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  • Paris

    Call for papers - Language

    Brevity is the soul of wit

    Angles, French Perspectives on the Anglophone World

    For its inaugural issue, Angles: French Perspectives on the Anglophone World welcomes original proposals inspired by the celebrated aphorism: ‘Brevity is the soul of wit’. Often used to describe a literary and social form (humor or sarcasm) or to illustrate commonplaces, the dictum encapsulates beliefs about the relationship between ‘brevity’ and ‘wit’ which have numerous implications in different disciplines and forms of expression. The aphorism not only suggests that brevity is a gateway to revelatory truths, it also implies that true ‘wit’ exists only in shortened form, paradoxically positing depth of meaning (‘soul’) in brevity of form, and also hinting that humor loses its essence when explicated. Additional contradictions emerge when one recalls the context in which the line appears in Hamlet, when Polonius tires the audience by giving some words of wisdom to his departing son.

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  • Nantes

    Call for papers - Modern

    Representations of Power and Power of the Image in British and American Contemporary Photography

    Représentations du pouvoir et pouvoir de l’image dans la photographie contemporaine américaine et britannique

    From the power of images to images of power, this workshop will explore the representations of power and the power of representation in contemporary American and British photography. What is photography capable of doing? Whether in the form of a public person, the environment of power (emblematic places and explicit or underlying forms) or its symbolism, what is photography capable of revealing about power itself? Political, institutional, economic or social power all depend upon a system of relations or tensions between groups or individuals (accepted, rejected, questioned, expressed visually or internalized) participating in the construction of the identity, myths or memories of the American or British nations. In what manner does photography enhance or contribute to this construction or deconstruction of the notion of identity and nation?

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  • Aix-en-Provence

    Call for papers - Early modern

    Displacement, Transgression and Dissent

    France, Great Britain and the American Colonies (c.1600-1800)

    This young researchers' conference sets out to examine norms and transgessions in 17th- and 18th-century France, Great Britain and early America, in relation to issues such as knowledge and science, religious dissent and political radicalism, the ontological status of man, definitions of reason and forms of unreason, including melancholy and madness, new discourses of body and mind, including those that shaped concepts of sexual behaviour deemed abnormal or contrary to Nature, the emergence of a political sphere, the beginnings of a public sphere...The aim of the conference will be to explore how these and related issues were explored in literary and artistic forms, as for example in poetry, satirical pamphlets, travel writings and utopias, drama and theological or moral controversies.

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  • Villeneuve-d'Ascq

    Call for papers - Modern

    Binds and borders : Russo-american relations since the fall of the Berlin Wall

    Colloque international organisé par le Centre d’études en civilisations, langues et littératures

    Comment peut-on définir les relations entre la Russie et les États-Unis depuis la chute du mur de Berlin ? Quels en sont les principaux enjeux, dans le contexte de la globalisation ? Seront étudiées les relations politiques, la circulation des personnes et des biens entre les deux pays, mais aussi la sphère symbolique comme, par exemple, les formes prises par le modèle américain en Russie. Le présent colloque accordera une attention particulière aux liens indirects, triangulaires : qu’en est-il de la relation américano-russe en Iran, en Ukraine, à Cuba, etc. ?

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  • Agadir Igourrou

    Call for papers - Economics

    Euro-African sustainable development of renewable energies. Financial oxymoron and social and environmental complementarity

    Oscar for Euro-African EnR businesses and Oscar for the Euro-African AGR EnR associative fabric

    Les communications et les contributions de ce Symposium International : « Le développement durable euro-africain des énergies renouvelables : oxymore financier et complémentarité sociale et environnementale » visent à présenter des résultats de recherches empiriques et/ou théoriques. Elles apportent une contribution d’ordre théorique, conceptuel, méthodologique ou épistémologique, compte tenu de l’état actuel des connaissances. Ce symposium international a pour objectif de promouvoir la recherche scientifique action et assurer les actions de transfert de connaissance sur les énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique aux niveaux : national, régional et international, y compris par le biais d’un Think Tank de séminaires et de conférences.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Women without husbands

    Genre & Histoire Journal (gender and history)

    La revue Genre & Histoire consacrera un de ses prochains numéros à la thématique des « Femmes sans mari » à l’époque contemporaine. Ce numéro souhaite privilégier, sans exclusivité toutefois,les jeunes chercheur-e-s (étudiant.e.s en master, doctorant.e.s, post-doctorant.e.s).

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  • Call for papers - Representation

    The American and British Nations in Contemporary Landscape Photography

    This second workshop in a series devoted to photography and national identity will question the way in which landscape as represented through the specificities of the photographic medium may participate in the construction of contemporary American and British national identities.

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