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  • Trente | Padoue

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Paysages de guerre : images, représentations, expériences

    VIIIe Conférence de l’International Society for First World War Studies (2015)

    Le 8ème colloque international de l’International Society for First World War Studies sera consacré au thème des « Paysages de guerre ». La conférence a pour objectif de mettre en avant les espaces physiques où le conflit s’est déroulé et d’identifier la façon dont ces paysages ont été modifiés, imaginés, vécus, représentés et commémorés. Selon la tradition de l’International Society for First World War Studies, la conférence propose de valoriser des travaux de recherche originaux et novateurs permettant la rencontre entre doctorants, post-doctorants et spécialistes reconnus. La Society a pour objectif de promouvoir le dialogue entre historiennes et historiens utilisant diverses approches méthodologiques et provenant de différents pays.


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  • Édimbourg

    Appel à contribution - Préhistoire et Antiquité

    Colonial geopolitics and local cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (IIIrd Century B.C. – IIIrd Century A.D.)

    Géopolitique coloniale et cultures locales dans l'Orient hellénistique et romain (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.)

    It seems clear that, in the Greek-speaking regions of the Roman Empire, Hellenistic models (civic, military or institutional) exercised considerable influence over “Italic” colonial projects. Within this field, relations between military colonists and indigenous peoples demand special attention, considering the degree of social, cultural, economic, political and geopolitical transformation brought about by the installation of certain groups upon those lands as a result of the will of the great power(s) that ruled over them. As for the Roman colonization, modern scholars have often described Roman colonies as vectors of Romanization inserted in alien lands, writing that these communities must have functioned as images of a “small Rome.” While the existence of Latin-speaking colonists ruled by a favorable juridical system such as the Ius Italicum cannot be denied, such a reductionist model can no longer be accepted without qualification, especially in the context of the Greek-speaking provinces of the Roman East. The regions of the Eastern Mediterranean world saw the coming of a number of groups of Roman colonists and thus their cultural climate, their agrarian structures and their geopolitical environment changed. The aim of this panel is to explore new research paths based on broader studies in time and space.

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