thématique

  • Anvers

    École thématique - Économie

    Art Markets : An Integrated Perspective 2020

    International Summer School - Antwerp-Brussels July 6-10, 2020

    Inspired by the success of the first Art Markets Summer School held in Lyon in June 2019, a second edition of this unique research, training and networking experience will take place in July 2020 in Belgium. A team of international experts from relevant fields such art history, economics, sociology, finance and digital humanities will engage with participants with an academic or professional interest in the global art market. An exciting program combining lectures, workshops and field trips will familiarize the participants with the nature and structure of the art market system. Attention will be given to the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, the various actors in the art market and the available methodological tools to study this fascinating yet complex phenomenon. This immersive experience will inspire and shape new interdisciplinary thinking about the emergence, history and dynamics of art markets around the world.

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  • École thématique - Histoire

    Art Markets : an Integrated Perspective

    Ecole thématique internationale, Lyon, 24-28 juin 2019

    L’école Art Markets : an Integrated Perspective souhaite apporter à la communauté des chercheurs intéressée par l’étude des marchés artistiques une approche théorique interdisciplinaire et des outils méthodologiques en prise avec les méthodes d’analyses les plus actuelles. Une quinzaine de spécialistes internationaux en histoire de l’art, sciences économiques, droit, sociologie, finance, humanités numériques viendront l’animer dans un esprit d’échange et de partage des connaissances.

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  • Paris

    École thématique - Études des sciences

    Research, pedagogic sessions and tools for controversy mapping

    FORCCAST Summer School 2015

    In 2014, we started the FORCCAST summer school with a provocative question: “What is a good controversy?”. We began by lining up case studies selected by participants which were then discussed by  participants in small groups. We would like to continue this exercise by inviting scholars working on controversies to present their case study and situate the notion of “controversies” in relation to more established and used social sciences concepts. It is not unfair to detect a somewhat casual use of “controversies” as an analytical resource. Against this trend, we encourage scholars to present research that falls within this area, and also to refine the coarse nature of the very term “controversy”. Over the years, we will build a repository of case studies that should help all of us to analyze the diversity behind the use of the term “controversies”, to identify some patterns, and hopefully to build a common typology.

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