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  • Nantes

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Representations of Power and Power of the Image in British and American Contemporary Photography

    Représentations du pouvoir et pouvoir de l’image dans la photographie contemporaine américaine et britannique

    From the power of images to images of power, this workshop will explore the representations of power and the power of representation in contemporary American and British photography. What is photography capable of doing? Whether in the form of a public person, the environment of power (emblematic places and explicit or underlying forms) or its symbolism, what is photography capable of revealing about power itself? Political, institutional, economic or social power all depend upon a system of relations or tensions between groups or individuals (accepted, rejected, questioned, expressed visually or internalized) participating in the construction of the identity, myths or memories of the American or British nations. In what manner does photography enhance or contribute to this construction or deconstruction of the notion of identity and nation?

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  • Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Cosmopolitanism and Europe

    A possible convergence ?

    Over the last twenty years, numerous essays (theoretical and empirical) have been published on the sociology of Europe and of cosmopolitanism. In contrast, research on possible ties between the two has been more rare. If cosmopolitan sociology can be considered as an attempt to understand how individuals, social groups and institutions deal with the challenges of ever more transnational social processes, then the European issue can be fully inserted within such an approach. On the two distinct planes of socialisation of individuals and of their governance, Europe represents in miniature a field of observation of the ways in which citizens and institutions are dealing with situations that require conceptual frameworks and analyses of social reality that go beyond the traditional sociology of Nation-States. It might therefore be opportune to attempt to understand such transnational dynamics by examining how internal and external, political and symbolic borders uniting groups (from micro- to macro-scales) become nowadays paradoxically ever more open and ever more closed. In Gerard Delanty’s view, « the cosmopolitanism imagination occurs when and wherever new relations between self, other and world develop in moments of openness ».


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  • Berlin

    Appel à contribution - Époque moderne

    Images of the courtier in Northern European art, 1500-1700

    L’image du courtisan a été fréquemment étudiée par les historiens de l’art italien, notamment autour de la figure de Baldassare Castiglione. Elle a été, en revanche, singulièrement moins traitée en relation avec les pays d’Europe septentrionale – pays germaniques, Flandres, Provinces-Unies, France, Angleterre. À l’occasion de la rencontre de la RSA à Berlin (2015), nous souhaiterions aborder cette question en proposant une comparaison des théories et des pratiques, des rituels sociaux et religieux, des stratégies politiques et institutionnelles ou des mécanismes d’appartenance et de distinction élitaire. Il s’agira de reconstituer l’imaginaire du courtisan, qui suscite l’émulation entre les espaces curiaux traditionnels (France, Flandres), encourage de nouvelles formes de sociabilités (pays germaniques, Angleterre) ou est reformulé par des sociétés dénuées de cours officielles (Sept-Provinces). L’accent sera mis sur l’examen des formes symboliques prises par cet imaginaire dans les arts visuels (allégories, emblèmes, etc.) mais aussi dans l’architecture et le décor, où la notion de convenance est prépondérante.

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  • Vancouver

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    La poésie des troubadours : « Lieux de mémoire »

    In keeping with the 2015 Presidential theme for the 130th MLA Annual Convention (Vancouver, BC; 8-11 January, 2015) the MLA Provençal Discussion group seeks proposals for its session devoted to troubadour poetry and 'lieux de mémoire,' or sites of memory.

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  • Budapest

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Relations sociales entre les religions

    Numéro thématique de Hungarian Historical Review 2014/4

    The social interactions of individuals and groups belonging to different denominations was and is one of the everyday experiences of social manifestations of otherness. Ever since the Middle Ages, Central Europe has been home to various and varying religious and ethnic groups who have lived side by side. The region has been a meeting point for the Latin, Orthodox, Islamic, Christian, and Jewish worlds, and the Reformation made it even more religiously diverse. We encourage the submission of papers that examine the phenomena of religious and cultural diversity in the region from the perspectives of political history and the history of ideas, and we are particularly interested in submissions that address the social, economic, and cultural aspects of religiously and denominationally diverse coexistence.

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  • Boulogne

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    Frontières, limites, échanges dans la création poétique et narrative de Raúl Zurita

    Depuis « Áreas verdes » (1975) jusqu’à nos jours

    Ce colloque international, le premier consacré à l’oeuvre de Raúl Zurita, organisé à l’occasion du 40e anniversaire da la publication d’ Áreas verdes et des 65 ans du poète, se propose d’étudier les frontières, les limites et les échanges dans la création poétique et narrative de Raúl Zurita (tout au long de ces 40 ans de production et à travers ses différentes oeuvres), ces termes et concepts étant polysémiques.

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  • Appel à contribution - Représentations

    The American and British Nations in Contemporary Landscape Photography

    This second workshop in a series devoted to photography and national identity will question the way in which landscape as represented through the specificities of the photographic medium may participate in the construction of contemporary American and British national identities.

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