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  • Washington

    Appel à contribution - Géographie

    Social Geography of Risk: Which Approaches?

    Special session Annual Association of American Geographers Meeting

    In this session we want to focus on the definition of risk, the way this category is constructed, through which relations and which spatialities is forged. Building on real case studies, we are interested in understanding the role of geographers and social scientists when investigating the “societies at risk” and the “vulnerable” groups. Emerging issues in this area of work are related to the need to integrate environmental and social information and the fact that we have to face the implementation of complex investigations including among others: environmental measures, descriptive epidemiology, analytical studies, social surveys and GIS modeling.

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  • Montpellier

    Appel à contribution - Information

    Information scientifique et technique et développement rural : éclairages sur des pratiques innovantes

    The renewed worldwide interest in agriculture and questions dealing with food crises increase the need for quality information for actors in rural development. Bringing their knowledge and know-how, the Scientific and Technical Information Specialists can contribute to providing this information. The congress organized by the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD) and Agropolis International will ensure fruitful exchanges between information specialists and actors of rural development.

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  • Dijon

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Youth transitions at risk? Insecurity, precarity and educational mismatch in the youth labour market

    Seventeenth annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth

    Le réseau européen sur l’insertion des jeunes (Transition in Youth Network) a pour objectif de faire avancer les connaissances théoriques et empiriques sur l’insertion des jeunes en Europe et dans le monde. Le dix-septième Workshop en septembre 2009 sera organisé à l’Université de Bourgogne et plus précisément à l'IREDU (UMR 5225) sur le thème de différents risques auxquels doivent faire face les jeunes sur le marché du travail. Les questions de flexibilité, de précarité et de mauvaises adéquations entre formation et emploi seront centrales, même si d'autres thèmatiques peuvent être proposées. Appel à communications pour le 24 avril (langue de travail du workshop : anglais).

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  • Bucarest

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    R&D Perspectives. Promoting Innovation through Education, Culture and Communication

    Research and development are critical topics in the context of the current economic crisis. From this perspective, one of the challenging purposes is to raise awareness of the importance of R&D as key factors for growth, social and economic stability in the contemporary world. During the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, the major goal in all fields is to underline the strong links between science and society in order to make development, research and innovation indispensable for sustainability and competitiveness. In this context, the International Conference on R&D Perspectives. Promoting Innovation through Education, Culture and Communication seeks to provide an international forum for the presentation of new research results and problems related to these topics. All scholars, researchers, policy makers and advisers with an interest in these explosive fields are invited to exchange ideas and approaches. Their contributions can be in the form of: theoretical presentation adding new insights to the debate in the literature; original empirical research; case studies.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    Trust and markets. Investigating social and cultural dimensions of trust

    American Anthropological Association

    Appel à communications pour l'atelier « Trust and markets. Investigating social and cultural dimensions of trust » organisé par T. Lau et B. Rubbers à l'occasion de la conférence de l'American Anthropological Association. Celle-ci aura lieu à Philadelphie du 2 au 6 décembre 2009. A developed body of literature on trust as an analytical concept exists in sociology, philosophy and economics. By contrast, the anthropological literature is comparatively poor: with few exceptions, anthropologists have neglected the explicit study of trust. Some existing anthropological studies on bazaar economies, markets and trade networks do engage with the topic of trust, but remain relatively unsophisticated in dealing with trust as an analytical concept.

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  • Appel à contribution - Ethnologie, anthropologie

    The Economics of Religion: Anthropological Appraisals

    A volume in the Research in Economic Anthropology series

    Research in Economic Anthropology (REA), published by Emerald Press, is a peer-reviewed book series dedicated to the anthropological – including archaeological – investigation of economy and society. It has been in publication since 1978. Anthropological papers addressing the economics of religion in religious beliefs, behaviour, practices, organisations, or institutional dynamics are being sought for Volume 30 of REA.

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  • Porquerolles

    Appel à contribution - Études du politique

    International Conference on The Empowerment of Civil Society in Urban Policies

    This conference seeks to analyze and to compare the institutionalization of empowerment and its impacts in diverse political, cultural, economic and institutional contexts since the empowerment seems, theoretically, to be a matrix of profound changes within contemporary States. The three-day conference organized by the UNESCO Chair on Urban Politics and Citizenship will address two key issues that are currently at the core of the transformations mentioned above: (i) the political and economical conditions of the institutionalization of empowerment in urban policies for the last 20 years, and (ii) the uses of empowerment on and by social groups within cities.

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  • Appel à contribution - Économie

    Management devices and the quest for performance in the public sector

    International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM)

    For several decades, and with renewed vigour since the late 1980s, public action has been called into question. All public institutions: the State, local governments, health organizations, state-run companies have been the object of two types of criticism. Economic inefficiency was jointly denounced with what was perceived as lack of democracy, transparency, equality, fairness and even security.

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