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AccueilTypesAppel à contribution

  • Guelph

    Appel à contribution - Histoire

    Perspectives historiques sur les prisons, les personnes incarcérées et les archives des prisons

    La constitution de la prison comme institution d'incarcération de masse a longtemps attiré l'intérêt des chercheurs. La nature exceptionnellement détaillée de la plupart des archives carcérales explique en partie cet attrait. Des sources similaires sont aisément disponibles dans les sociétés européennes et leurs colonies, ce qui permet de rassembler une grande quantité d'informations personnelles sur les individus incarcérés. L'analyse détaillée de ces données, débute dès les années 1970; elle est le fait autant des criminologues que des spécialistes de l'histoire sociale et économique, des démographes et d'autres chercheurs en sciences sociales. La puissance croissante des logiciels et du matériel informatique ainsi que l’accumulation de très grandes quantités de données sur les prisons, dont une partie est jumelée à d’autres sources, offrent aux chercheurs de larges perspectives, mais constituent aussi un défi. Cet atelier sera l'occasion d'approfondir ces questions portant sur l'exploitation des archives de la justice pénale. Il permettra de réunir des chercheurs de différentes disciplines et différents pays pour confronter leurs sources et leurs méthodes (classement, analyse, etc.) et pour réévaluer les paradigmes de la recherche.

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  • Göttingen

    Appel à contribution - Europe

    Difference, diversity, diffraction: confronting hegemonies and dispossessions

    10th European Feminist Research Conference

    The overall theme of the conference is “Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions”, which refers to a topic central to Gender Studies: the social construction of difference and inequality on the one hand, and the recognition of marginalised experiences and subject positions on the other. In the face of growing right-wing populist movements, anti-feminist and anti-queer backlash, forced migration, austerity and climate change, these concerns take on renewed relevance. The subtitle “Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions” is a call to reflect on, challenge and defy the hierarchies, subjugations and deprivations that are linked to structural differentiations and to find affirmative ways of dealing with difference , diversity and diffraction. The conference is committed to promoting a feminist anti-racist accessible space for all genders.

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  • Paris

    Appel à contribution - Éducation

    Pioneering Women and Men in European Adult Education (19th and early 20th Centuries)

    The intention of this European seminar is to develop a framework for the future biographical research and documentation of significant figures in adult education.

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  • Barcelone

    Appel à contribution - Moyen Âge

    Medieval Women and the Arts

    Literacy, Education, and Visual Culture

    This event is conceived as a place of discussion and exchange for scholars, researchers, and postgraduate students who consecrate their work to the field of social, cultural, and intellectual history of women.


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  • Preston

    Appel à contribution - Sociologie

    Women’s spring: feminism, nationalism and civil disobedience

    The aim of this conference is to explore the ways in which female activists and artists responded the resurgence of the far-right nationalism and the twin evil of religious fundamentalism. We want to take a closer look at grassroots emancipatory movements, women-led voluntary associations, as well as cultural texts by women – performances, installations, artworks, films and novels – in which authors take a stance against religious bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, racism and misogyny. But we also invite contributions that focus on women’s endorsement of and participation in ultra-conservative national and orthodox religious campaigns.

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  • Porto

    Appel à contribution - Époque contemporaine

    “Keep It Simple, Make It Fast!” Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures

    KISMIF conference 2018

    We are pleased to announce the fourth “Keep It Simple, Make It Fast!” (KISMIF) Conference which will take place in Porto, Portugal, between 3 July and 7 July 2018. This initiative follows the great success of the three past editions and brings together an international community of researchers focusing on underground music scenes and do-it-yourself culture. The 4th edition of KISMIF will focus on “Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures”, directing its attention on gender issues relating to underground scenes and do it yourself (DIY) cultures, and their manifestation at local, translocal and virtual levels.

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  • Appel à contribution

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  • Anglais

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  • 2018

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  • Histoire des femmes

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  • Esprit et Langage

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